Filesonic is OVER....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mr. Mister, Jan 22, 2012.

  1. n6smith

    n6smith Newbie

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Time to switch back to NNTP for the time being.... Funny how that is the only 'service' that has ridden out all the various storms unscathed over the years....

    Though of course, it's very hard for people to make money from uploads there............. but then again, maybe it will go back to how it used to be.. Uploads done, not to make money.. but to simply STW..
  2. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    I agree with Horsemen, I also feel bad for the ones who brought a filesonic premium account and feel bad for the few that depend on their uploads and the few $$ they make just to get by in life.Now the following is a bit OT but still needs to be said. Over the last few years direct links have become very popular especially in countries that block torrents or throttle the speeds. I get it, I understand why but when have you ever seen 2 big torrent sites get shut down, hell even Piratebay and Demonoid are still up and running. Why do you ask?? Because they are hosted outside of the long reach of the U.S. Gov.The 2 file hosting companies did not go down because of Audiowarez, they went down because of TV show,movies and porn. None of which has anything to do with AudioZ. All AudioZ does is provide a place for people to share and does not host anything itself. So Please people , pull your heads out of your asses and chill the fuck out.I'm sure AudioZ and this site will be fine. Now quit complaining and find another file host. It really is just that simple
  3. giddy

    giddy Newbie

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Nailed it. Quit panicking people!

    For every service shut down, another will resurface haha. In the end, these services are a business, and someone will see this gap as an opportunity for profit. So Fileserve and Filesonic are "over" per say (for now at least), let's just all find a new favorite and stick to it! :)
  4. Solpon

    Solpon Newbie

    Sep 16, 2011
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    You know enough about the world of Torrents FTP. :wink: I`m kinda nervous about getting caught using this method can you advise us on methods to help us to protect I.P address or is this not possible? I would really appriciate your help on this Thanks :mates:
  5. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You

    I am not going to highjack this thread and do that, but I will take the time out and make a completely new thread tomorrow. I will even try to get some others that I know of that use Torrents and such to chime in, hint , hint Horsemen :dancing:
  6. Solpon

    Solpon Newbie

    Sep 16, 2011
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    That would be excellent Mykal I really am very grateful if you could do this, as I`m sure many others will appriciate your thread & possibly Horseman input too :beg: Many thanks :wink:
  7. Mr. Mister

    Mr. Mister Newbie

    Jun 19, 2011
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    but the panic will be if ALL hosts begin to close... :(
  8. Stefan188

    Stefan188 Newbie

    Oct 8, 2011
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    thaht was not the point what i mean, i mean it so thaht we want to perfect the methods and not the arian crap

    lawer hire her students to find ips out( some other save the money and use a modded p2p client for thaht who req the owner and send the letters) only to send him mails that they have downloaded xy and shall pay ~800euros(sometimes in 5 days) or they will get big trouble for a court.

    and the letters increase about 150% year
    here we have btw list
  9. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    GOSH – and so much P0rN! :wow:
  10. X0X0

    X0X0 Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    What are u talking about? Nobody in Germany is fanatic, quite the opposite! The People in Germany know their history and you get even more punished if you have sympathie with that Nazi Time. Every Symbol or anything refering to the Nazi Time or Hitler is forbidden by law. You can go to prison if u do the Hitler Greet or Sing Songs from that time. In Germany you really have to be careful, the whole system tries to do now the oppsite to be very liberal to foreigners, which brings actually a lot of criminals to Germany, They are scared to send them back, just to not fit into the predjudice.. Everybody from Germany who reads this should vote for the Pirates Party next Election!

    Torrents are dangerous in Germany and other european countries because as Cryptonite mentioned if you go to torrent and download something you are offering at the same time your downloaded stuff to others. And for Uploading, its easy to get Visit from the police at home. They will keep your whole Computers and HD for years and you will be punished by a high amount of money. For Downloading they dont make such an effort, because they say you are harming the Business more if you offer something than if you downlaod something. And in torrents its also easy for the copyright owners or their lawyers to get your IP and write nasty letters with hight demands for payments. Even just for one mp3 File they charge up to 500 Euros. So Torrents and everything they can trace you back is bad for a lot of european countries.. So the filehosters service was perfect..
  11. Stefan188

    Stefan188 Newbie

    Oct 8, 2011
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    when u have a familie and got a letter about downloading a porn (like old grannys), what u does?

    cold calculation, but ur right beside universial (Rasch) one of the higest pos.
  12. awkward

    awkward Noisemaker

    Jul 19, 2011
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    That would be an absolute blessing!
  13. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Found this on the www:

    "The owner of Megaupload has recently had everything seized, every bank account frozen from here to Japan. His several Mercedes Benz automobiles, a 2012 Maserati, a 2008 Rolls-Royce Phantom Drop-head Coupe and a 1959 pink Cadillac, all seized. His homes, all seized. His rifle, seized. The feds took everything. 20 search warrants, 50 million seized. No bail.

    He just wasn't a member of the club, like George Carlin said.

    I'm not a lawyer and I don't know if he broke the law but I'm CERTAIN he didn't break it any more then Goldman Sachs, Citibank, JP Morgan or the Federal Reserve break the laws every single day of the year and always have, since 1913 and before.

