Good software workstation/ROMpler?

Discussion in 'Software' started by xsze, Oct 1, 2015.

  1. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    As wisely said by 'Pipotron3000', the 'KORG Legacy Collection Special Bundle' could be your 'bread & butter' for what you're looking for...
    Not only you get the 'famous' emulations of the 'Wavestation' and the 'M1', but you can also blend, layer, mix,... all their original (and users) sounds with the other sounds of the not less 'famous' emulations of the 'MS-20', the 'Polysix', the 'Mono/Poly', all this within a same Plugin Application : KORG 'Legacy Cell', now available in 64 Bit. :yes:
    Moreover, you also get an Effects Processor : MDE-X, which contains some 'famous' KORG Effects, and which is not so bad after all... :wink:
  2. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Well, can't justify it in my head anymore, stopped making sense while ago and went legit after it, thanks for suggestion anyways :mates:

    Why, if I have issue with the price right now, I will have when payback time comes, which will never come for lot off things as I already know all too good, it's hard to pay excessive price for something you don't really need that much or find un-replaceable, when you got all stock stuff and freebies, cheap no brainers and bargains, I learned my lesson, saw what I really like and need by the time i started thinking with my wallet, now just doing it that way, some devs are freaking crazy with hype, endorsements and prices, I'm not buying all that, I tried many of it and know how much is all worth it, would rather support really awesome devs that offer great products for reasonable prices instead, so yeah :thumbsup:

    Korg M1 if I remember correctly is in E-MU's 90s sound territory and little messy to use, but in all fairness couldn't tell for sure more about it, wasn't impressed for my own thing back when I had it around, now who knows, thanks for a suggestion :mates: see no benefits in acquiring something like CRX4 for him :no:

    Too much money for whole thing, mainly I'm interested in M1 and Wavestation now, everything else is not needed and I have covered that vintage synth palette to some extend with freebies already anyways (Mono/Fury, PG-8X, Charlatan, SQ8L, Dexed), awesome :mates:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2015
  3. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
  4. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Thanks man, I know about it, I'm not just active there as I used to be (not that much either, but you could see me around Mac releases), yeah, Kontakt is great, but as you said, it's not that cheap getting full on with it :no:

    Appreciate it, good luck with music and everything too :mates:
  5. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    Yeah thanks friend. I guess going straight leaves you with less choices financially and you really have to decide on another level.
    Good luck with your quest and I hope you find what you're looking for.
    I must admit I do admire people like yourself as I'm all for free software when I can get it but I'm so honest and sincere in other areas of my life which I feel sort of makes up for my deviance's here!!
    Any excuse eh!
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2015
  6. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    The sampler that come with Logic is good.
    Buy 200 buck of sample libraries.
  7. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    If by ROMPLER you mean a complete set of instruments, I have a few suggestions.

    If by ROMPLER you mean a strictly ROM-only thing, I have not many suggestions. (Luxonix Purity you have alredy tried)

    There's also Synth1 (FREE, like mySQL). It has GM-like presets, you can download 2 more GM-based presets iirc.

    EDIT: If you're not so keen on Dimension Pro, I don't know what you mean by 'support', but it works fine in REAPER4.
  8. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    SampleTank. it's self-contained, takes little processing power and comes with a pretty extensive library. I have SampleTank 2 (plus ST instruments like Philharmonik, Sonik Synth 2, etc.), which is always one of the first VIs I reach for, even with a big Kontakt collection to work with. From what I understand, SampleTank 3 is a bit more sophisticated, but still has a lot of same ease-of-use. You can also import a few outside sample formats, even stuff from Akai sample CDs. And some quick searches should turn up dozens of additional Sample Tank libraries you can add to it as needed.

    You might also want to consider the Korg Digital Collection, which includes the M1 and the WAVESTATION. I always loved the M1's sound, and it's a great workstation, but WAVESTATION has some pretty incredible patches. You can also find hundreds of converted Korg and third-party card ROMs around online for free that load up into the VIs just like the hardware versions.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2015
  9. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    As you're looking for a bread & butter sound workstation, it's like the endless search for the best GM sound bank: There is no such thing.
    This is so much a matter of taste that it is really hard to find a pre-built one that contains sounds you mostly find great.
    It's such an individual thing that, after using Hypersonic 1 and Roland Synths plus Expansions for years, I have ended up building a collection of Kontakt instruments for my own. Only the greatest stuff. It takes time but it's such a joy to work with my own set of beloved sounds!
    It's also a matter of inspiration. Great sounds can do magic when used right.

