Change of staff, Releases and some other explanations

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by SAiNT, Oct 3, 2015.

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  1. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Cat, who ever he or "it" is, is my friend and I'm grateful for everything he has done, it's no secret we were close and that we annoyed many people with it, I'm aware of that for sure, had time to step back and I understand many of you are just annoyed of seeing me, I know, fuck me, I don't care that much anymore, I did once and put my heart and soul in here, you guys had all my patience and my loved ones were getting leftovers or all the ugly stuff that is left, I tried really...:bow:

    I understand both sides here and as I already said, I respect SAiNT for being SAiNT, you now are seeing him for what he is, I had a pleasure to realize that before, he doesn't give special treatment and he put's member first, he wants everyone here, "good" or "bad", yeah, I had a dream of perfect forum were nobody is fighting or OT-ing, just love and understanding, but got same answer from SAiNT as you are now back then, realized it's just a dream and in that time I resigned, couldn't cope with that, but I got it when I stepped back.

    What I'm trying to say is, Cat had a dream too and he gave himself completely to it, you got good and bad from it, you got all of it, SAiNT was against us being so emotional and into it, he really was, it was us, he expected professionalism, we gave everything, but truth to be told, he never asked that much commitment, we gave it, that extra 70% and that same extra went bad at some point ,we gave, we expected things based on it, we got 30%, that wasn't enough, at least me.

    I'm brutally honest here, I'm not on anyone's side, because I don't agree fully with anyone, just wanted to say this, that they both have my respect and I disappointed both of them, I know i get on nerves here and I'm among that special treated selected that are mentioned, guess I'm, I became friend with some folks here and I will always be their friend and who I really am, I'm sorry guys, I'm just emotional and that will not change, sorry, Cat is my friend too, no matter what :mates:

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  2. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I think most of us share that dream (I do as a humble user). But the problems of an open site like the typical "request bitches" is one thing, and the ones that have lead to Cat's demotion are completely separated things. Cat's work at the beginning was great.
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  3. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Totally agree!
  4. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Honestly I still don't know what's happening now and what was like all this time, but yeah:mates:
  5. DanteUruzu

    DanteUruzu Kapellmeister

    Mar 3, 2013
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    From my understanding, he wasn't banned or anything like that. Just demoted. So, I assume his silence here and on the Z is of his own choosing.
  6. mark@WFstudios

    mark@WFstudios Member

    Oct 23, 2012
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    SAiNT , I swear I remember your name back from early 2000 DC++ P2P days, but im not sure.

    I thought catalyst was doing a decent job, sure there were some posts about scene & stuff that I didn't understand but whatev's.

    I don't have a problem with the Forum becoming private as it tends to suffer from alot of stupidity & it is hard to have serious & genuine threads without stupidity cluttering everything up. I have given up on this forum as I feel its full of twats including myself :P, but I feel I have very valuable information I could share here, but this place isn't motivating enough for me & not even worth providing or seeking out information on this forum I feel, the main thing I find useful is the information posts in regards to new products etc.mostly come from TheDingus.

    Also I don't have a problem with creating a private group where I could share all of my purchased source material for people to crack the latest versions etc share with the audioz crew & staff only. As good as the whole open source thing is, this scene is hard to benefit from it.

    Anyway I always thought the crew here was cool.

    Take it easy everyone, lifes too short.
    Back into my rabbit hole, peace.
  7. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Well, truth to be told, there are many awesome people that feel discouraged to contribute anymore, including myself, that's another side of the coin, that's what was bugging me all the time, I couldn't stand the fact nothing could be done, but that's the world, that's freedom, it is how it is, everything else would fall into dictatorship. :yes:
  8. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Catalyst put an awful lot of time and effort into these 2 projects, I just hope his removal does indeed create a better environment, but at the time of his promotion all those years ago there was an awful lot of crap on this forum, and he was able to pull it under control, time will tell whether it becomes better, as Saint predicts?

    internal releases will always be available to the few, whether or not you have access to them is irrelevant, there is plenty out there already, I was lucky enough to also be on one of the so called "secret lists", but didn't really bother with it, there was nothing on there that was not already available, you didn't really miss anything major being published, and most of what was there eventually ended up being public anyways
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
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  9. Millenium

    Millenium Producer

    Jul 14, 2011
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    As far as I can remember,

    no other website has impacted so many people (musicians, composers, DJ, sound engineer, etc ...) than AudioZ and AudioSex.

    Personally I can't imagine a single day without both sites.

    In fact , I've rarely saw someone with such integrity and such honesty than SAiNT (without forgetting others like Andrew, etc...).

    No doubt that these two websites will experience a long life .

    :thanks: SAiNT !
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  10. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest


    well I like almost all of what you have contributed here, and whoever was close or not close to Sir Cat is immaterial to me
    in how I evaluate what people bring to the site(s), that goes for everyone here as well..restating

    as simplistic as it sounds.. we are still here.. and the sites are still here, and what I feel to be the true spirit
    of Z and X will continue...

    thanks all
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  11. xsze

    xsze Guest

    There was more, but I flipped and erased everything at one point, but thanks :mates:

    Hence my nick :rofl:
  13. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    @xsze Yes he is, and in his full power (since the morning) :rofl:
  14. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Perks of being mod :rofl:
  15. xsze

    xsze Guest

    This is actually his good behavior, like his early beginnings, than there was tasteless phase, than spam links, PM's and etc, I developed Stockholm syndrome, guess Andrew is gonna too, nothing beats having your morning filled with TM reports, code red, code red :unsure::rofl:
  16. mlb4sheaz

    mlb4sheaz Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    South West
    Corr its all been going on here. How did i miss this last night. Glad things are back on :)
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  17. U-Kadian

    U-Kadian Kapellmeister

    Jul 28, 2015
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    What I value is that SAiNT posted proof to us members which he didn't have to. I would have taken his word for it. Goes to show that SAiNT really values his members regardless of how long they've been here .. That I respect and long live all 3 websites.. yes I said 3 :bleh:
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  18. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Get your facts straight, He did filter members (not only new ones) based on his own preference, Either you had to agree with him you don't get cake, I discussed with him on a regular basis. If I had a different opinion (Not about not getting cake, I faked that I didn't mind it), it always ended in me being called a spoiled brad or childish.

    it never ended in agreeing about disagreeing, which is no problem at all when you are a member. but not a good quality for a mod.

    I wish him all the best and we should not forget all the good work he has done. which excels the damage he has done
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  19. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @xsze you're on a roll today man.. lot's of them :rofl:

    I just now got your nick... hence... durrrrrrr
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  20. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Story of my life :(
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