Change of staff, Releases and some other explanations

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by SAiNT, Oct 3, 2015.

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  1. Revirau

    Revirau Kapellmeister

    Feb 7, 2014
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    I went out three days. Last night I spent some time to read this topic. Made a few cliks (well, no a few). Don't want to debate here, I think it's pointless. These lines are only to say (maybe nobody cares about it but is my right to do it) that Superliquid and Temple23 both express my thoughts.
    Thank you, guys.
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  2. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Sorry if this have been asked/resolved before.

    What's ArticStorm POV about this issue? I mean, if he wants to give one.
  3. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
    Don`t you ever get tired of yourself?

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  4. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I started reading your post, and at first, after a few paragraphs gave up on it, having concluded it was little more than name calling bolstered by window dressing that tries to pass itself off as facts and information. In my opinion, you wanted to reach a particular conclusion, and then cherry-picked ideas (not facts) in support. Even worse, you clearly have either chosen to ignore underlying facts necessary to reasonably evaluate what we've been discussing, or in the alternative, you're just plain unaware of those facts.

    You begin by a discussion that humorously mentions "brandishing a sword" related to the work you claim to do. You'll have to excuse me, I don't know very much about "Neuromuscular Re-education". It sounds very, very official, but my first thought was that its a glorified masseuse that talks to people about their emotions while rubbing their gluteal muscles.

    Regardless, evidently you're not a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or a psychotherapist, and because of that I would have to conclude your opinion is of no greater value than any other person here weighing in about their observations related to Catalyst's behavior and/or emotional state, even if it seems you want to convince people your opinion has some mysteriously greater weight than all the rest.

    You then proceed to call me out for evaluating Catalyst, and in particular you seem to take offense to 2 words I used; first, "sick", and then "confused". Are you serious with that?

    I know a heck of a lot of people that use the word "sick" every day of the week, may it be a woman who felt her boyfriend was acting like a sick you-know-what, or a friend that thinks their boss is some sick mofo, and on......I don't know of anyone that would attempt to convince others that a layperson using that word is somehow trying to to pass themselves off as a medical professional. It's just an opinion and a form of popular expression. In my opinion Cat's huge ego, his manipulative behavior, his paranoia, his lying, all things that SAiNT also discussed in the original post here, all struck me as the actions of someone that's sick. I'm entitled, just as you and anyone else here is entitled to feel differently. It appears many people both here and on AudioZ have many different thoughts about his behavior -- each of them as valid as the next, even if you personally disagree and want to con people into thinking your opinion is more valuable than their own.

    As for your calling out "confused", I'm honestly convinced you're joking altogether. Although Cav Emp may have his panties all in a wad over my using that word and quoting him, most people don't consider that word too impolite or insulting. "Confused" may be thought of as a mildly critical characterization of someone, but hardly reaches the level you try to apply to it. Nor does it even remotely rise to the level of some of things that were said to me that preceded it --- and that's where you seem either very misinformed, or else you're just ignoring certain facts so that you are able to reach particular conclusions -- I'm not sure yet which of those two best fit your approach to this, I hope we'll figure it out, and want to give you the benefit of the doubt.

    As for your bit of mind-reading that somehow tells you I think there's some conspiracy against me -- you're just plain in fantasy land with that -- please don't try and be a mind reader, I don't think that's your work specialty, unless you consider yourself both a masseuse as well as Harry Houdini. Go over to AudioZ and read the thread regarding Catalyst -- an awful lot of people were disturbed with his behavior -- it speaks of the man, not some jokey conspiracy theory you want to propose out of thin air. Do you really think those people that express criticism here and at AudioZ, each and every one of them, feel some conspiracy is going on? Gimme a break, that's just silliness you're trying to pass off as a professional opinion that you don't even really possess.

    You then proceed to quote a comment from earlier in this thread that I admit was harsh and strident. However, you make no effort to determine what the real beef was. Let me see if I can clue you in.

    Over on AudioZ there was a thread that was started for a release called "Little Snitch". I received a PM from someone in an elevated position here that wanted me to drop by the thread, since the conversation had shifted from a discussion of the software to a discussion about Catalyst. The person that contacted me knew Catalyst and I had a difficult history, and hoped I would weigh in.