    Apart from that, since I'm also using Logic, I have access to the "free" large sound library, and the whole Logic package could easily be the best bang for the buck, not to mention the many included virtual instruments and the new Alchemy which imho is a good (yet different) contender to Omnisphere. A real biggie for me is that Apple included the huge Alchemy sound library too. Another great thing with Logic is its well-organized library. You can restrict your search for sounds and loops by tags, bpm (in the case of rhythmic loops) and categories, and quickly find the sound you're looking for. If you have too many loops and already spent too much creativity-killing time previewing loop collections, you might know what I mean.
    Otherwise I have the Reason demo on my machine, and I must say that it's a very nice package too. Many great sounds, great virtual instruments and rack FX out-of-the-box, and if you like the workflow and don't mind Propellerhead's marketing strategy, that's another nice package, although I wouldn't recommend it for pure "preset guys". IMHO it suits best the ones that will hack and tweak factory sounds anyway until they fit the song well.

    These are just a few ideas, there's so much more out there.

    And then there's your own sampling sessions that, in your case, Hip-Hop can't do without :yes:
  10. xsze

    xsze Guest

    I believe in try before buy, but knowing myself, what I can't buy for a month or didn't bought all this time, yeah, it's not going to happen :no:

    Don't put yourself down, using warez is a minor mischief at the best, some folks like to exaggerate the case for it, but you aren't any less of an awesome human being for using it :mates:

    Agree, what comes with Logic is great, no need for buying anything, there's everything there already :yes:

    Was Googling before I opened this thread, people mention Dimension Pro, but many doesn't recommend it because of Cakewalk support, dunno, it seems it's or abandoned or they have lousy customer support, don't quite remember, just know it's a red flag for me. :yes:

    I meant workstation/sampler/rompler, it can be any of it, just should be there, gonna try Independence :mates:

    Thanks for the time and great info :mates:

    Not looking for greatest, but good enough for today standards wrapped in all in one package for quick access and more creativity, something he can learn inside out and something that will deliver majority of times without much hassle.

    Logic X is really hard to beat, I'm sincerely leaning towards just hooking him up with it and getting over with this, crazy value and so much stuff, he got all the synths, loops and everything, hard to beat it. :yes:

    I will take your word for it than :mates:

    Appreciate your time and effort, wish you to have an amazing day today :mates:
  11. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Thanks my friend, all the best for you guys!

    There's one more Option for WIndows that I hesitated to recommend before, but I believe that - now take a breath - Mixcraft 7
    is also worth a look at, especially for starters that want a complete package that's easy to get to grips with.
    It comes with >160 so-called "Song Kits" (song templates) and an Ableton-like clip launcher, somewhat like in Live's Session View, that's great for arranging in real time and composing in a playful way.
  12. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Awesome, gonna check that out, had a glimpse at it, looks really promising :disco::yes::mates:


    Installed 14 days trial, went trough content list on their site, but what I got is two lousy samplers only, they crippled 14 days trial, just wow, their loss really :woot::dunno::yes::dont:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2015
  13. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    There's also a free forever version of independance

    While it's not quite my bread & butter, you can can pair sfz+ (commercial-turned-free, but you may have trouble finding downloads now) with fluid R3 GM, GeneralUser GS (fluidsynth version) . But this requires you to insert MIDI PC events to change instruments via MIDI.
  14. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Well, you won't get the >7GB library with the trial version.
  15. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Just 2 lousy samplers, wouldn't hurt to put few synths in there, tease someone, no, lousy marketing, they offer 2 versions and than you demo something way crippled, even complete version isn't enough of a bargain these days considering competition, no wonder they are practically invisible and get mentioned rarely on forums. :dunno::thumbsup:
  16. retroboy

    retroboy Producer

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Totally agree. I used to use an EMU E4K Keyboard sampler back in the 90's. £4500 with 128mb! Glad those days are over
  17. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Software workstation, that would be used with midi keyboard anyways, for the sake of having most of the stuff in one place, don't know what is redundant about it, better/cheaper/more convenient than using 15+ plugins/libraries instead, but YMMV.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2015