Change of staff, Releases and some other explanations

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by SAiNT, Oct 3, 2015.

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  1. zarbox

    zarbox Noisemaker

    Dec 30, 2013
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    :woot: .........:dunno:
    Peace , Music and Respect ...:mates:
    Long life to Audioz and AudioSex .... :grooves:
    Take care and thanks for everything SAiNT :wink:
  2. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    That post that had nothing to do with me had my name bolded no less than five times, and bolded and underlined once. Somebody's got a thing for me.

    You know how you can measure the maturity level in the room? Look at the people who are disagreeing with each other. Now look who has negative ratings on every post from the other side. Hmmm....

    That's all I have to say on the matter. As before, you and rico may have that last word that will make you feel oh so vindicated.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
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  3. ehrwaldt kunzlich

    ehrwaldt kunzlich Rock Star

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Utop, IA
    ever heard of the greatest invention of the internets???
    /ignore ftw!
    sheesh, chill out.
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  4. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Am I small elite click follower, I dunno, tell me because "everyone" seems to know, it's personal because you seem to be talking about real persons in there, I was always active member (even before Cat) and I don't recall having to know everyone, just same people that actually do write here and it seems many of them are elitist followers, so it seems I'm out of touch with everyone and in touch with elitists, so guess I answered my question. :dunno:

    And this is greatest site, but because of people that are involved in his daily life, people that do actually contribute to it, I joined here because of them, when I saw pages long of harmony and unity, no usual forum BS at all, this site was always awesome because of people that were there, they made it special, now that people are called out for being elitist or whatever and reason why this place is suddenly horrible :unsure:
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  5. The Dude

    The Dude Rock Star

    Aug 13, 2012
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    @rico888, just to let you know, I have to work. I'll comment when I'm back:wink:
  6. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    My post was mainly about asking that bullying, making fun of people (often putting newcomers down), namecalling, excessive swearing and defaming Audioz/sex should stop, and that this is done repeatedly by the same persons over and over again. I am pretty sure you know this. Of course it is not horrible pointing out this kind of elitistic behaviour when you are a member of a community. If no one points it out it will go on. Maybe we at least can agree that this kind of negative behaviour should stop where it exist, or do you not agree that it actually exist? I have no clue why you feel targeted, or what, if anything, you actually disagree with.
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  7. xsze

    xsze Guest

    I was absent for a year here and I stopped visiting and reading comments on AZ even before that, it was too much to take for me, would just help someone with some OS X release problem and that's it, all my AZ involvement, so in all fairness, I might just miss all out, especially in absence year, yeah, so sincerely, I'm not aware of many things. :no:

    Why I think I'm targeted, because of reality, I'm one of his close pets or known to be it, my actions are sometime same as his (look at last response I made, he would write something like that too), some members had issue with us being so publicly friendly and turning this into Facebook with thanking and all, there's lot more, so it's natural I feel there, I guess :dunno:

    I'm not disagreeing with anything, I'm just puzzled about some things that involves who is elitist and all, because more and more I see folks that I know being called out, so yeah, that got me thinking :yes:

    I agree, people should be free and not afraid of being who they are, not get ridiculed and insulted, that is AudioSex I know, without or with Cat, AZ on other hand is other thing, I now even have less reasons for being there (not using warez) and I'm not going to talk about it (in all fairness, have no clue), will take your word for it and apologize for dragging you into this unnecessary discussion, time is precious, I seem to forget that when I wrote novel like this and drag people into it :(:mates:
  8. aussie

    aussie Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Thanks for the news, SAiNT. I agree about Catalyst. Staff come and go, and some get crazy. Remember I've known you since way back when you lived here in Australia. :) I've seen many changes with Audioz since then. You've been a good 'captain' - always keeping things focused and running smoothly.

    You mentioned Zenforo. It's great. I'm a member of another board (non-audio) that switched about 3 months ago, and it is an incredible software package.
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  9. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 21, 2011
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    sorry for being late. i took time to read and reply to your comments and going to continue replying in the next few days.