    Once I got there, it became clear the posts on that thread consisted of what was generally thought to be a "clique" of members that seemed to have strongly associated themselves with Catalyst -- all of them arguing with SAiNT. This was all going on roughly 2 days before Catalyst was removed from his position here.

    As the conversation on that thread progressed Cav Emp showed up. At first he was very polite and reasonable. Cav Emp and I didn't agree on very much, but I doubt even Cav Emp would try to tell you (and nor would I) that there was any particular incivility involved. In fact, I even wrote a post commending him for being decent about it all, even if we disagreed on substantive issues. Several people from Cat's crowd on that thread had been brutally unreasonable and nasty, particularly one named "hardlock", and so it was nice to see someone that seemed to try to make an effort at being reasonable.

    But then thing's changed.

    Hardlock got more and more out of hand. At one point, he even dragged my mother into his insults. Now, hardlock certainly had no way of knowing, but my mother passed away just a few weeks ago. Hopefully, someone like yourself that claims to be very attuned to others' emotions would understand how that level of nastiness would sting just about anyone. Once the conversation goes in that sort of direction, let's face it, there's usually no turning back.

    Much to my disappointment I saw that our friend Cav Emp was up-voting all these insults by hardlock!! It's kind of funny (and sad) when you consider the post above on this thread where Cav Emp complains about people here that up-voted some of my posts (and/or down-voted his), when he was willing to up-vote the most insulting posts of all over on that thread!!! Pretty hypocritical when you think about it.

    This ended with a post by Cav Emp where he said:

    "I just think you've been kind of a prick to a lot of people."

    Now I don't know about you, but I don't think I've ever met anyone who wouldn't tell you that calling someone a "prick", is infinitely more insulting than calling them "confused". In fact, the two aren't even in the same league. Yet, somehow that's the position you've more or less presented here to everyone by not showing these facts that came before the information you've cherry picked for your post. Maybe you were aware of this already, maybe not, but to be fair these things need to be made clear to those that take the trouble to read these posts.

    When I next saw Cav Emp here on AudioSex, I then made the harsh statement to him that you attribute to me. His up votes of hardlock's nastiness was surely insulting, and so was his reference to being a "prick". After a thread with much nastiness where I attempted to defend SAiNT and his sites --- nastiness and a battle that went to such a degree that SAiNT himself compared it to something out of the movie "300" --- I was up for no more of Mr. Cav Emp.

    Now, I hope you appreciate that this is a very different story from what you've presented in your post. And by the way, if you feel I'm not being truthful about what went on over at that Little Snitch thread, please feel free to go over there and take a look for yourself.

    Finally, I want to make note of yet another bit of distortion you've presented. Cav Emp apparently did indeed apologize to SAiNT -- this of course after Catalyst was already fired. But a reasonable person would recognize there's a big difference between apologizing to SAiNT and apologizing to the person you've offended. In fact, most people I know would tell you that's no apology at all, its just a bit of "ass-kissing". Had Cav Emp contacted me and said he was sorry about what happened, I would have responded reasonably. He didn't, and we are where we are.

    I hope this better explains what actually went on. As for your mention of how a "heated" thread like this might turn off newcomers, it's not a terrible point but for the fact that this is specifically a thread about the past, not about new people and the future. It's difficult to even see why a newcomer would even be exploring this thread, since its about a history they could not possibly be familiar with. Further, it's predictable that this thread would be a "roughhouse" given the strong opinions related to what's gone on recently with Catalyst. All that said, if there was a newcomer who became disillusioned due to a variety of posts on this thread, I apologize for my part in that.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
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  5. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Doesn't Catalyst ever get tired of sending the Cata-Clique out to harass those that didn't care for him? Have your fun, it won't change a thing, and I don't really care. I'm like the energizer bunny when it comes to responding to this stuff -- I just keep going, I just keep laughing, and keep savoring the fact that I get to respond to small-minded people like you instead of having to listen to Catalyst's bullying. :rofl:Besides, my responding to the "Cata-Clique" seems to be more than Cat is able to come here and do for himself at the moment :wink: And I'm okay with that.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
  6. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I want to sincerely thank you for your post, and supportive words. What I'm seeing now is exactly the same as what was experienced over at the "Little Snitch" thread on AudioZ -- the "Cata-Clique" comes out in full force, insulting and attacking away, thinking they're accomplishing something. This of course is Catalyst and his special friends at their most pathetic -- he's sending the message that if he can't be here, Rico88 can't be here either.

