Studio Investment's Building... Budget 2000 - 3000 $

Discussion in 'Studio' started by Newbroe, Sep 26, 2015.

  1. Newbroe

    Newbroe Newbie

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Hey guys!

    I would be thankfull for any help at all since my rep... haha.
    Tips, Knowledge, Experiences... more then wellcome!

    Well, First of all...

    1. The biggest problem i gues, is the small surface.
    And also the material of my walls, Which is concrete. :s

    2. Would it even be possible to fix whit treatment?
    And is the room big... enough?

    The room is:

    4.5 meters = 14.7638 feet - length
    3 meters = 9.84252 feet - width
    2 meters = 6.56168 feet - height

    - To be continued...

    3. Choosing the right stuff... for the
    Daw, or so calld... ( Future studio )

    The budget would be around:
    ~ 1500 - 3000 $

    active monitors
    Studiofoam, ( Acoustic Treatment )

    I have came across this models:

    ¤ Yamaha HS8
    ¤ JBL LSR3

    And for the treatment...
    I have no experiences at all, Is it necessary whit basstraps etc?

    (For mixing/producing style is EDM)

    I appreciate comment's <3

    Dyslexics: Hell yes!

    Last edited: Sep 27, 2015
  3. Qaiss

    Qaiss Ultrasonic

    Jan 24, 2013
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    I heard something interesting about egg boxes being used for acoustic treatment. Could someone clarify this?
  4. Kaylix

    Kaylix Ultrasonic

    Feb 22, 2014
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    This will only dampen the treble frequencies. They are not really a problem. The problem is the bass frequencies. My advice to the OP is to invest in a good pair of headphones.
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  5. Belarri

    Belarri Member

    Oct 3, 2014
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    beyerdinamic 770 for headphones and 6 inches woofer behringer maybe?
  6. Enoch007

    Enoch007 Kapellmeister

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Do yourself a favor and get the room treated/tuned before you go ham on the fear. Consult with Ethan Winer via Gearslutz. Or just google the guy.

    Also, do you have 2 rooms? Because you have 2 different measurements listed. One small room and another room with a very high ceiling?? You'd have to tackle each room in a very different way..
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  7. SharkBait O-reily

    SharkBait O-reily Kapellmeister

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Best Answer
    put more money into absorption and treatment than you do monitors...

    to make an analogy... we can look at a painter
    room treatment for a mixing engineer = visual light for a painter

    room treatment allows for an accurate representation of what the sound source is
    visual light allows for a painter to accurately see the colors and shape of what he is painting

    the less visual light, the less accurate a painter can see
    the less room treatment, the less accurate a mixer can hear

    so for instance.. you could be adding more bass because you THINK there is not enough bass.. when in truth there is TONS of it.. or if you are listening to a mix with LOTS of midrange.. it might sound ok with no of room treatment because the room reflections allow them to gel together pretty well.. but when you have room treatment.. it sounds like a bunch of dry instruments sandpapering each other.. and then you strive for separation ..

    most untreated rooms are probably the equivalent of a near perfect dark room with all sorts of shadows and very weird light at different points and at very different angles; it is much more logical to spend money and effort on getting that correct...

    Your room is pretty big. Well you're going to have a heck of a time with reverbs and reflections.. you probably won't have much as much issues with bass since the bass will have plenty of time and space to bounce off and not null around in the middle points.. and that would be even more true if your room is not symmetrical, which looks like it isn't. So you probably will be investing in a lot of broadband absorption and just 'enough' for the bass ..

    here's a test .. stand around your room.. clap your hands.. if there is any reflection , delay, echo... that's not good.. work on that.. then work on the bass..

    next do a slow bass sweep of the frequencies from your listening position... if the volume noticeably gets louder instead of being smooth in volume.. you've got either a peak or a trough... needs fixing... try to shoot for about 5-6 db variation for the peaks and nulls . you'll probably not get it much better than that without serious investment.. but that is probably more than good enough..

    doing that, you will make less expensive sub $1000 monitors sound better than $5000 monitors in an untreated room..

    and if you want to think about this from the client side... just like i would never go to a painter who paints in a dark room, i wouldn't go to a mixing engineer without a treated room... don't be the painter with a golden brush painting with sunglasses on.. :guru:
  8. SharkBait O-reily

    SharkBait O-reily Kapellmeister

    Aug 5, 2015
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    This will affect sound as much as a baby smacking Muhammad Ali .. three things affect sound the most are material, density, and shape

    the only thing egg crate has going for it is its shape.. but its material and density are such that it probably is useless in most consumer-pro requirements..
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  9. When I was three years old my uncle Paul, fooling around and foolishly, told me to pop him one on the chin. I hesitated, but when I actually hit him I broke his jaw. Egg crates don't do much in the way to tame sound reflections though.
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  10. Qaiss

    Qaiss Ultrasonic

    Jan 24, 2013
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    Isn't a monitor setup with a treated room better than headphones?

    ''A great mix on headphones can easily fall apart on monitors or a car stereo or your laptop speakers.''

    ''In my experience, if you can get your mix to sound good on monitor speakers, 9 times out of 10 that same mix will translate really well on headphones.''

  11. Newbroe

    Newbroe Newbie

    Sep 24, 2015
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    I been using beats by dre pro, But i think it was to much bass... So i switched to Ultrasone HFI-580 that is far cheaper but they are easy to mix whit becuse the natural sound.
    Well when lisening to music, I prefer the beats pro.

    But im looking for monitors now:)
  12. Newbroe

    Newbroe Newbie

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Yea i agree, It can be a problem when only mixing whit the headphones thats why i tinking to get the room treated!
  13. Newbroe

    Newbroe Newbie

    Sep 24, 2015
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    There is only one room :)
    I just converted for those who pref ft.
  14. 4.5 meters = 14.7638 feet
    3 meters = 9.84252 feet
    2 meters = 6.56168 feet
  15. Newbroe

    Newbroe Newbie

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Any good kits for Broadband absorption that you guys would recommend?
  16. The space would be big enough if not for the height of your ceiling. You'll have trouble with everything bouncing around in there, and tall people who are claustrophobic will freak out. The surviving members of Nirvana might not take you up on your invite to jam in there and the bass frequencies might just have a psychotic break looking for a way to get the hell out of there. My advice is to use bass traps in all the corners and above your head lest the dangerous frequencies pull knives on you and dig deep. It happened to a friend of mine. 164 stitches and 3 litres of blood transfusions later he survived but will never mix drum and bass again.
  17. Save a ton of money and build them yourself or with a friend so you can invest the extra thousand in monitors and great hardware controllers, compressors, cables or good ganja to pique your creativity.
  18. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    For better understanding from bottom up, search the Audioz with this keyword: "The Studio Edge". Jim Pavett teaches you every thing about studio construction. I love him.
  19. Newbroe

    Newbroe Newbie

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Thanks for the tips, Well i wont invite claustrophobic folks ;D
    Any specific bass traps / treatment you recommend?

    Would this be good enough?

    Last edited: Sep 27, 2015
  20. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    This statement is too general to make any assumptions from it. :no:
    Not all headphones are the same, and not all monitors are as well.
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