Change of staff, Releases and some other explanations

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by SAiNT, Oct 3, 2015.

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  1. Crash Davis

    Crash Davis Ultrasonic

    Jan 17, 2014
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    You'll never see the equal of the Catalyst again.

    His highs (and lows) are unsurpassed.

    And I, for one, shall miss him.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2015
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  2. cripple9

    cripple9 Ultrasonic

    Dec 27, 2012
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    I have to say, I kinda saw this coming. Catalyst was always polite to me and he seemed to be pretty helpful to a lot of people, but I could see the tension building with the way he handled things. The shady "behind the scenes" stuff really upsets me because I kinda liked the guy. Jazz isn't dead, it just smells funny.

    The Captain has spoken, and his boot is the biggest.:bow:

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  3. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    :mates::mates::mates::mates:Fucking Hugs Frito! :mates::mates::mates::mates::mates:

    Let music be. Once words are twisted, they seem just to inflict pain, spread conflict, make to believe, spur vanities.

    There is something real good in these communities, members are here because their interest in music and sound, pretty constructive pursuits.

    I guess that the current episode can be more relevant than the reshaping of responsibilities on the management´s level. I´m thinking about how opinions and feelings are conformed, what the narrative of events would look like, what type of fears, interests and underlying menaces are recalled and for which reasons. How clear can be the waters of something that is pure underground?

    It can’t be denied that Catalyst, the man, has worked hard for projects that have benefited the entire community, beyond circles of trust; what´s more, both projects would have been completely impossible if SAiNT hadn’t conceived them.

    My point is, would this episode erode his ability to trust other people, people who in fact he needs because the scale of the projects, when some concrete, but sometimes obscure interests are at stake?

    Growth and complexity go together, incentives are vastly used to ensure reliability at all levels when organizations overflow the size of one-man band.
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  4. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Yeah, it's not that hard to know when we're not on the 'good' list, here. Just like you, I was on the ignore/shit list.

    This is my 3rd account, the 1st 2 had almost 1500-2000 comments. Unfortunately, there are always some people who think they are far superior, they know everything about everything , and they don't miss the slightest occasion to make people, specially new members, look like idiots and inferior species.
    countless hours, days, weeks, writing and posting comments, just to have the next 5-10 assholes reply with shot like 'tl;dr', 'stop the controversy ', 'stop this', 'stop that', and hundreds other comments, posted with the sole intention to make us feel and look totally stupid.

    sit, if I spend 15 minutes typing a comment, a news , or whatever, crap, if you don't like what you see/read, just ignore it and gtfo. Why you guys need to bash others, just to make you feel superior and make us feel like an inferior race? Why even replying or commenting, if all you want is make the poster look like shit? Is it so important for you, to bash others opinions?

    as a result, we only feel like trolling over and over, because no matter what we may say, there are like 5-10 guys here, who, because they are longtime members, they do know what is good, right, well, pretty, interesting, etc.. or not.

    unfortunately, I have tons of free time, and could help (would be proud of) with some little tasks, here or AZ. Even simple tasks like making a simple list of ...example, a thread with all the audio apps under 50$, with a link to their website. Or a list of the plug-ins that are currently being made. Or a list with all the ip addresses of most dev websites, so people can block with firewalls. Or many many other ideas and things we could do.
    Saint, if you read this, why can't you give some little and simple tasks to whoever would like to do them...? As a member, I would feel proud, if I could do some stuff for the website/community. Why not letting your members participate a little more? I am sure there are tons of things we, members, could do.

    there is a cluster of hundreds thousands guys, here, with tons of free time, tons of ideas, willing to do so much more. Let us participate more.

    I have offered my help and a few ideas, to catalyst, in the past, but now I understand why I was on his ignore list: he can't accept an idea from other members. If the idea comes from him, IT IS A FANTASTIC idea. But if the same idea comes from a random member, then, that idea IS BAD AND STUPID , and he wouldn't even reply to us. Didn't he want the site to evolve?

