Studio One Unlock midi volume fader

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by Mostwest, Sep 2, 2015.

  1. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Hi friends how are you? I was able to unlock my midi keyboard volume fader to work with the selected channel, not just the assigned one.

    But first i will thanks this site for the very clear guide ----> Daw.One

    There are cool articles over there, worth your time.

    This is the article that you need to read and follow -----> External controllers follow single channel selection


    First thing a suggest to back up your midi folder settings, so if something goes wrong you can revert it back

    i've used a cheap M-Audio 49, so i'm pretty sure that the guide will work for most of the midi keyboard you guys have. I did it only for Volume fader, but the guy used also mute,solo and other stuff.

    If you have trouble you can ask me, since the guy doesn't allow comments on his site.


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  3. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Thanks !!!
    Yes, there are a lot of solutions, using Mackie MCU for several tracks or Faderport EMU or...
    You can take a look at those already provided, to inspire you or add something you need.
  4. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    That could work. I posted this since i've seen people complaining that S1 doesn't allow this. Only Faderport and other Presonus stuff are allowed. I'll probably stick to the old method since i'm more a mouse guy.

    However the site a provided offer some nice tricks and an unofficial PDF version for S1.
  5. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    Like Pipotron said, there are plenty of solution for this , all you have to do is go to the Presonus user forum, also I am not too sure if this guys info is really that good, he posted whole page on how to disable VST3 plugs that involved going in to the AppData folder and making modifications to the plugin-en files... WTF is that all about?? All anyone needs to do is go into the options\advanced and simply disable the vst3 option
  6. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    You guys are talking like Studio One experts wich is fine. Then why don't you provide your solution to this?

    I didn't say "wow this site is really amazing", i said that there are some tips and tricks wich can be cool: How many of you have solved the "Show in explorer" situation? How many of you can open a Studio One 3 project in V2??

    No one will force you to come here and say "wow this solution is really pointless" you need to prove that is actually pointless.

    Informations on the net could be right or wrong, that's way i tried myself the solution before post here. I know that actually this will work, also provided my screen capture in order to prove it.

    You guys are acting like child. Please next time i'll provide useful informations prove that i'm wrong before commenting bad things and i'll be happy to learn and fix the thread.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2015
  7. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You

    TBH it seems to me that all he did was take info from the Presonus forum and made a site. I was not nor was Pipotron saying anything against you and the fact you posted this info, All I was saying is that find some of his info to be a bit off and antiquated. BTW all the problems you listed were taken care of in the Users Forum long before this guy posted a damn thing
  8. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    If i come here, post some informations and you say "your informations are bad" you are actually talking bad about me. But again if you have other solutions i'm here to learn if not please think twice before commenting.
  9. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    I never said your info was bad, only that some of HIS was bad, which btw has nothing to do with your post.That info is good and I am sure that there are plenty that will appreciate it, But that whole page on how to disable the vst3 option is complete bullshit. Any legit owner will always get the best up to date info from the User Forum
  10. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    I've read any kind of bullshit on the net, we can just ignore something we know that could not work. Something are actually sold on TV. I'ven't posted others infos since i hadn't prove all of them. But let's be real open the V3 projects with V2 could be brilliant, no matter were the info come.

    I spended sometimes on Presonus Forum and i think it's full of jerks, time wasted in my opinion. There 5-6 wich costantly talking shit.

    I made the request for Bezier Curve for V3 and everybody started "yo, bro we don't want them, they are stupid". Guess what Since was the most viewed thread Presonus took the idea and implemented on V3.

    Presonus forum is time wasted, only tips and tricks section worth it. And i have already posted here on Audiosex.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2015
  11. audiowolf

    audiowolf Producer

    Aug 6, 2015
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    Thanks for sharing the tip Mostwest. Do you guys find using a midi controller in Studio One useful?
  12. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    Yeah, I think that S1 has the best way to map a midi controller
  13. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    I stick to VST2 since most VST3 are less good as vst2,.... Red the nfo which comes with all uhe plugins.
    Am I wrong ?

    Only a few hours left... Than I get a FaderPort yeah ! 1024 steps for all parameters :)
  14. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    glad that someone actually like it.
  15. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    That's ok, if you need to browse preset probably vst2 would be a better choice, but vst3 are still lighter on cpu.
  16. Loop Threat

    Loop Threat Ultrasonic

    Aug 1, 2015
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    Bitwig Calif
    I'll drink to that.
  17. JohnJ

    JohnJ Newbie

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Bullshit. You spent months on the forum making FR's for a product and when you were outed for - never having bought the application, using a crack, which I see you still do years later - you got banned and all of your posts got deleted. :dont: You couldn't get into the real user forum there anymore anyway since only registered users can.