    What can I say?? I hope he gets some help. In the meanwhile these guys will make out no better here than they did over on AudioZ when they pulled the same nonsense.

    Once more, thank you!
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
  7. Snill

    Snill Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2015
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    I don't exactly know what is really going on here I'm almost new here but I hope no one kick me out of here :mates:
  8. [​IMG]

    Not today, Mr Weasley.
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  9. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.

    TIME will cure it - my friends or not - time will give answers...
    …everything passes…
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  10. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    I think Audioz and Audiosex is getting a better place now when these few vocal people cant go on being rude to people without being addressed and singled out for it. When they are called out being rude they either get really angry and vocal about it making complete fools out of themselves. Or they become quiet or even actually apologize for their behaviour which is awesome and noble of them.

    When these few people now no longer are allowed to go on as they used to with their rudeness and aura of superiority towards other members the air will be easier to breath for everyone. And I feel this is already happening thanks to Saint putting his foot down and personally pointing out to some of them that insulting other members actually is a violation against the rules.

    I also think it is important to say that when someone is pointing out that we should respect each other, that this is not bickering or being bitchy as some now try to make it seem. It is necessary to clean this mess and behaviour up to make every single member feel welcome and be able to speak their mind without being silenced by a rude mob as has been going on for a long time.

    The good news is that I already feel Audioz and Audiosex is rapidly is moving in a direction where respect is the natural state of mind around here. If someone feels that what I am saying is wrong, please speak out and I'll show you clear examples of these peoples behaviour, but lets hope that we can turn the page over to a future where these people have stopped being repeatadly rude against other members. At least they should not get away with it without people stepping up and asking them to stop, or even worse let them be eagerly applauded by others with the same kind of superiority and mob-like behaviour.

    Finally, Rico, I do very well understand your feeling of being bashed around by these people, and also the need for defending oneself when one is being attacked. But lets try not use behaviour similar to that which we criticize. Lets not answer these people with namecalling or even harsh words. Lets just kindly and politely ask them to stop acting superior and otherwise rude to other members. I think that is the way forward. That said, I also firmly believe that you, me and others should have the full right to defend ourselves against these people. At length if neccessary. And without any fear of being shut up or silenced and robbed of all decency as they were used to be able to do.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
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  11. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    How do you think the peeps who cat bullied and belittled felt ?
  12. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Saying so many times "these people" is actually act of superiority in tone of how whole thing is written, which is quite an paradox, because you actually do what you criticize, that's similar behavior, there's two sides of coin, so let's drop "they" and "us" and over-analyzing because it becomes quite ironic/paradoxical fast and doesn't present you in any better light. :no:
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  13. Hoggsfeller1

    Hoggsfeller1 Ultrasonic

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Planet Earth
    Faro hit the nail on the head. One word... RESPECT.
    If you don't show it you rarely will recieve it in return.
    like Mama says; " If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
    nuff said.
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  14. The Dude

    The Dude Audiosexual

    Aug 13, 2012
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    I thank you Mr Rico888, to take the time to comment on my post.
    I hope I've considered your post just as much you did with mine.

    Something caught my attention, which I cannot find in any other post. You've used many times.
    It's the word belittle.

    It's no secret that English is not my first language. So I've searched for it's meaning on the web:

    "To belittle means to put down, or to make another person feel as though they aren't important. Saying mean things about another person literally makes them feel "little."

    To belittle someone is a cruel way of making someone else seem less important than yourself. A candidate for office might belittle his opponent by pointing out during a press conference that his fellow candidate has an inferior intellect. Belittling doesn't have to come in the form of verbal abuse. A manager who forces his administrative assistant to scrub his office floor with a toothbrush belittles her as well."