    I could go on with 500 examples, but don't want to go beyond the virtual limit of lines some members can tolerate and read, before marking the comment 'crap', disagree, etc.
    but a last time, all those who post crap and bash other's comments and ideas, just because they are like resident members and the others only have 20 or 30 comments, please, think about the time when you made your first posts and comments. Did you enjoy being understood, accepted, tolerated, welcomed, etc, even if your first batch of comments weren't that great? Did you enjoy not seeing your comments being downrated or marked as shit? Then, think 5 seconds before pulling the trigger, anytime someone posts a comment you don't 100% agree with. Stop scaring the newcomers, please

    A last thing. AFAIK, here and AZ, are Warez related websites. That's why I want to ask some of you to stop giving lessons like .oh, you should buy the sofware', 'oh, if you don't like/whatever, buy it', 'oh, you have been using a cracked plug-in since X months? Shame on you! Go buy it, pirate!!' . Etc etc.
    anyone here is free to do whatever they want, with their money. Not everybody can spend half of his monthly salary on an audio plug-in. Those who produce, own a studio full of hardware, and make cash with music, tend not to understand why some people don't accept paying 100 or 150 $/€/£ for that virtual app that they may end up disliking and now using at all, that virtual item that comes with 0 warranty,0 support, 0 anything, but can be replicated and sold 1 million times, at a price 5/10 times higher than it deserves.

    And finally, stop treating some devs and studios differently. It's just so bad, seeing X DEV/COMPANY has a cool-factor level of 80, and therefore, deserves most/more respect from the Warez scene, deserves getting a free-pass and not having his apps cracked and released, because he/they are cool guys, intelligent devs,have a family, wife, kids and a dog to feed, etc, BUT, MEANwhilE,
    Some other devs/companies, with only a cool factor level of 15 ,
    it's ABSOLUTELY NORMAL to Crack and release their apps, often just a few minutes after they hit the market, even if they also have kids and a wife.

    damn, if I were a dev, I would feel so pissed and betrayed, if I see this double standard...' oh, that guy is a great coder from germany, let's not release his apps , because he is so nice and great, he deserves 100% of the money, so let's respect him and not release his retail apps', and then ' oh, that dev is selling that fantastic plug-in at only 25 euros...but because the copy protection is easy to defeat, let's Crack it day one and release it here and there, let's make some quick and easy 100'000 downloads on uploaded and rapidgator'.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
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  5. In fact giving those lessons here and at AZ should be about as socially acceptable as using the N word on the campaign trail.
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  6. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Let me break any misconception here. AudioSEX is not warez related website. :no:
    We tolerate and sometimes even encourage warez talk, because it'd be unfair censorship otherwise.
    And the fact that both projects were founded by the same person, may suggest this misconception.

    However again, AudioSEX is not warez or warez-related website.
    Even if the public view may think otherwise. :sad:
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  7. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    But yet, just a few posts above yours, guys are basically saying 'oh, what he did ,bad or not, is not important , I will rather believe him than believe in what the boss is saying, also, there are no reasons to take all this too seriously, chill out and enjoy'.

    I guess all the friends of fifa's Blatter, specially Platini, who got 2 extra millions for 'some job', I guess they all believe in Blatter, are happy with everything that was done, and don't see any reason for all the fuzz.
  8. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
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    dark side of the moon
    This is the ultimate truth to this situation, unfortunately. For those of us on the outside we will never know exactly what and why this is truly happening.

    I'm glad to see Rolma is still as wise as ever.

    She is a true artist, one of the reasons I missed this place so much while I was gone.
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  9. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    When I say warez-related, I mean audio software in general, and not food, cars or 4k video. Or will you tell me 90% of the audiosex users don't know audioz nor they have Warez software installed on their computers..

