Filesonic is OVER....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mr. Mister, Jan 22, 2012.

  1. Diabulus in Musica

    Diabulus in Musica Platinum Record

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Uhmm...I see dark times at the horizon, anyway, now we need a host located outside US...Russia or even better deep China! :rofl:
  2. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Letitbit appears to be Russian based, I may be wrong though.
  3. TkiD

    TkiD Noisemaker

    Jul 24, 2011
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    ^^^ I'm hanging around, wait for the dust to settle, back to using my usenet subscription for a change :excl: and making some music/ mastering the stuff I have, just going to wait and see what happens *yes*

    Also, I am going to stop my fileshare subscriptions, and maybe use Alldebrid or Zevera, that can download from multiple hosts, maybe a good idea for a while. :wink:
  4. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    I never paid for any premium account...
    Even if the file sizes weren't for free users, I've always preferred alternative free options.
    I have contributed to the traffic so my duty was done :mates:
    (I suppose those companies live from accounts and advertising)
    Anyway really bad news...that narrows options to everyone.
    Also not having real connections or privileged information my ability to get resources will fade at the rhythm the situation worsens :(
  5. Pronto

    Pronto Kapellmeister

    Jul 21, 2011
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    bear in mind that alot of this is about appearances...megaupload was closed in a show..they're acting in a way that seems to resonate with having nothing to back up their actions ith..fear based opportunism...
    its not a time to base your actions on appearances because it will appear to get worse....its not actually getting worse.
    who is going to buy legit from the companies that were shared if their method is aligned with threats and closures..they can't be nice to people after that?
  6. inphinity

    inphinity Newbie

    Jan 23, 2012
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    0 still working in USA
  7. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Why is everybody hating the small uploaders, who make a dollar or two, and the big filesharing companies like Megaupload, which made 175 million dollars of profit last year, are regarded as the good guys??

    The small uploaders you criticise for making money with warez, while at the same time you pay premium memberships to companies, who make their money also (indirectly) by warez, and buying "several Mercedes Benz automobiles, a 2012 Maserati, a 2008 Rolls-Royce Phantom Drop-head Coupe and a 1959 pink Cadillac..." with it!

    Isn't that damn stupid??? :dunno:

    I say: fuck them!
    Fuck all of this greedy, parasite companies, who make their (very good) living by distributing other people's hard work, not paying a cent for it.

    We will find other solutions for file sharing, just like there were other solutions in the past, where no assholes can make millions with it.

    And if not: it's time to make music again, instead of downloading all the time. :grooves:
  8. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I'm 1000% with you on this and I never said that I feel sorry for Kim Dotcom or any other fucking pig who make big money thanks to warez.
    For me, they all must go to jail and I hope they will discover there some new kind of sexual pleasures which their money can't buy (hehe ^^).
    I never paid for a premium account and I will never do it, so I'm not feeling culprit of their success.
    In a sense, I'm glad this shit is happening now, cos I think we need to go back to the roots of REAL SHARING.

    But when you say "the small uploaders, who make a dollar or two", I have to correct you. Take Filesonic for example :

    Filesonic pay you 35 $ for 1000 downloads (
    I hear you saying "Wait, 1000 downloads, that's not an easy goal to reach with audio warez !".
    Are you sure ?
    On 14/01/2012, Gonbi posted :


    TOTAL : 20 720 views... and I didn't count his topics made on other sites like Magesy, Avaxhome, etc. (maybe he don't post there, but who knows...).

    So, even if 1 view don't mean 1 download (because of mirror links add by others - but don't forget he also posted mirror links on other's topics !), we can make a good estimation based on the half :

    10 360 / 1000 x 35 = 362 $ IN ONE DAY, which makes... 10 860 $ PER MONTH !!!

    And I didn't even counted :

    - Pay-per-Sale: You get paid a percentage of each Premium account bought via your links.
    - Pay-per-Sale Up to $15: Depending on how many sales you get in a week (Friday-to-Friday I believe) you get $10-$15 per Premium account sold (

    Think about it m8...
  9. shadowland

    shadowland Newbie

    Jun 10, 2011
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    +1 Lord Gaga
  10. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    @ Lord Gaga

    Actually I had no clue how little or how much an uploader can earn.
    The "one dollar or two" was more intended as making a comparison to the amounts which the file sharing companies generate.

    Thanks for making that clear. The uploaders always claim that their income is only enough for financing their premium accounts :rofl:

    I never said that I think it's OK if the uploaders profit from warez, altough if it would be really let's say 100-200 dollar per month, I think that would be acceptable as a reimbursement of cost for the internet connection and the time and hassle spent with it.

    How is it with the use of download managers like JDownloader?
    Do they also profit from downloads made with these?

    Btw, I think your calculation is not quite correct, though. You counted all the views from 14th of January until today as views on one day... why?
    And I think there also a lot of views who don't download at all... I for example also klick on a lot of posts which I don't download.
    This shouldn't be an excuse for the uploaders, of course.
  11. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    "How is it with the use of download managers like JDownloader?
    Do they also profit from downloads made with these?"

    Of course, one download is one download, no matter which IP is involved.

    "Btw, I think your calculation is not quite correct, though. You counted all the views from 14th of January until today as views on one day... why?"

    Because it represent the total amount of money generated by its uploads on a SINGLE day (14/1/2012). If he upload the same amount of material the following day (15/1/2012), then he will earn the same amount of money for THAT day, and so on... (Note that the more the time passes, the more a single "day of labour" will continue to bring him more money because other people will still come to visit its topic posted on that day.)

    Of course we will never know the EXACT amount of money involved, but I think it's a good average basis on which we can rely.

    "And I think there also a lot of views who don't download at all... I for example also klick on a lot of posts which I don't download."

    That's why I divided the total amount of views by half and didn't taking in count the "Pay-per-Sale" rewarding program. Anyway, don't be naive, these people also post their links on other forum or blogs - there are so many of these around...

    Frankly, if they were rewarded for their efforts by a fair amount of money, it does not bother me at all. But it's not the case. And the worst is that they refuse to admit it and have the nerve to tell you to look elsewhere if you disagree with them.

    When I think we thank them for their "GREAT SHARE"... OMG !!!

    (Btw, thanks to many of you, I don't feel alone anymore in thinking what I think. I thank you for that.)
  12. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Ah the old days! ... This brought to mind H2O team.
    Does anyone here remember them ?
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