Internal Sharing!!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by remix, Oct 4, 2015.


Should the MODS be removed and new ones appointed?

  1. Yes

    53 vote(s)
  2. No

    42 vote(s)
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  1. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Exactly, that was the turning point. The fact that he went up and made his own rules.
    Otherwise I have same experience with Cat as you do. :)
  2. filmmaker3d

    filmmaker3d Member

    Nov 6, 2013
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    OMG... I mean really? I wouldn't know what I am missing.. OK U-he Hive would be interesting but seriously.. meanwhile I got so much stuff... that i am pretty sure that I will never ever listen to all the samples i got... I think its great to use cracked software really for good evaluation, but c'mon guys.. if you use it for commercial purpose or if you earn money with the stuff u make, buy that damn synth for 150-250 bucks. Seen a Video on YouTube where a ..lets call him a famous young producer/DJ give u inside infos on one of his productions.. opens Sylenth1...and what do you see ...Licensed to TEAM.... I mean that guy makes a couple of million a year..and still uses cracked software. THATS RIDICULOUS!!!! When i started to produce.. I bought those good old hardware synths.. Roland JV 1080 & 2080, Akai S-3000 Mackie d8b.. and much more..Nothing of that I use today.. and to be honest with a portion of that money you cant buy legit software today.. fantastic synths.. My first software synth I bought was reFX Vanguard.... so much power at that time that no JV1080 or 2080 came even close to.. and that for a fraction of the price..

    SO GUYS.. if you're not producing top ten hits, its because SOMEONE didn't share "that exact Sample" you needed, with you...
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  3. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    just like i sad on another thread,
    i am sure there are tons of little jobs and tasks that could be done by the community/some members. i am sure there are plenty of things to do, here. and no, those guys who would do some jobs wouldn't get some special hidden never-released apps.
    it's just that there are tons of people here who could do some simple, repetitive, etc, tasks, that don't require any particular knowledge or admin rights.
  4. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    you can't go against the human race.
    we're built like that. why buying a 60K car, when you can buy your bread around 700m from your house, by foot ? why buying that bi-turbo car, when you have to drive 90% of the time below 60km/h ?
    why buying another clothes, when you already have dozens of jeans, tshirts, etc ?
    why wanting to seduce-meet countless girls-guys, when you are married and already have EVERYTHING you need ?
    why buying the last acdsee app, when version 2.5 can display, organise and preview all your photos as well ? or why buying WORD 2015, with 99% of features nobody will ever use, and is more or less the same as v2014, v2010, v2007, v2003 ?
    why buying a 1000 bucks kork or yamaha piano, for learning how to play it, when a simple no-name piano toy with 3 octaves would be enough?
    would Beethoven need a 1million $ stradivarius, otherwise he couldnt not compose any music ?
    etc etc

    this is our weak side. our curious side. this is the human race.

    if we push it even further, why downloading all those hundreds virtual instruments, when, say, a free synth like SYNTH1 can generate 99.9% of the 10 billion different sounds we will hear on the next 1 billion songs, until 2500 ?
    why using sylenth1 or any other synth, when 99% of the songs, and 99% of the used sounds are just a classic detuned sawtooth lead or a simple triangle-sin wav, for the remaining sounds..

    i have bought half of my apps, but until r2r stopped releasing stuff, i was like a kid, every single day, checking audioz with an huge curiosity, hoping there was another nice plugin or instrument to try out. like a kid, i loved checking it every day, like it was christmas. not because i will install everything or need everything, but simply by pleasure. i'm not perfect, i'm a weak human being. i love playing with my daw and synths, it's perfectly normal to be curious about what is going to be released next. that's why i miss r2r so much. there are things we can't explain. this is one of them. do i need the app version 3.54, when the 3.51 was released one week ago ? of course not.
    but r2r was different. most people here can thank them (and other great teams, too).
    i hope by december, r2r will slowly start releasing some nice stuff, again.
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  5. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    for those who mess with the options and menus on audiosex... you have a nice option that show you all the members... and staff. because i also wondered who was a staff member or not.
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  6. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Here a so–called "Internal Release" @
    Plugin Alliance Lindell 100 Bundle v1.0 Incl. Patched and Keygen-R2R
    Infernal would fit better into the context! :rofl:
    Anyway folks, don't get fooled by some "rotten eggs"...
    Keep up the good humor & spirit of kindness.

    Andrew: Removed warez link
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2015
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  7. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    damn, i really see myself reading through this ...thank you! :mates:
  8. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    hello everyone,
    i'm totally and completely overloaded with supportive mails and messages which i'd love to reply;
    i won't be able to read through all the messages right now and i hope you will report those that don't deserve to be here.

    For now i just want to say, first of all thank you remix for your support and your concern :mates:
    but the thing is that i've already took care of it :yes:
    Right now we have only three moderators:
    1. ArticStorm - the guy who was helping us with moderation long time before Catalyst appeared at the forum. I can't express how much i value his help and contribution.

    2. Andrew - newly assigned by me personally and i trust he will do the job very well, as he is one of our oldest members and has been very helpful to us all.

