OSX - Disable screen flashing error

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Mostwest, Oct 2, 2015.

  1. xsze

    xsze Guest

    That's hackintosh in nutshell, modifying things to play along with given hardware :unsure:

    Unofficial drivers for what? Updating to what? Which version precisely will be broken?

    But you didn't installed latest, you are on 10.10.0, 10.10.5 is latest :dunno:
  2. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    sorry i said driver but i should said KEXT, i'm talking of USB, audio, video card etc.
    i'll post here the screen with unofficial kext (plus other hidden). Everything works fine and smooth.
    I could choose between Maverick 10.9.0 and Yosemite 10.10.0 because they both had tons of seed for a fast download torrent.
    For me 10.10.0 or 10.10.5 doesn't make any difference
    Also notice that i'm gonna use OSX only for audio purpose, just installed to run Logic. For everything else i still use Windows 7 in the main HDD partition.

  3. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Again, in nutshell, that's what hackintoshing is about and there are new version of Multibeast after every update with updated kext's, please don't tell me you found only kext's that work on first 0 release (10.10.0) and are abandoned for 5th (10.10.5) :dunno:

    But you can update and use latest versions which are actually the ones all developers are supporting too, maybe there was bugs and by the end of cycle they fixed it and on 10.10.5 everything is fixed and working for that version, so for the future reference they will assume anyone on Mavericks and Yosemite is actually on latest versions, not some in the middle where some of the bugs were culprits and so on, think about that.

    This is audio forum, I'm talking about audio too and the fact you are on first version that isn't future proof at all, but latest one is, so in your case 10.10.5.

    Wonder why your Logic is freezing and acting weird, you are on freaking 10.10.0 and Apple already updated Logic when everyone was facing another set of bugs on every other version of Yosemite, so now they finally ironed out everything on 10.10.5 or will in future updates, that's the only version of Yosemite they are focusing at, same as 10.9.5 is only for Mavericks :like:
  4. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Mavericks 10.9.0 worked fine, everytime they update the OSX they fix 5 bugs and they create other 10 instead...
    The installation before this one I runned Multibeast (latest version for Yosemite), installed only audio and USB3 and it actually broken the OS... so i'm very careful when and where update... Rules #1 in audio world if something is working good then just don't change it. So i did for Win7, never updated and always worked flawless...
    Except for the flashing error everything is fine... if it's know that they fixed the bug with next updates then ok i'll update if is not clear if they fixed the problem there is no reason to actuall update it...
  5. xsze

    xsze Guest

    How would you know, you never updated it, I call BS on all of this, highly bold statement that is probably just repeated internet half truth :dont:

    I'm talking about OS X, not Windows 7, where there's like 1 service pack to be installed (and you needed it for Studio One 3 for example, even if you had flawlessly running thing before it, so your rules means nothing, if actual programs demand updated system), also mentioned actual pretty valid reason to update OS X to last version, but you do whatever you want, it's your system and time, could care less about it anymore, I'm done talking to you at this point, it's pointless.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2015
  6. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    i can tell you from a long time of using os x (from 10.3), that updates to the os never actually cause trouble. plugins, daws always work, and the system always improves. apple bashers love making things up and others over exaggerate problems so so much. i would say vanilla systems (ie. 10.9.0, 10.10.0, etc) are actually always the worst.
    the only thing you need to look out for is audio interface compatibility. but for me tc electronic are always on the ball and my interface has never stopped working even with betas.
    i'm no apple fan boy, or windows hater (i think win 7 was/is great!!), but os x has been nothing but rock solid for producing/djing for years and even my ancient MBP from 2008 is getting better and better with each new OSX build.
    i have spoken to my logic expert friend and he says that the flash always being on regardless of system preference settings isn't a bug and is supposed be on all the time. apparently it is built into logic to do that...
    but if you do find a way to disable it in the future please let me know, because when i work with logic it i always use live/reason keyboard shortcuts by mistake and the flash drives me mad!!!
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015