How to disable SIP under OSX 10.11 "El Capitan"

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by TISGOD, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. Snill

    Snill Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Hackintosh user no need for this just using Clover v3270 and under Rt Variables in the box CsrActiveConfig: Disable SIP in plist (0x3)
    Enable SIP in plist (0x0)
  2. mikaelp

    mikaelp Newbie

    Jul 13, 2011
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    thanks for this BRO !!! thanks for the support !!!:mates:
    but ... doesnt work for me !!! after replace Lib+++ .. LOGIC X doesnt open !!! :dunno: i replace my original lib++ and now " everything is OK " !!! :thumbsup:
    ....... however ...... about Native Instruments FIX ( auvatool validation AU/PLUGINs ... in LOGIC X on El Capitan )
    i Find a solution around the Web:

    1 - Disable SIP (System Integrity Protection) ( as described by TISGOD in this post )
    2 - download this Old Version of AUVATOOL : AUVATOOL FIX
    3 - open spotlight and go to : /usr/lib ... backup your original Auvatool file in a safe place.
    4 - always in ... usr/lib ... replace auvatool with OLD Version of AUVATOOL ... you downloaded now. :bow:
    5 - open Logic and Rescan all Native Instruments plugins.
    :like: ENJOY !!! :like:

    TISGOD Member

    Sep 16, 2015
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    THANK YOU mikaelp!

    Here is an updated, complete guide to getting your goods going again.

    1. Follow my instructions at the begining of this thread -
    Disable System Inegrity Protection by rebooting into recovery partition. Then open Utilities-> Terminal (Shell comand window)
    type in "csrutil disable", without the "" and press enter
    to restart your mac type in "reboot" and press enter

    2. Download old version of auvaltool, for example from here:

    3. Open Finder, click on Go To -> Got to folder and type in "/usr/bin" (without the "")

    4. Search for the file auvaltool and make a copy of it to your desktop (if something wents wrong)

    5. replace auvaltool in the /usr/bin folder with the one you downloaded in step 2

    6. Restart Logic, Open empty project, Go to Settings-> Plugin-Manager. Select not validated plugins ant click on rescan

    NI plugs will work immediately.

    For Arturia plugins:

    They are deselected in Plug In Manager so, you need to select each one, one at a time... Rescan ONE AT A TIME... Hit "Done" once scan is complete. Close Logic.
    Re-open and scan the next, repeating the above steps until all are scanned (ONE AT A TIME).


  4. lisapower

    lisapower Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    For the Arturian's, this is from their WebPage!

    Our testing team is still working on the compatibility of the Arturia software instruments with the new Mac OS X 10.11, El Capitan. At that point, from what we see, this update may affect operations of these instruments when in Audio Unit or standalone mode.
    For this reason, if you want to make sure your Arturia software keeps working properly, we recommend that you postpone the update of Mac OS to "El Capitan" until these compatibility issues are resolved.

    Last edited: Oct 14, 2015
  5. mr

    mr Newbie

    Jan 19, 2017
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    Hey! I was searching google around for a way of Making Altiverb 7 work on my 10.11 (by changing the libstdc file...). Great I found here!

    Small noobie question: I only have the libstdc file for 10.10.2 - Does anyone have the 10.11 file and can share? Or the 10.10 works on 10.11 as well??

    Thanks a lot in advance.
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