Why iLok2 is it so hard to defeat?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by STiMPAK, Oct 5, 2015.

  1. Dazeon

    Dazeon Ultrasonic

    Nov 7, 2011
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    If iLok2 gets cracked.
    Then the upcoming iLok3 and iLok4 should be cracked too.
    And then see how PACE reacts.
    And then when iLok5 is released.
    It should be cracked as fast as possible, especially if hundreds of products relies on iLok5.
    And then PACE churns out iLok6. And then after a few years. Many vst-plugins will require a iLok6 dongle in order to work.
    And then iLok6 gets cracked and all people who wasted money on expensive vst plugins will be disappointed because they knew that iLok6 is impossible to crack since people has said that on many internet forums across the web.
    Because those people who said that iLok6 is impossible to crack is because they themselves tried to crack it, but failed and gived up and abandoned the cracking project. And they a few years passed. And a big chunk of guys wasted money on stuff that they knew would never be cracked in their lifetime. And then after few weeks. Suddenly iLok6 is 100% cracked. And now the people that bought those iLok6 copy protected plugins will now be very disappointed because of what happened.

    I am only talking about what might happen if iLok2 gets cracked and then PACE releases iLok3 and that gets cracked too in the end. But then PACE will create a new iLok4. And then after a few months. It gets cracked too. And then the same thing happens with both iLok5 and the upcoming iLok6, iLok7, iLok8, and so on.

    And i will end it there.
  2. Anakin

    Anakin Guest

    Only solution how to completly beat PACE is crack every new ilok version in few months :woot: then devs will not trust them and stop using it:beg:
  3. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    this thread confuses me
  4. Audible

    Audible Newbie

    May 21, 2015
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    I would like to know what happened to the previous iLok2 thread where a guy had cracked at least one instance of it, and proved it by posting a cracked version of AirEQ. I understand why the cracked software was removed from this forum, but not why the thread had to go. It looked really promising and I'd feel sad if we scared the guy away.
  5. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    haha, U made me dig in the archives. As far as I can tell, he probably only found a plug-in that implemented it wrong.
    indeed, we didn't had to scare him away and we might could have enjoyed that plugin
  6. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Without faith nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible
  7. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Can't find that thread as well. It appears to be permanently deleted.

    Edit: I found it. It was removed by Catalyst. :yes:
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2015
  8. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    I always thought there was an obvious answer to this question, and it's the exact same answer they used when iLok 1 was first introduced: instead of trying to crack or reverse-engineer it, just create a dongle/iLok 2 emulator. The iLok 1 dongle emulator used on early releases of Waves was beautiful -- you could even turn it on or off (but you'd damn well better have remembered to turn it on before loading your DAW or two-track editor) so that it didn't interfere with a legit version. Seems to me to be a much better approach than having to do something destructive to the software itself. Of course, I say that like it's going to be really easy to create one.
  9. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    hah, you even used your time to confirm that :chilling:
  10. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    @Kwissbeats - I see iLok 2 cracking threads closed and deleted many times in the past. We currently don't have a rule restricting discussing this topic, so I wonder why were those deleted. :dunno:
    There's also no reason provided by Cat.
    Best to ask the boss I think :like:
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2015
  11. I know how to crack it but will never tell. All the Devs pay me big money to keep me trap shut. My name is Elmer J. Fudd and I own a mansion and a yacht.
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  12. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
    I`m sorry for my stupid reaction this afternoon, didn`t even get your point, thought "not another iLok crack thread with the very first post, hell".
    Let me start over, please, with: Welcome to the forum!
    Since you have somebody close in "real life" to share this experience with, it`ll be surely one of a kind.
    You probably don`t mind why I am so "pissed off" today and that`s good, because I don`t want to explain myself and what is done is done. But still, I`m fed up.
    The last couple of days I read a lot of seriously rude stuff about my friend Catalyst.
    Just because I like & know somebody doesn`t mean friendship to me.
    It`s more like a bond that can`t be dissected by the gravest mistake an ego possibly commits.
    In short: I feel grief. Taking "Tits" profile comment as recommendation, I`ll come back when the smoke is settled.
    My ugly, unnecessary reply I removed. (for the record)
  13. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    I think thats a waste of time anyway, A untouched version of that plug-in would be cool. so we can put a magnifying glass on it maybe :dunno:
  14. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Do a global search on the Internet and you will find very few (± secret) sites where only
    some Insiders discuss cracks including beginners, in the light of this AudioSex is a unique
    site in the sector, dominated by commercial-only-minded audience/followers.
    Of course defeating iLok2 Eden stuff requires high-level skills & knowledge…but who
    said it's not possible? I often see that right some Teams or members often try to discourage
    or block people, maybe in fear for their "privileged" positions in the Scene?!
    I recommend to gather as much information as possible from many sources and
    simply don't care what "the scene" may think about it. United forces can beat everything.
  15. STiMPAK

    STiMPAK Noisemaker

    Oct 4, 2015
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  16. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    Are you being serious...

    You're actually grieving for Cat? someone you met on a forum?

    im not mocking you, but dammm...

  17. Hoggsfeller1

    Hoggsfeller1 Ultrasonic

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Planet Earth
    Is this ever gonna end?
    I personally signed up here to learn about AUDIO, how to use plugins and how to FIX problems that arise when installing them and other software, not to watch a bunch of people wasting time hypothesizing around of who did what to who and when. Guys it doesn't solve anything. Lets get back to the reason that this forum exists, to HELP not HURT. Time to bury the hachets and move on.....peace to all:)
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  18. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Can't say I disagree completely with your sentiment, but if you really want to learn about audio as you say let me make a few suggestions.
    1. Stop reading all these posts that have nothing to do with music! While a number of people feel the need to vent for or against, analyze from every angle or constantly rehash their opinions over and over, it only takes up a couple threads & it's healing I suppose for those personally affected....you weren't so STOP READING THEM!
    2. I was around here for 1.5 yrs before ever joining. Aside from enjoying the many gifts from the groups, I spent lots of my time reading the archives. If your goal is to really learn, there is a huge amount of info stored here if one wants to forgo only the latest daily feed and dig in and read. One thing I learned around here along time ago is that most people that really have the knowledge to help solve things, appreciate someone who first takes their own time to learn and discover, before wasting another's valuable time. The search engine is your friend....learn to use it! :)

    There really is a huge amount of good people here & it's a good place to hang.
    Welcome to the Forum! :wink:
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  19. Hardlock

    Hardlock Ultrasonic

    May 5, 2015
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    you must go back to basics and remember the ways of the first dos based protocols


    Aspi layer:winker:

    A Ring 0 debugger is needed for encrypted memory.:winker:

    Ring 0 is the level with the most privileges and interacts most directly with the physical hardware such as the CPU and memory, :winker:

    once the encryption is understood it is time to move forward :wink:

    Good luck:winker:

    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
  20. demontoad

    demontoad Kapellmeister

    Aug 20, 2015
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    As an amateur reverser, I can say that Ilok-2 is hard because it requires TONS of tedious and hard work to crack. Cracking many protections is like a little intellectual riddle and can be fun. Ilok-2 is not fun at all, it's hard and exhausting work. No one is willing to spend 24/7 a few months doing hard and unfun work for free.
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