Change of staff, Releases and some other explanations

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by SAiNT, Oct 3, 2015.

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  1. popeye

    popeye Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Thanks Saint for taking the time to explain, express yourself, taking care of us and AudioZ.....Sending you lots of love and energy!
  2. bigwords

    bigwords Ultrasonic

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Okay, I've been an AZ member for years. I'm one of those silent types, though. I'm a watcher, and I've been observing things for a long, long time.

    The main problem I consistently see here is people being way too sensitive. The Catalyst dude, while cool sometimes, will often blow a gasket if there are "ungrateful" comments. I'm not sure if this is completely his fault -- maybe it is -- but when, for example, people say things like "Mac please," this causes people to jump on the poster's case and go off on him/her. There is no reason to get worked up over someone saying "Mac please." I can almost feel it irritating the hell out of the folks who jump on folks' case in these situations, but it's totally unnecessary. I don't even care why it bothers you. I submit that it should not. There are bigger things (issues, problems, etc) in the world to work your proverbial nerves.

    When someone says something doesn't work or isn't working for them, someone could try to help them. But if they don't feel like helping, there's no need to bash or get irritated. Just ignore it. Since I do love freedom, I do think that if you feel like going off on them, sure, do what you need to do (and face consequences that may follow). Now the problem that I have with what was going on pertaining to Catalyst is how he had actual power here and responsibility, so there's no reason to "stoop" to these levels. If he sees something he doesn't like, it oftentimes causes him to overreact. A good leader is above this seemingly impulsive predilection.

    Over the years, I started noticing people mirroring Catalyst's ways. The same "righteous indignation" that Catalyst so often displayed started shining through in so many other members of this community. Essentially, he was creating a culture and a collective mindset. Catalyst is one of the main reasons -- if not the main reason -- that so many people started saying things like, "No wonder R2R is only releasing internal -- so many ungrateful people!!!!" Well, because of this, it seems as though a pseudo-religious atmosphere was created at AudioZ. Think about how many positive comments of appreciation and the multitudes of likes and instances of "Thank you!" there are all over virtually every release on AZ. Now think about how many unappreciative comments there are on every release. Now do some math. Now consider the ratio. Case closed.

    How is it that we have scores of people claiming that so many are ungrateful and that "No wonder R2R is only releasing internal" when, in fact, this is statistically, mathematically false (at least from the purview of AudioZ, as I cannot account for other audio forums/sites)? You mean to tell me that the overwhelming number of truly grateful people should be penalized because of a relatively minuscule number of people who are purportedly "ungrateful" to R2R and the AZ releases? That's bizarre, crazy talk. If we are to view those very few supposed "bad apples" as real "problems," then the only way that was going to be solved is if there were NEVER any release, period. So, to me, it seems as though the promotion of this culture/mindset on AZ was some type of agenda that had nothing to do appreciating R2R's releases, and more to do with manifesting a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    And lastly, the thing that's left the worst taste in my mouth is how here we're talking about people using words like "entitled," "ungrateful," "not worthy," etc. If you're a person who supplied something and you feel people are unworthy, make your own site and only supply to those "worthy" types. We are all human beings, and you -- yes, you -- are not superior to the next person. We're on the Internet, folks, so unless someone is making a major, tangible disruption -- like hacking, deliberately saying there are viruses in a release, or showing a blatant disregard for the rules -- I don't see a reason to get worked up about those people whom you believe you are better than. An authoritarian utopia is NOT A UTOPIA. Stop being so damned sensitive.

    MAC PLEASE? Anyone?
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  3. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Spot on.
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  4. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    from the beginning i was taking no sides but with experience in past few months when i did post something on AudioZ I was noticing that some people in AudioZ they are negative from the beginning when you see their comments all bad words , even in one of my posts i did share serum update and someone said to me Go {F} Yourself & even someone did snitch on me to steve & by the way If you don't believe ME ask SAiNT about that

    NOTE : we should have extreme rule about Respect between (Members & Members) & (Members & Uploaders/People Who post their Posts)
    Note : i still never understand why some people 1% of the majority always act negative towards everyone we shouldn't tolerate that because to me (sharing in public = joy for me) & when someone disrespect me on purpose that will eventually (discourage me of sharing)
    that's happend to me have nothing to do with Staff only some members who do negative on purpose : i hope they will grow up very soon
    cause it's all about music & sharing and if anyone have a bad day : He/She can talk about it & we will helped them by any means necessary

    Note : i was force to say it to all of you , so SAiNT Can monitor this since we discuss about the changes in the future