    What a terrible thing to do. To belittle somebody.
    It's not a justifiable thing to do, even if somebody is "right" about a subject.
    If I have offended you, I have no problems to say I'm sorry.

    But, is this not what is happening here?

    Four years is not four months. To judge something or somebody only when things go wrong is cherry picking.


    We can always cherry picking things to prove our own points of view.

    I think Cat was here for four years. If this is true, then things were all right, otherwise he would have been kicked out a long time ago. Something must have happened in the last few months. He served well his purpose as a moderator and, not to forget, gave Saint time for his own projects.

    I'm too old and have better things to do to allow myself to get caught in right or wrong games.
    I also don't know enough to continue this conversation and do justice to this matter.
    I'm nobody here to judge who's right or wrong.

    I've initially taken his side because I felt very sad about how the discussion was going.
    People throwing rocks as if they never did anything wrong. Because he was not here to defend or excuse himself.

    I'm responsible for my life, just as Cat for his and Saint for his sites.

    What the future will brings us, it's up to each of us to decide.

    That's all I have to say.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
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  15. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Look I think one thing is obvious here... people who cat treated well and considered friends will always defend him ...people who cat treated badly will always want to say bad things about him ... "Cats Friends" need to accept they will have a different opinion of the guy than say .....someone who he treated badly ... and "Cats victims " will always feel grieved and want to say bad things but expect and accept Cats friends to defend him ! I think both parties need to accept this its not rockets science :dunno:

    I am neither one of Cats friends or really someone he mistreated ... I just don't get why everyone is surprised by one side or the others opinions ... I really think its time to move on seems cat has so why cant we ? this really isn't helping either side..

    I know you want this forum to be free and open saint but i think its time you put your foot down now and stopped all this from both sides I think enough has been said by both parties

    Lets get back to the music :bleh:
  16. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Thanks for getting back on that. I appreciate you giving some consideration to what I have to say -- there are a number of people here that refuse to even think of it unless you support Catalyst. I wasn't aware that English isn't your first language -- you do just fine with it. I may be incorrect, but if memory serves me well, I think Catalyst was here for something like 2 years, not 4 ---in fact maybe even a bit less. Nonetheless, your point is well taken. There's a post earlier in this thread where I mentioned that while I had my problems with Catalyst, no one is all bad, no one all good, and I respect the fact that there are a lot of very different points of view about the man. There is no wrong or right, just varying opinions.

    I wish you well.
  17. The Dude

    The Dude Audiosexual

    Aug 13, 2012
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    I respect your opinions. This doesn't necessarily mean, I agree with you.

    A wise man knows when enough is enough.

    Take good care of yourself.:bow:
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
  18. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Of course it can't be considered acting superior when someone wants rude people to stop. And for you to say that there are two sides of a coin to take into account when some people are being rude towards other members over and over again is simply not a good analogy. In that case the repeatedly rude side is simply wrong.

    Why you should feel the need to oppose a post when the point of the post is that rude people should stop acting superior and stop bully others is somewhat of a mystery. Especially when I go as far in my post as to say that even approaching this rudeness should be done with respect in mind.

    I fail to really see your point of objection here. You seem to be saying that i am acting superior to rude people? And that I am dividing the community between rude people and those who are not? That is a very, very strange view to have. Or are you saying that you simply do not agree that certain people in this community has been acting superior, foul-mouthing, namecalling, bullying, silencing, belitteling and making fun of others?

    And when you say that my post does not present me in any "better light" followed by a condesending smiley shaking it's head. Well, ditto.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
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  19. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Saying "I appreciate you giving some consideration" didn't mean to suggest you agreed with me. As I said, there are varying opinions and your personal agreement is not important. What's important is a respect for different opinions and an understanding that only one person here has the final say.

    Take care of yourself, as well. BTW, I wish I could do as well with a second language as you're doing. :wink:
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
  20. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    Been away for a few weeks, so i missed the fireworks, another day i guess on the WWW :mad:
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
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