    I see you still like telling flat out lies though. :bleh: You can't "waste time" in a forum you've been banned from can you... since you can't get in? Not to mention your 200 user names at KVR where you also kept getting kicked out for using cracks.

    Maybe just buy the application you leech. The irony of a thief calling people jerks - because - they called him out for being a thief and showed him the door. :dont:
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2015
  18. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    You have omitted important information and show us how much you are concerned to point that I'm warez over the fact that I discovered a bug wich makes 32 bit version unusable. If you can pay for you good for you. In my case I couldn't get 1 project done in S1 so why should I spend my money in something that I already know is not working correctly since day 1?? Jumped from s1 boat over 1 year ago to Logic but you were more concerned to point that I was using a non legit version over noticing it....

    You are wasting your time trying to get me banned also here on AudioSex.
    Kvr people always keep talking shit over Audiosex and Audioz but I soon things doesn't work they come here to ask for help...
    You are probably one of them, sorry but here you can't ban me for talking of warez try another forum.
  19. JohnJ

    JohnJ Newbie

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Bullshit. You are a leech who got caught telling multiple lies about why you never bought the application... long before there was a version 3. And again, you were KICKED OUT of the forum so it's not like you had a choice to not participate because "some of those guys are jerks". You sound like a moron, suggesting that finding a bug gives you the right to use something for years without paying for it.

    I have no interest in telling anyone what to do and I fully understand some people do use cracks for demos and then buy later, I have no problem with them, but you sir are a LIAR, plain and simple, so I thought I'd point that out. If you continually LIE you should expect someone to occasionally call you on it.

    "Try to get you banned on Audiosex" ?????? (a forum where people openly talk about and point to cracks?) You're not only a liar but also not that bright. :) Why would anyone ban anyone - here - for that? Sounds ridiculous, like most things you say.

    There are people who reads obvious lies and not say anything. I'm not one of those people. To the other users, pardon my posts but this guy is a huge (and not very good) liar, plain and simple.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2015
  20. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    1)Not sure what problem you have in your life to come over Internet Forum and attack people.

    2)Who cares about you, get a life. Enjoy your family/friends.

    3)Never lied about DEMO, there are tons of way to get fresh emails every 30 days. So if it still in demo i'm not doing anything wrong.

    4)I never paid it but at the same time I never actually create anything to it, nothing. Just free video on the net on how to use it. But again i could get anything done due to bugs. I don't wanna talk again about this, the best i can do is post old screen of Studio One bugged.

    5)Tried S1 v2, liked it but bug stoped me from buying so i went for LOGIC. Then S1 v3 came out, tried again demo as soon it was release but the bug was still there.

    6)Real reason why i got banned is because i pointed out that v2 has bugs and i pointed that i couldn't buy something that is not actually working for me. They mispelled me and they say that i was talking warez from both Presonus Forum (bad forum made bad persons) and KVR since they were the same fanboys.

    7)Ignorance is a bad thing really

    8)Now i will not replay to you anymore since you are annoying me and wasting my time with no sense. I suggest you to get a life and be happy with persons around you. Haters gonna hate.

    (So you actually create a new account just to come here and write bad things to me?? C'mon... And you also loved your same comment, pathetic... Wayine3 aka JonhJ aka whatever account you want)
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2015
  21. JohnJ

    JohnJ Newbie

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Bullshit. You got banned because you were using cracks and making 1000 FR's for something you didn't and still don't own, while lying about why, saying stupid shit like "I have a virus that I can't get rid of, a virus that bypasses the license".

    Stop lying. I know it's hard, but at least try, and besides, you suck at it, you're not even a very good liar.

    When you go on the Internet and call people "jerks" for calling you out on your lies you (if you had any reasonable degree of common sense, which appears to not be the case with you) might expect some of them to comment on your obvious lies. I'm not "attacking" you (the common defensive reaction of someone who gets called on their bullshit), I'm responding to your obvious lies.

    There's not a single post from MostWest anywhere on the Studio One forum, because the admins erased them all, because he got caught lying about multiple things and users called him out. He told so many different lies he couldn't even keep up with them.

    "Jerks" = "People who got tired of Mostwest the leech making 1000 FR's and taking up space in the conversations from people who paid for the application."

    He only does it here - play the Studio One expert, pretend like he's helping people - because it's ok to do it here and because he got kicked out of everywhere else.

    I can do this with you all day because you are a liar and a leech.

    I'm certain many good people here do eventually buy many of the cracked things they try, because they're not liars like you, and won't be here 5 years from now still never having bought anything, leeching off of the hard work of others. Leech, liar, not a very good person.

    Moral: Be careful what you say on the net, it's public and your lies don't just live in a vacuum.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2015
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