    In 1994, Schmitz spent three months in a Munich jail for accessing Pentagon computers to view real-time satellite photos of Saddam Hussein’s palaces in Iraq. During 1998, Schmitz received a two-year suspended prison sentence for hacking charges related to theft of trade secrets as well as tens of thousands of pounds ripped off from banks and security company using stolen phone card numbers.

    Following that prosecution, Schmitz founded a computer security company called Data Protect and sold his ownership in the company for millions before the dot-com bubble burst in 2000. He took that money and invested in a failing shopping site called He also publicly announced a heavy investment in the firm, but that claim was designed to inflate the stock’s value. He ended up selling his stock shortly after the announcement for a profit of over a million dollars. After extraditing Schmitz from Bangkok, Thailand, German authorities prosecuted Schmitz again in 2002 for insider trading related to, but he received another suspended prison sentence after spending five months in jail waiting for his trial.

    In 2005, Schmitz founded MegaUpload and watched it grow to garner 150 million registered users and approximately 50 million visitors a day. But he wasn't a member of the club. He profited outside RCA, et al., and the US governments ability to get their cut. He has to be portrayed as a terrorist, a criminal.

    Foreign corporations, off shore accounts, yada, yada, yada. Let's talk about JP Morgan, Goldman, Citi and yes, even US federal government off shore accounts. And the 100s of foreign shell corporations behind them. Yeah, let's talk about that."

    Moral of the story: A "rich" man has heavy influence on others, he knows that and he takes advantage!
  14. awkward

    awkward Noisemaker

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Pierre Bourdieu's sociology at its finest, :wink:
  15. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    + 1000.
    That's exactly what I was trying to explain to our dear Valter76 (@ AudioZ) when, perhaps out of arguments - and obviously very embarrassed by this thorny subject -, he took the courageous decision to delete my posts rather than allowing me to freely express my point of view about these beggars who make profit from warez.
    I'm so curious to see how many of your "heroes" will continue to upload (or even share via torrents) when there will be no more money to earn. Tell yourself that if they had been truly generous and disinterested, they would have led you directly to those FTPs which provide them fresh releases, instead of giving you crappy links that you have to pay to download with a premium account.

    "Try before buy" has definitely nothing to do with making money with warez, but who really cares these days... ?

    So look at this :

    "Starting as early as July 31, 2009, a member of the Mega Conspiracy made multiple transfers in and affecting interstate and foreign commerce through PayPal, Inc. to TT, a resident of Woodbridge, Virginia, which is in the Eastern District of Virginia, as part of the Mega Conspiracy’s “Uploader Rewards” program. TT received total payments from the Conspiracy of $2,700, including transfers totaling $100 on July 31, 2009; $100 on August 29, 2009; $200 on September 18, 2009; $100 on September 29, 2009; $200 on October 8, 2009; $200 on November 8, 2009; $600 on November 24, 2009; $1,000 on December 23, 2009; and $200 on February 1, 2010." (page 41, but there are other cases described in the next and previous pages)

    Now, I feel bad too, but certainly not for the same reason...
  16. crumpy

    crumpy Newbie

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Filesonic & Wupload are the same company.
    Fileserve/Uploadstation/Filejungle are the same company too. has also shut down access as well.

    This is just the start. Expect a rolling outage that lasts indefinitely.
  17. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Some more details:

    Proceedings at North Shore District Court have been adjourned to 2:15pm after the crown argued Megaupload founder Kim Schmitz should not be given bail, partially because he has a helicopter on his front lawn.

    It has also been argued that Schmitz poses an extreme flight risk as he has multiple passports and is a citizen of several countries.

    His risk of reoffending and the sheer size of this intellectual property case have also been used as reasons to not grant bail.

    Judge David McNaughton raised concerns about the discovery of shotguns on Schmitz's property, and described them as an "aggravating factor to bail application".

    Police raided the rented Auckland mansion of Kim Dotcom, also known as Kim Schmitz, who founded internet upload site

    He is a 38-year-old German national with New Zealand residency.

    Questions have been raised about how he was granted residency, with New Zealand First leader Winston Peters calling for an immigration inquiry.

    Warwick Tuck, head of immigration, said Dotcom was granted residency under the investor plus category, which allows people to gain residency if they invest $10 million in New Zealand.

    Mr Tuck says his previous convictions were disclosed and had been considered.

    Dotcom and the other accused appeared on Friday in North Shore District Court, where they were remanded in custody to reappear on Monday.

    The other three are Megaupload's chief marketing officer Finn Batato, 38, chief technical officer and co-founder Mathias Ortmann, 40, both from Germany, and Dutch national Bram van der Kolk, 29, who is also a New Zealand resident.

    The men are among seven charged in the global sting. The FBI is working to extradite them to the US.

    More @
  18. obscure

    obscure Newbie

    Jul 12, 2011
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    wtf you can gain residency by paying $$$ for it??? don't know about you, but I'm more concerned about that than anything else I've heard the past week.
  19. lrsdscout

    lrsdscout Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    Many nations allow you to buy into citizenship or residency. Most require you to have a college degree, job, and minimum wealth to immigrate too. ...unless you can claim you're a refugee and they let you in for free.

    10 years ago a lot of file sharing was done with IRC and private chat channels.
  20. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth

    And we used the postal service :rofl:

    I used to know some of the Radium guys, those were the days #midiwarez :)
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