    Like not wanting to call a hooker. . A hooker.
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  10. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    There's a link on audioz to audiosex. That makes audiosex somehow warez related.
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  11. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    To read the mean and rude things that a certain few people now wish Saint, Audioz and its members, it only confirms that there was an unhealthy kind of hierarchy going on.

    To every day read all the strange sado-masochistic stuff Catalyst and his followers wrote about how bad Audioz is, was turning this place into a cult where the all-mighty TEAMS were to be looked up to as Gods. And if you were a newcomer or a mere mortal who dared to say something "wrong" or even ask a uninitiated question, or, heaven forbid, request any software, all hell broke lose. Suddenly it was your fault the teams decided to stop releasing and you were suddenly a spoiled brat that should "shut the fuck up." This was a very unhealthy situation and I'm glad it is dealt with.

    On a personal level I have nothing against Catalyst at all! He seems like a very nice person and he put a lot of hours and work in. He should imho neither be considered a god or be bashed around like a low-life, but be treated with respect.

    I believe that everything is for the better when this now is dealt with. And I dont see anything wrong with feelings running somewhat hot in a thread that actually is dealing with the subject. Nothing wrong with a thread to ventilate, within reason, as long as it is not dripping over in threads where it does not belong.
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  12. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Thanks for the open and honest thread Saint.

    Due to the negativity that seemed to get more widespread over the months, I avoided the forum when it upgraded to the newer version. It just felt more and more like an elite club and if someone didn't hold the same views as certain powerful people they got slaughtered.
    Yes the place was made better in many aspects and there was lots of hard work put in... but it was also getting destroyed at the same time with power.

    Hopefully things will go back to normal soon and we can all chat about when we are going to be famous n stuff :)
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  13. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    There's link on 0on3's website as well, and his website is not warez related. :no:
  14. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    In this forum you can't ask for warez but you can freely talk about it. IMHO that qualifies as warez-related, although not only, of course.

    I mean, for example, you can't find huge threads like the Kontakt ones explaining everything about legit and non legit Kontakt versions in a non warez related forum.
  15. Vince Bramich

    Vince Bramich Ultrasonic

    Jan 11, 2015
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    Melbourne, Australia
    sweet as.
    looking forward to seing you around more often
  16. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    True, that's what I said in my previous reply - you can talk about warez here, but that doesn't make necessarily AudioSEX related to warez, or does it?
    It's not the only thing we discuss in here :thumbsup:
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
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  17. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Wishing you all the best for the future Catalyst, in whatever your future projects will be, thankyou for all the hard work you have put into AS and AZ over the last 4 years. enjoy some well earned time out and RnR

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  18. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    I've always been a little hesitant to discuss AudioX stuff here since AS is not a sharing site as such, but I guess if that is ok then so be it. It might be a bit better to have a separate AudioZ free speaking chat forum like this one to be able to help and get help about various shares and such. But either way is fine really.
  19. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Like most of us, I was surprised by the last 'events'.

    I think that things are never black or white so Catalyst should be at least given the opportunity to provide his own version.

    That being said, I was very unpleased by all the R2R stuff going on for the last months. Without connection with the previous, I believe that Cat was right to consider filtering new members.

    Anyway all these unfortunate events are hopefully behind us for good.
  20. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I'm glad this big problem has been resolved. Thank you so much SAINT, you're the man.

    I was seeing really weird things lately with Cat and some other important members/mods/etc. But I never thought it was so terrible.

    I barely comment here, and even less in discussions. Even so, I couldn't help but disagree with Cat and a couple of his followers (important members also).

    One was the "requesters crucifixion" in the S1 3 request thread. Another was the "elitism and R2R sanctification" issue that Kookaboo has pointed out in one of the first posts. He was victim of a terrible persecution, and Cat was not the principal stalker in that thread.

    Well, I think that is more a semantic thing that an important one, since we agree in the meaning of what AS is. Cheers :)
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
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