    (positive change)
    have a good day everyone
    Peace Out
  5. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    As an open forum, there will always be some degree of trolls, negativity and unkind. The vast majority needs to look beyond this and simply not engage the hate. I know it is very hard not to react, but any reaction feeds it. Certainly not sharing due to the vocal few who are always causing trouble is not in the interest of or in the spirit of the site's purpose.
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  6. bigwords

    bigwords Ultrasonic

    Oct 5, 2015
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    It would definitely be awesome if everyone was nice, as I see no real reason to be mean or nasty anyway. But to extend what I said in my long post, I have to mention another thing that struck me as bizarre was how it never occurred to anyone that people from the big audio-development companies (Waves, etc) could be members of these forums and AudioZ; and they see how all it takes is a couple of bad comments and the whole world is suddenly ending around here. So all these companies have to do is dispatch people to AudioZ and these forums, then have them insert some disruption, and then we'll have folks like Catalyst rising up and saying, "See, this is why R2R doesn't want to release!"

    You mean to tell me it hasn't occurred to anyone that this is very possible, and that we're all basically saying the big development companies, if they wanted, can come here pretty much end what we have going on that easily? So if a few funky comments (aka ungratefulness) really is the reason people think the public shouldn't get releases, then you've got screws loose up there. You have no idea why some people post bad comments! And when you're weak enough to allow it to affect you so drastically, you're not fit to lead a place like this. People don't realize that you're giving so-called "bad comments" wayyyyy too much power than they even deserve. They deserve to be ignored, not elevated.
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  7. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    imagine that every post for the last months not once not twice everytime and i have other members can confirm that
    i value Respect a lot i could burn 1 million of dollar Deal if i sense Disrespect from the other company ,
    how u feel about that when you come here after work and decide to share what you have with people that you value
    and then some one come to you and began saying Go F Yourself and other things how you feel about that
    Note : my last posts are made by me & my team and for AudioZ Exclusively
    (it means my last posts have nothing to do with any big company cause they are made for AudioZ Only By Me & My Team)
    i doubt that a big company will waste time to do some childish things because any company can go iLok2 without the drama
  8. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    this audiosexforum are tend to an warez site , but just without content . if you want that more developer would visiting this board you would needs to separate the forum out of warez and warez discussions and or many other things
  9. ehrwaldt kunzlich

    ehrwaldt kunzlich Rock Star

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Utop, IA
    let me add my 0.02:
    i think there is a bit of a biased misconception about the 'average' visitor to az.
    i'm guessing that the vast majority is unregistered users coming via searchengine-links that neither read/write comments
    nor click any of the up/down-voting/thankyou stuff. they don't know who runs the site, who's a mod or a regular.
    they haven't read the faq/rules. they're just crawling for the peeplinks.
    (not judging here, as i cannot know their intentions)
    only a small faction is actually interested in the social ecosystem behind/around such a site.
    for those more involved it's important to not identify themselves too much with the project.
    i think, whenever someone feels personally attacked by something said about the project or
    by someone breaking netiquette,
    it's time to step back, take a breath and reasure oneself: it's not about me...
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  10. Yuri

    Yuri Rock Star

    Apr 14, 2014
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    Thanks for the explanation SAiNT. I have absolutely no idea what goes on behind the scenes here, but Cat always struck me as somebody that, rightly or wrongly, was doing what he thought was for the best. Maybe his idea of what's best wasn't what's best for the board as a whole, but personally I never had any problems with him.
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  11. If you need a manifesto here’s mine.

    AudioZ has to be about music, the warez come second.

    We need an etiquette that says don’t tell and don’t ask. That means you never ask a musician about license, legality or devs. Anybody who does you ignore. Newbies get a fair warning from anybody who can be bothered. You vote out the unacceptable, not the moderators. The second rule of fight club.

    The deal is what you take for free you give back for free. Create something and share it and be honest about how you made it. That’s the best way to support the devs who really need it, when you’re a halfway good musician. You give it back for free and AudioZ becomes the coolest place to be an electronic musician. And the coolest place to be a team.

    You have to drive it with music. Mad music, Whatever.
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  12. ukslinger

    ukslinger Ultrasonic

    Jul 15, 2011
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    Rock ON SAINT!

