Burn All Borders - Deep Exp DNB

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by seasons secret, Sep 27, 2015.

  1. seasons secret

    seasons secret Noisemaker

    Mar 16, 2014
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    hi all
    this is my new experimetal dnb track
    hope you like it!
  3. SyNtH.

    SyNtH. Platinum Record

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Snare needs less release, Kick sounds like it has a phase on it, there seems to be some digital click that appears some of the hits. Apart from that great atmosphere, well done! I would also recommend some more drum rolls/ shuffles and gentle rides to help the drums along. Sounds very Samurai-esque (DNB Label)
  4. I really like it a whole lot. Just read your blurb on your Soundcloud page and now I understand why I am feeling what I am feeling as I listen to your wonderful track. I live in Baselland and have been very aware of the exercise that has been implemented these last days here in der Schweitz. The army is seen everywhere; men with guns, guns with men, keeping the border secure against the coming hoards fleeing from death and destruction from the lands of their fathers and the land of their father's fathers. It is a sad commentary on the state of the world although the paradigm is hard wired in our genes, that is, to do what can be done to protect what you've got from a hostile and dangerous outside world. Our skin protects us from organisms detrimental to our survival, and this is expressed through the psyche of 99.9999999999% of the human race. It is this human condition we are discussing and what you so eloquently express in your track to me, the sadness of keeping up the charade of being human and blindly adhering to the staus quo. We cannot deny, we dare not digress, we blindly move forward in ignorance. Why did you participate? if not for these very reasons. I'm not putting you down, but these are the questions we must ask ourselves in order to in some way achieve humanness and avoid the failings of our primate limitations. Art is a great way to seek the answers to so many questions, though many times the truth is too frightening and alien for most of us to benefit. We must persevere through the barbed wire in order to come through to the other side of this imaginary border. We might at the end be scathed but we will be the better for it, looking all scars and ripped to the bone, than if we did nothing at all and suffer the consequences of lacking the will to even look at ourselves in the mirror and question the imposed reality that this sensibility dictates.
  5. focusrite

    focusrite Platinum Record

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Yeah loving the samurai vibe too and this is top notch stuff....... seriously. I did find the flow of the song frustrating though. I would wanna skank out but the beats are too sparse in places to really get going. Maybe that was intentional, maybe not. Please give me an alternate version so I can get down and dirty :speaker:
  6. seasons secret

    seasons secret Noisemaker

    Mar 16, 2014
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    hi man
    thanks for listen!
    first version of this track compair in a drones/ambient compilation
    i decided to add some drums and perc sounds to create a different version
    Now I'll have to do another version yet...ahahahahah :)
    the question is that i'm a big samurai, exit rec, auxiliary, red horo....fun
    at the same time i'm crazy for drone music, dark ambient, and raster noton stuff
    maybe i'm a bit schizophrenic :)
    In short,
    that does not skank is intentional but I admit also that I have less familiarity with danceable rhythms and those with more syncopated and rarefied glitches.

    i did also a video for this track
    hope you like it!
    thanks again mate and big up!
  7. seasons secret

    seasons secret Noisemaker

    Mar 16, 2014
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    Hi Synth,
    thand for listen,
    yes, listening better i think that, maybe, the automations that i applied on the kicks sounds to make it more untypical, finally, was create phase with others low frequencies sounds.
    thanks for advise me,
    the snares...
    ok, yes,
    too much release
    is really
    but i'm i reverber maniac and i like a lot snare with no end :)
    i appreciate your technical advices,
    thanks again and big up


  8. seasons secret

    seasons secret Noisemaker

    Mar 16, 2014
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    hi superliquissunshine
    thanks for liste and for your words.
    I'm glad you enjoyed the music but also the message, the content.
    I agree with you when you say that art is one of the few possible ways there were to oppose the status quo and to try to fight it and change it
    the situation is very complex and unfortunately my bad English does not allow me to deepen the concepts important to me and I try to carry on in my musical productions.
    tomorrow is the last day for CONEX
    if you want
    let me know a finally resume for your experience in this military land
    I leave you a message even in your soundcloud

    hope you like also my videoclip
    thanks again man
    no borders!

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