Managing soundbanks in Massive

Discussion in 'Software' started by brick, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. brick

    brick Noisemaker

    May 15, 2014
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    I am feeling very stupid for having to ask this but I feel like I have to be missing something.

    In Massive, how the hell are you supposed to manage / organize soundbanks? Spire has a great import function so you can select the bank from a list in future, but Massive? What am I supposed to do with a folder full of .nmsv files? Go to File > Open sound every single time I want to skip through presets? Please tell me I am missing something, there has to be a better way. :unsure:
  3. thegerman1220

    thegerman1220 Member

    Jul 26, 2015
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    I don't have the app in front of me, but there is a way to set massive to scan an entire folder for content. Look for something in the option and browser. Add your folder(s) there

    Once set, and scanned, you'll have all your content available in the browser.
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  4. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Can do it in different ways - Usual way store your folders in
    C:\Users\%USER%\Documents\Native Instruments\Massive\Sounds

    Instead of synth click on Browser then select "my massive"

    Give it a second to update when u first open etc.

    U can also set your default folder in options to whatever u like

    Then just select folder containing NMSV and then u can select from dropdown at top even when u switch back to synth. Navigating between presets is easy but folder structure as with most NI stuff can sometimes be tetchy

    Good luck:yes:
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  5. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    While we are on the subject of massive presets, anybody know how to prevent massive from crashing when scanning like 2000 presets? I understand that's a lot, but don't understand why it's unable to store all the presets in the database.
  6. brick

    brick Noisemaker

    May 15, 2014
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    Many thanks friends, I got it! Can't believe how long it took me to get that sorted.
  7. Kaylix

    Kaylix Ultrasonic

    Feb 22, 2014
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    I don't think that there is a way to avoid this other than to pick 100-200 of your favorite presets and work with those. If this were not an issue with the software itself, then why would the developers include a fix library option in the program? I have unsuccessfully tried to create a work around for this issue, but I don't think that it is easily done. So, just pick some soundbanks and work with those.
  8. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Some crashes with massive are actually caused by the Antivirus you run. Was a well known issue with Avast crashing massive however there a way round that now.

    First thing to try is rebuild database or delete it .ie go to say PC

    C:\Users\%USER%\AppData\Local\Native Instruments\Massive

    Delete your database file

    You won't lose factory presets etc as they write protected & then when you re-open Massive will rebulid the database.

    2000 Presets is not a lot really so Massive should have no problem handling that many :)
  9. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    Thanks Guys! I'm on mac, but I suspect, i'll find it in application support or something. Will have a look and report back. Thank you.

    Edit: Mac path: hd/Users/YOU/Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/Massive

    File is called NIMassiveDatabase2_ul...deleted it, loaded massive APP (not plugin) and it seems to have scanned 58000 presets successfully. To anyone with large preset libraries, make sure to keep all of them organized. It will be a breeze finding what I need with my subfolders showing in massive. I believe it helped prevent it from crashing as well, but who knows...Many thanks to @Clandestine!
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2015
  10. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i wouldnt copy all of the Massive banks in the Soundbank folder of Massive, because Massive gets sluggish the more presets you add.
    keep it to like 20 sound banks you are using, that a good number and the scanning take not a 100 years.
    also having the number of presets limit will give you more creativity, because with big pack, which you can find on Z, you are easily lost and end up with no creativity.
  11. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Yep Artic definitely right also, :yes:, whilst you can theoretically load whatever say 20 banks i.e 2000 presets about a good number.

    If you end up having like 500 banks it will without doubt slow down massive loads to the point where it really slow even though it might not crash.

    Would also advise to keep the number fairly low as it will work better this way all round really in terms of performance & creativity as described.

    Also put them in your user bank as described or u will get problems with folders etc :bow:
  12. MrMPH

    MrMPH Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    Ive discovered how to open the Massive DB file so you can edit and re-import. Ill take you 80% of the way there, Im sure you can figure out how to finish the job.

    First go into your massive sounds folder and find the large DB File. (C:\Users\[YOURUSERNAME]\AppData\Local\Native Instruments\Massive)

    Then, create a copy of the file - keeping the original in tact.

    Take your new copy, rename / add extension .sqlite3 (e.g. NIMassiveDatabase2_ul - Copy.sqlite3) open the DB with SQLite, find the table "NIPresetMgr Table" Export as .CSV. Open in google sheets / excel / whatever. Organize to your hearts extent.

    Re-import in to your copy of "NIMassiveDatabase2 - Copy" - ZIP the original for backup. Rename your copy as the original. Re-open Massive.

  13. mrlb

    mrlb Noisemaker

    Apr 30, 2018
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    Thanks, MrMPH! It's been a while since you posted, but your advice is still very useful. :like:

    If I may add to it, apparently Massive can't update the "Factory" patches in
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Native Instruments\Massive\Sounds
    with data from the edited database.

    My solution: I copied the whole folder elsewhere writable - say, C:\MassiveTMP\Sounds. Then I edited the database file again, changing all the paths for the individual patches in the database. I liked DB Browser for Sqlite, found here: - It's fairly simple to use; others are a bit clunky.

    Apart from changing Patchbank fields and other tweaks, I used SQL code like the following to change the patch paths stored in the database to their temporary writable locations.

    UPDATE NIPresetMgrTable
        DocPath = REPLACE(DocPath,'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Native Instruments\Massive\','C:\MassiveTMP\');
    When done, I reinstated the newly edited database into C:\Users\MYNAME\AppData\Local\Native Instruments\Massive\NIMassiveDatabase2_ul , so Massive could do its thing and write the appropriate data into the actual patches in the new location. It does take a while if you have lots of patches.

    When done (that is, when Massive's spinning wheel stopped), I exited Massive, and re-edited the database in the sqlite3 editor, where I restored the correct "old" paths for the patches with complementary code.
    UPDATE NIPresetMgrTable
        DocPath = REPLACE(DocPath,'C:\MassiveTMP\', 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Native Instruments\Massive\');
    I then actually moved the Sounds patch folder back to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Native Instruments\Massive\Sounds and started Massive again. The database is now in sync! :wink:

    I hate that Native Instruments make us jump through hoops. Massive has bad preset management, and the browser is horrible and hard to use. But things being what they are, we can make the best of it with a little work.

    Thank you again for opening that door!
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020
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