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  13. SyphonX

    SyphonX Kapellmeister

    May 23, 2013
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    1) Catalyst is an intelligent and devoted guy.
    2) He did a good job at keeping the site clean with thoughtfull answers and comments.
    3) On an open and public site there are a lot of assholes and unreasonably people. (Check youtube
    for what I mean. That's why it's called public.
    4) With the passage of time Catalyst slowly got fed up with all the whining and complaining of
    some members, which made his comments less objective and less politically correct. He
    discovered that there is no reasoning with some members. (See point 3.)
    5) R2R DID start releasing internal just because of this whining and complaining.
    6) At that time Catalyst should have stepped down. As for the sake of himself and the site (the
    site how Saint wants it to be.)
    7) Catalyst took rights in his own hands (what is understandable in the function he held.) BUT NOT
    the right thing to do.
    8) Saint believes in an open and public site where everbody can spit his joy and/or anger, that is a
    good thing.
    9) Catalyst believes in a more restricted site to protect future audiowarez and to prevent bullying
    of members, which is also a good thing.
    10) There is no wrong (except point 7 for Catalyst) or right here: There is a difference in
    11) As Saint is the owner of this site he decides what is going to happen with it.
    12) If Catalyst is devoted enough he can start his own site and make it just like he wants it to be.
    13) It's al about the music and music should unite people.
    14) Relax.... :mates:
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2015
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  14. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    the most of stuff that i share i made with actual hardware you can even check my posts last of my posts i record with several mics because i do what i learned years ago from studying the craft of music and sound design of organic sounds & electro sounds
    i share for free because i decide to & not i have to
    (the mean reason is when i create something from scratch i love to share with people)
    and most of software that i use are all licensed to my real name
    like Komplete 10 and other software that i shared presets for
    and for the source of my last posts are from my studio , primary i create SFX & Drumkit from real gear & hardware
    you can hear & you can tell yourself and for exporting i use Protools or Fl studio or Audacity
    (i use other software that is not even cracked yet)
    so as you can see , i share because that bring me joy not because i have to
    I'm old school musician i used hardware before even trying software of this era (that's why i still use hardware)
  15. bigwords

    bigwords Ultrasonic

    Oct 5, 2015
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    If all it takes is a single person saying something that is disrespectful, or something you don't like, that needs some reexamination. If someone says Go F yourself, who cares? I just don't understand why it bothers people so much. I'm black, and I see the N-word plastered all over the Internet, every single day. I could give two F's, though. You know why? It's because they are words. They have no power over me -- that is, unless I give that power to them. And what substantive purpose is there for a person to say "Go F yourself" on your release? Exactly, pretty much no purpose. This means they're trolling, and the sole purpose of trolling is to underscore weakness in the person being trolled -- similar to fishing, when you cast the net and wait for your catch to bite. But if you proclaim that you are not a figurative fish, this answers your question about "how would you feel." Be your own anti-troll spray. But one thing I know -- if you allow trolling to get to you, that's giving them power over you. When you ignore it, you've neutralized it; and you'll likely make them very angry because you've rendered them nonexistent and transformed their attempts into vacuous uselessness. When you approach it this way, eventually they'll start to realize they're wasting life. But you don't have to waste it with them. The vast majority of people love and appreciate what you provide. And sure, it's probably against the rules to do something like post "Go F yourself" on your release, so let the post be deleted or however it's formally handled. And if it's not against the rules, that'd be fine too; just ignore it. But please, let's stop giving trolling so much power and giving meaning to uselessness.

    And I don't doubt what a big company or anti-warez developer will do. There is evidence that "bad comments" have a profound effect on what people are inclined to share/release, so it definitely wouldn't be wasting time for a developer to rock that boat a bit, if they saw the opportunity.
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  16. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    i agree 100% :mates:
    i didn't care about those who troll because i decided when i released Roland XP-50 (RXP50 UPDATE) by announcing my desire to keep sharing after all that troll & i will never stop ever :wink:
    but since the subject is related on this topic and those who troll they are the reason for all of this (bad comments of devs it may be true after all) , those who troll i still blame them because they are the reason for all of this
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2015
  17. The soundtrack of the post, good idea!!
  18. Absolutely, I believe the same.
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  19. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Right but YouTube has no active moderation! If somebody wants something to be removed they have to write them.

    Yes and in STATUS. He was never meant to be Administrator.

    The BEST thing of all! And this spirit should extend to social, everyday life, politics, ethics etc....
  20. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    You've a point, but I think it's not the case. At least not in the way you expose. I remember the last versions of Nexus before they went iLok [edited: Dongle, but still epic fail lol]. It was obvious ReFx hired guys to report links in DD audio warez sites. The links died in a couple hours. But they didn't tried to confront people.

    PS: Now that I remember I think several of my first posts in AZ were in a thread where Saint himself asked for a workaround to avoid or at least slow down the link killing.

    Ok, now some great music (randomly chosen :winker:)

    Last edited: Oct 5, 2015
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