    You can read the first part of my reply in the second comment to this post.
    Thank you all :bow:
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  10. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    Guys stop bickering and move on please!
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  11. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Hey, nothing wrong with being a pet, I have two and they are really great. :yes:

    I don't really blame anyone who got favoured or got special treatment and such, as it is not really their fault and not directly harming anyone.

    What i dont like though is the elitistic behaviour of some being rude and condesending towards other members. I see a few certain people here do this over and over and over again, boosting their own ego on behalf of others. I will go on asking them, they are not many, but vocal and persistent, to stop this behaviour as it is making other people feel bad and unwilling to post- as you can read some people have witnessed to. On that point we seem to agree. All the best to you. You seem like a very kind and reasonable person. Looking forward to conversations on greater topics with you like creating music and other stuff!:mates:
  12. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    grdh20 said it best. Enough bickering. Move on. Gently keep your hands off the keyboards and get on with our lives. I think everyone made their points pretty clearly and I humbly suggest to lock this thread, but keep it on top so people are aware of the changes. I wish both parties all the best.
  13. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    I agree with you in principle. But sometimes, also, clearing things up and pointing out really rude and bad behaviour among a few people that has been hurting a lot of members is also kind of important. IMHO.
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  14. flstudioer

    flstudioer Kapellmeister

    Aug 7, 2015
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    Planet Earth
    I hope everything will be fine, thanks @Saint for all the work and for this website i know it's not easy to manage it.

    I have no money, no buyed stuff, like you said "we are not pirats, we are a poor artists", i dont know how it works but if i can supply with my own banks of Sylenth1 that i have created and modeled, or my .wave sound banks that i created just tell me, its gonna be a pleasure to support the R2R.
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  15. rico888,

    Firstly I am sure that someone else will have the last word in rebuttal to these, my own last words on the subject as I will not expend more of my energy on this issue, on this page, or any other posts. I am not one to dish out dirt, name call, berate or mud-sling. My history tells a different story to yours. I hope that I have been thought of as a member in good standing, a positive and upbeat contributor with regard to my posts, comments and replies, and I have up to the recent past enjoyed every moment spent here at AS. However, my feelings as of late have changed considerably and the change has not been for the good. It takes a whole lot to bring me to a boil, and about right now I am feeling downright steamy, confrontational and overtly emotional about the state of affairs as it relates to a members public flaying by you, rico888. Your behaviour is vindictive, mean-spirited and hypocritical. I have called you childish because your behaviour has been less than adult, and I do not need ever to have met you to come to my conclusions about your victim-like behaviour as your words in action speak pointedly and bellow loudly to this end. I have worked with many clients facing the same issues as I see them in you time and again. On this point I feel a need to sincerely apologize as it is utterly wrong and unprofessional that I should brandish as a sword my working experience of twenty years and knowledge in my Neuromuscular Re-education practice (the relationship between mind/body pertaining to held emotions,traumas and belief systems and how they can be explored in the context of freeing and returning mobility and range of motion to the fascia matrix). I feel sheepish and a bit embarrassed concerning my behaviour and again apologise for this lapse, but really, how can we debate without succinct and verifiable definitions?

    You have been disingenuous, and overtly so. You have criticised my critiquing of your behaviour but do so yourself to try to get over in your arguments when it suits you; Say you,"I'ts a sick guy that reaches those type of conclusions. And its a confused person, like Cav Emp that would unthinkingly accept those sort of premises from Catalyst as fact." What is your opinion of his sickness based on if not your need to believe that cav emp and Catalyst were conspiring against you? Is this a fact, a sick guy and confused? This must be based on the false premise that they communicated to mess you up. Probably not, though nothing is certain, but anyone's following these conversations could and would see trends in the making and make opinions based on what they witnessed. Your conspiracy theory holds no real value other than what you want and need to believe.

