Anybody rushing out to buy software yet?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Burninstar, Jan 23, 2012.

  1. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    Hey' Does anybody want to go to the movies, or buy a CD, or rush out to buy software? Corporate America has screwed themselves big time.

    Just because "they" (movie and music moguls ect...) have limited our free access does not make us want to buy their products. In fact just the opposite.

    Here is a personal story that kinda relates to this. I compete with other DJ/Karaoke businesses in a mid sized market.

    Several years ago another DJ/Karaoke guy who had not computerized his gear sent out 40 Information packets to every place that hires music entertainment regionally, stating that "If their establishment hired us they could be subject to a $250,000 fine, be closed down, and wind up in jail.", because "I use a computer for Karaoke my content could not be legal and I would be employed by them, making them libel."

    He also told them the "FBI was on my tail and I would be going to prison soon." He did everything in his power to put me out of business, thinking that he would get more work. Well, It backfired! His actions sent almost all the work my way!

    A friend of mine has informed me that he is now completely out of business. After the fuss he caused nobody would ever hire him, fearing he might turn on their businesses and ruin them. All his gear and library were seen on E-Bay. I now own 5 DJ/Karaoke rigs and have 4 other DJs that work for me.

    They will find out that if people can't download their movies or music, people probably won't shell out the money to buy their products either. Especially if they are pissed off. They will loose revenue.

    Time Warner My ISP brags about their download speeds and actually encourages people to download several movies and music at the same time with their television advertising. What role, if any, do the ISPs play in this mess?

    We the people might even organize a boycott on these products! 14 million responded to the blackout protest, Imagine 14 million boycotting movies, games, and CDs if even for a few days.
  3. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Have all software to make music already !!!

    Have download movies and games to watch and play the next 3-4 years.

    And now I won't support them anymore...

    I support PreSonus StudioOne and that's it ! Good to have a DAW and regular updated.
    Still don't like the licensing, because it restricts me
    and gives me the impression like I rent or leased it.
    I own it and want to use it without asking for permission...! Stupid !!!

    I wait till someone with a brain comes and opens a free music label and download site
    for all musicians, to get 80-90% of their music, like it should be.
    This way the music industry will die in a fast way and artist become what they deserve...

    Why there is no man to do so..., DAMN !!!
  4. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    when i can afford it i ll buy it
  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i downloaded all the mvoies i found good from the past - but i think for upcaoming movie ill find a way to get them for free ...

    and for the audio stuff i have download all what i need ...
    need only fabfilter Q and eos and bitwig if it ll be out ...

    but why should i buy music?! there are enough online trance radios around the globe and for the special releases i have still a few russian filehoster which im sure will never die ...

    those companies are o greedy - it simply sucks
    ill boykot DVD's/ BD/ CDs and movies - for the next movie ive got copons :P
  6. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Behind my instrument
    Movies, Cds, games, and productivity software? Hope you get rich and famous.

    That is the problem with these industries. They think we all have disposable income and if they limit downloads they will make money.

    They don't realize these are not necessities and we can live on without these things. Everyone should be trying to boost the economy so all of us could buy these things.
  7. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Carface -
    It`s an ILLUSION!

    There are People working on breaking "THEIR" hold over Us.

    Lets hope the CURE is found before it is too late. :mates:
  8. funlovingfool

    funlovingfool Newbie

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Hi everyone. I'm a newbie here. I've always been a "Try before you buy" guy. Filesharing has saved me from buying thousands of dollars worth of software that was not compatible with my system or just plain ole crappy to begin with. Any programs that I really liked, used a lot and that might be used for commercial or profit purposes....I always purchased. But if I had bought some of the other software that sucked, I would've been pissed and more than likely never purchased another thing from that company ever (even if the new products might be worth buying). I do tend to agree femoving Audioz files from the Google search engine might be a wise idea. If I can find it that easy, so can LEO, MPAA, etc. True inspiring musicians will find this site via word of mouth and other legit forums. Instead of just clicking the first links produced by a lazy Google search. That being said, I will not buy ANY software,CD's,DVD's,etc from companies that are jumping on the "oppression" bandwagon. Citizens SHOULD NOT have to sacrifice freedom just to protect the profit margin of a corporation. Long live Audioz and thank you Saint! :hug:
  9. Nawhak

    Nawhak Ultrasonic

    Oct 26, 2011
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    Changing the Internet the way they want won't make me richer than I am anyway...
  10. DJ_Digital

    DJ_Digital Newbie

    Nov 20, 2011
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    i have so much stuff i dont even really know what i got\
    a stack of external drives, not just from here, full
    i am 51 and i seriously doubt i will ever use 25% of it to produce mixes
    nor have i watched half the movies i d/l-ed
    but one thing i will say to everyone who shared... (including myself)

    WE are the community - give up ? i dont think so

    and without us sharing our files, no one would buy anything
    how about those who cant afford to eat already ??
    all we want is a good music mix or see a simple cam copy or an R5 screener

    i refuse to go out and buy anything, if i dont first hear or see it as a preview
    for this i depend on the scene releases, and whatever i can check out
    we are actually promoting 'them' - ya think they see it that way - not

    an NFO/diz once said... if you like and use it- buy it to support the artist
    and yes i do that, well did that. but now... i am gonna think twice
    mainly cuz i have so much "crap" i bought un-previewed, that i wish i never bought

    tired of getting ripped off at retail- did ya hear that corporate america ??
    back off sopa/pipa

    my 2 and a half cents

  11. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    First of all, let be realistic! Most people (I don't say all!!!) downloading warez software do not buy after trying it for free (e.g. Waves Mercury Bundle list for $6300 and Waves 8 for over $10000 - think about it, most audiolovers don't have the money to purchase items like these even in their wildest dreams). Secondly, the US population is going through a great financial hardship with economists predicting that things will get much worse in the future! A poor economy means less financial investment for film, video and music productions, which in turn affects purchasing power and the development of music software (it began to slow down two years ago). What is this telling us? Nowadays, people have other priorities (e.g. mortgage, rent, food, children, car payments, taxes, insurance, college tuition etc) and they are not going to be rushing out to buy expensive software. So, I don't think this move from the Hollywood moguls will bring an increase of profits to the music industry. In reality (because they failed with Sopa and Pipa), it was just a show of power to let us know who is in control. It's not music piracy that is costing billions to the music corporate, but the policies of the New World Order controllers (the International banksters to which the Hollywood moguls belong) that is creating the problem by destroying the economy of nations!

    Many of us have been wise enough to save and archive our downloads on hard drive and dvd form (vst's, vsti's, samples, loops, presets, Daw's, film footage, video and graphic software etc). I' ve 3 terabytes of saved data, I know there are many guys out there that have much more. Like Carface, I've downloaded plenty of videos (I like wild life documentaries) to keep me entertained for a decade. It will take me literally a day or two to browse through what I have. So most of us have enough material to last us for a long harsh winter.

    If the situation with the file sharing business (e.g. Filesonic, Fileshare, Rapidshare etc) does not get solved in a month or two (I don't know for how long torrents will last), people are going to find ways to begin sharing and swapping software between each other. Like the Brits say, "When there is a will, there is a way." Cheers!
  12. TkiD

    TkiD Noisemaker

    Jul 24, 2011
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    No more than usual, I buy the odd thing I like and use a lot, I save up for stuff, I delete what I don't like. All the changes will just slow things down a bit, it will never stop entirely *yes*