Is it possible to to batch compress kontakt nka based libs?

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by ovalf, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Hi audioseXXXsers!:cheers:

    I like to reduce and erase kontakt libraries because it frees my drives and make more objective to work with (quick-load made more objective but not reduce the libs:wow:).
    I had chopped Sample Logic Cinematic Guitars 1 & 2 to 10% of the size but now the Cinematic Guitars Infinity has only 4 nki presets that loads all the library and them we can choose .nka files. Format pain in the ass that loads unwanted files:mad:, we can purge but the lost loading time and purge time are lost:deep_facepalm::trolls:
    The problem is that all the .ncw are linked to the 4 .nki files, so batch compression is a no go because its equal in size..:crazy:
    So anyone thought about that?
    Probably needs a nki edition but with app?
    Any kontakt guru?:bow:
    Thanks in advance with hugs from Brazil,:thanks:
    where you pay 300% for the toys but the girls are 1000% more beauty!:bleh::metal:

  3. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I can only think in batch compressing and manually removing the samples you don't need. But you need a deep understanding of the library and that the names of the samples makes sense. You can look samples names digging in the instruments editor.

    Good luck.

    PS: audiosexers goes with only one X. What were you thinking when writing? :-P
  4. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    What is the original format of the samples Ovalf?

    If they ncw then they already compressed so batch compression would not really serve any purpose as like u say they equal in size. Not exactly sure what it is u want to achieve.

    Libraries with NKA's in can be batch compressed for sure but the problem is that it normally for say wav to ncw so u can load more samples. Also upon batch compression the NKA's and some other files will not be included AET, IR files. It also depends what is encoded into the NKR itself. I'm not familiar with the library u mention but most sample logic libraries by Klaus Beatz have loads of NKA's.

    However these are normally always contained in the data folder and are pretty small in size. They are used mainly for setting say values in arrpegiators, tables, Arrays and many other things and are not linked to the sample but rather the NKI or instrument. Therefore if say in WAV best bet would be to Batch compress then manually transfer your data folder containing the NKA presets & other files and it should work I think lol!

    You are not going to get any reduction in library size if already in ncw format unless u start removing NKI's etc.

    When u say Cinematic Guitars Infinity has only 4 nki presets do u mean there are only 4 NKI's in the whole library or there are 4 presets for the NKI with Instrument being different to the preset which would be NKA based.

    Best bet is to take a good look at the folder structure beforehand and determine what is needed or what goes missing when u convert etc. Batch compression won't dramatically speed up loading times but will decrease the size of the library unless of course it's already ncw. Aslo with snapshots & other files it gets even more confusing.

    I could have totally missed what u are trying to do & like I mentioned am not familiar with that library :bow:
  5. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Thanks dual for you guys.
    The filés are NIs/ncw, but the only objective is the reduce the lib because I manually delete the presets nki that I do not like and so batch compress. I do not want to reduce the size of presets bit the number of presets.
    In little libs with no resources I simply do a resave but in larger ones many files are shared and its hell search for each file, so the cakewalk of batch compress.
    Dig inside the nki its a insane job because in this lib most of files from nka are already in nki.
    Thanks for the shot!
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2015
  6. HPF

    HPF Kapellmeister

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Block 4
    Best Answer
    only thing i'd do is removing the presets you dont want, then batch convert, collect samples & remove all dupe waves, batch resave - there are not many options here. right now im stuck in reducing the prodyon libs as they are messy as hell with filename duplicates counting millions, wonder how the guy found time to save loops and midi root note in all the 10000+ waves but had not the time to give unique filenames. i think ill just leave it as is, as its a wonderful source for any sampler.