    You have been confrontational and abusive. When apologising to SAiNT, cav emp said, "If it's all true, I officially apologize, @SAiNT, and then,"Still reserving judgment." Your retaliation to these open-minded statements was, "Oh, now you want to apologize, huh? Geez, some birds only fly whichever way the wind blows". Really nice work there friend, and it reveals so much about you, at least to me. Let SAiNT speak for himself.

    You revert to name-calling, "your just a kiss a$$ punk". This is weak, really, really weak in any context.

    You have also volunteered that all that your remarks, your behaviour, your raison d' vivre, if you will, boils down to this nifty mission statement which literally defines the word troll as it pertains to acting out negative behaviour in a forum, "I'm the sort of fellow, for better or worse, that when someone goes ahead and really pisses me off, I don't forget about it. And Catalyst really pissed me off royally -- which was what he wanted to do. So please excuse me if I have my few days of returning the favour". I quote the definition in The Urban Dictionary (Google it), "Being a prick on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent by-stander, because it's the internet and, hey, you can". You wished Catalyst ill for this type of behaviour, what of yourself? New members seeing this at first blush might view this as an every day kind of thing here and run away not come back ever again.

    I am going to end about here by saying that nothing has been taken out of context. You have been annoying to no end in your endless harangue. And to set you straight, I am not a friend to cav emp in the strictest sense of the word as I don't think we have ever directly communicated about literally and absolutely anything at all, I know really nothing about him other than the fact that you hate him because he likes Catalyst. The same holds forth with my dealings with our central character, Catalyst himself, it is just what he communicated at the forums, curt conversations in the open as well as a general posting to the folks he shared privately in my small group, this was pretty much it with our relationship. I was totally shocked, confused and a little weirded out to be included in his private world as I am really a nobody in this world of teams, middle men and the like, just a guy who has a nice hobby, loves to make music and to collect great things to make interesting sounds. And to be categorized by you as an inner member with special privileges, that is a joke unto itself. What was shared to me were two sound banks for D*va, a couple of relatively inexpensive software items all of which saw the light of day a bit further down the line and became available to every other person at AZ, and oh yea, a version of a purple gui'd S+rum and I think that was about it. Deep? Tight? Hardly.

    All these things that you have done has seemed to me to be your vehicle to foment pain and abuse against a member who might have strayed from the path, that is if all is to be believed from the source in the know, SAiNT. Rico888, you have waged against every precept of goodly behavior and sense of decorum that is needed to run an effective, friendly, informative and open forum. You have the unmitigated audacity and gall to point your crooked finger at someone else about anything? The final words are yours and yours alone, they deftly define how I and am sure many other members will always remember you,

    rico888: "I hope that helps you better understand who I am...."


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  16. temple23

    temple23 Noisemaker

    Dec 20, 2013
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    the Grove
    could not agree more...
    it has turned my stomach to read this vile diatribe here over the last few days
    truly horrific
    hope everyone is really proud of themselves
    really brought out the worst in human nature and makes me glad that i am not part of it
    if this is the future here then count me out..
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  17. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I'm in recording sessions all day long, but will gladly respond to this most interesting post later in the day.
  18. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    have you applied for Cat's old position yet?
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  19. OleNo7

    OleNo7 Noisemaker

    Jul 15, 2014
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    Great post and thank you for explaining a lot of things going on. I joined this forum this past summer, but I have been active in audioz and audiosex for the past couple of years. I would read a lot of forum topics and greatly improve myself as an audio engineer because of these sites. For that thank you. This site has given me more than I could ask for and now I would like to return the favor anyway I can. Please let me know how I can do this. Thank you for everything.
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  20. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Is that directed at me? If so, (a) No, I've not applied, (b) have no interest whatsoever, (c) thankfully getting too much recording work nowadays to have the time to do it even if I was interested, and (d) don't even think I'd be particularly good at it even if (a), (b) & (c) weren't already reason enough not to do it.
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