    3. Me :thumbsup:
    however, as you can imagine i cannot physically control everything on all the projects that i've already made and have in mind, so as much as i love you all and as much as i am fascinated by the community that we have created here, i have to make the sacrifice of not being the most active member at my own forum, because i want to make more useful projects for musicians and that's very time consuming :sad: so ideally i would trust the moderation to moderators and participate only in questions that require administrator.

    let's not forget who we are and why we are here,

    and not get ourselves into pointless arguments and fights. :keys: = :like:

    I will reply to the comments as soon as i can.

    Thank you:bow:
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  9. xsze

    xsze Guest

    So there's possibility bunch of people will report me, what should I expect, warning, banning?
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  10. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    I think he means the spammers, fake accounts and general seedy people...

    Your safe lol...

    i have doubts about myself tho :rofl:
  11. xsze

    xsze Guest

    :unsure: No one is safe anymore :guru: :rofl:
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    Hey Cav Emp. I doubt if anyone will hold anything against you. Why should they? You were treated fairly by this man, so that is to be expected. And, I truly believe that (for the most part) Catalyst was a good skipper. On the other hand, Catalyst had increasingly become a source of irritation to some and (accurately assessed or not) a divisive lightening rod for others. The major issue (after reading Saint's full disclosure missive) was apparently Catalyst's unwillingness to steer these ships (both sites) along the course that Saint had envisioned since its inception.

    Saint had given Catalyst a great deal of leverage and leeway regarding the day-to-day decisions of managing these sites which, as I've mentioned, he performed with efficient acumen and gusto. However, and here is where it gets a bit controversial, Saint felt that Catalyst had begun to "veer" off course; citing a litany of examples. Many of us have worked for bosses who have thrust their confidence upon us (in whatever industry we have worked). I've personally been in a very similar situation. I was allowed to "rock the boat" (somewhat). But, it was only when my "rocking the boat" caused that vessel to take on too much water, that my boss felt he had to get back to the helm and grab the steering wheel. I now look upon that experience with a wry smile. As it were, during the prevailing years, I (finally) conceded that that my boss's actions were correct.

    In the end, the recent events here, was a case of two contrasting "visions". One held by the boss, and the other held by Catalyst. In that scenario, the boss invariably gets the final word. (By the way, I thought that Catalyst showed real class in a brief comment he wrote earlier to Saint).

    Goes to show that we all make mistakes and are (by no means) above reproach in this wild and wacky rock we call home...
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
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  13. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Anything you would like to confess to? :rofl:
    No, I'm just kidding. Dunno about Artic, but from my side, I don't really feel like banning anyone, unless previously discussed & agreed with the main boss here. :)
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  14. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    man, add to that that i had the worst nightmarish ,painful, sleepless, lonely 2 years of my entire life,
    r2r were like my best friends. r2r motivated me, inspired me, helped me to a point, i think i'm still alive thanks to them. during those 2 years, each time i would visit audioz, there were my r2r friends, there, they had come to say hello, they had come to offer me some goodies, like a gift to encourage me, with the best tools they could find, to make me a bit happier.

    r2r isn't the supplier-leecher relationship many people think it is: no, it's much more than that, but not everybody can understand that.
    for most of us, music occupies a big chunk of our life.along that passion, there are the tools we use, try, and sometimes, love. and along those tools, there were r2r. each day, they are part of our happiness. it's not a matter of a .1.5 version. no. those guys slowly started being part of our lives, every single day. they are hidden, but they are well here, with us.

    most people might not understand this, but r2r, through their apps, they are as important as the apps themselves, and as important as our passion for music.

    i hope they could read this, so they can understand it's not only a question of leeching stuff. no. they are like our friends, some special friends, and we really love them.

    i owe them so so much. and i really miss them. i wish they could realize how important they are, to many of us. of course, we have enough tools to write music for the next 1000 years. but, hey, there's this special relationship with them ,that we can't ignore or deny.
    so please, R2R guys, please, come back. many people really need you. :(
  15. xsze

    xsze Guest

    :unsure: I were rude here and there, flipped here and there, you know, usual stuff :sad::rofl:
    So yeah, I should be afraid :guru:
    Guess I could go with an warning or something, nice :mates:
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  16. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
  17. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Hahhahahahahahaha :rofl::rofl::rofl:
  18. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    take a chill pill man! I will vouch for you with my last 2 warning slots. :rofl:

    And on a personal note, I Admire and respect your thoughts and statement about Cat. I had a totally different experience,
    but It shows U are really a true person :bow:
  19. lexeed

    lexeed Platinum Record

    Sep 6, 2015
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    That was simply put, was all I've been saying. The arguments get so tiring.
    It's an open and free board, but anything can be excessive.
  20. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Okay, that's it, I can now sleep, I'm saved :thanks::rofl:

    Really appreciate that, yeah, there's always other side of it, like yours opposed to mine, when he wasn't awesome and fair, showered you with gifts and attention, appreciated your every move, yeah, I can't forget that, even the things that happen before I left couldn't make that disappear, we shared together few hours a day, had like 3 digits pages long PM, worth of personal stuff and everything, but on other hand I can understand how rejected someone feels when he sees that in public and get's bad/annoyed side of Cat, it's hard to be real about this, but I understand, many felt like you, felt rejected, felt the need to be in his attention span, to be appreciated, but didn't wanted to suck up to him or even to deserve it that way, they just continued to be what they are and that happened to be in conflict and never resolved into mutual respect on differences, but just "enemies" that don't spare time to pick on each other or something :dunno: :mates:
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