All Xfer Releases Removed from Audioz

Discussion in 'Software' started by Hans242, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    then you have a really cheap college.
  2. lephunk

    lephunk Newbie

    Aug 28, 2015
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    In the country you live in? Yeah, perhaps.

    They offer great stuff here, tho. Google and Microsoft (just to name some examples) come here pretty often looking for students/soft devs, so that's great for a cheap college that offers more or less the same thing as some of those expensive ones.
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  3. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    I'm just gonna say this for the conspiracy wackos on here. And I listen to Alex Jones - so when I call y'all conspiracy wackos, it's that deep.

    There's no backdoor deal between AZ and Xfer. There's a legitimate legal recourse for plugin companies who give a shit whether their plugs are on AZ: It's called DMCA. It's the same reason all the Omnisphere links get taken down in no time flat.

    The real shame here is that my financial situation is such that if it's not necessary I really shouldn't spend more than $50 on it. Because I would love to support Xfer for making Serum. What a fantastic synth. The design is so brilliant that I never even considered looking at the manual
  4. Knucklehead

    Knucklehead Ultrasonic

    Aug 30, 2015
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    okay let's do the math....let's say there are 20 musicians that buy it in a month ( 2 much i guess) ...20x 200$ =4000$!!!!for months of developing and still sitting there hours a day 2 make it buy food the u think they sell it that "high" 2 get rich? man be happy about that price....10 years ago you would have spend 10000$ for 1 synth...
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  5. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Yeah $200 isn't really that much money unless you're broke. Too bad I am :rofl:
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  6. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    yep... gone forever...

    so, just hang in there as long as you can though, you'll eventually get over it : )
  7. Yes, smile and the world smiles with you, cry yourself a river and you will ruin the computer keyboard that you are typing on and then will have to spend money on a new one, and if this continues, binds you in a perpetual cycle where you will never be able to save up enough money to buy that synth or piece of gear you lust after, LOL. But seriously, smile for the gifts in hand. We are the luckiest bunch that world has ever known, our choices are insanely goofy. We are all in a way spoiled for it, lets just not act that way.
  8. muciones

    muciones Kapellmeister

    May 11, 2015
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    Synths such as Serum are too expensive. It's a beta, no standalone, no resize option, it takes CPU like hell, it crashes and again, is too expensive. Make it $30-50 and I will buy it. I'm new in music world and I'm amazed how they ask $200-300-500 for a bugged 2-3 inch software called a "plugin". Lower prices and you get more sales, larger community (more presets and soundbanks) and then more sales.

    Sounds from Serum are nice but I will never buy it until they lower the price. But hey, that's just me
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  10. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Anyone's surprised? Well, understandably, but I'm surprised that it doesn't happen more frequently. I've seen other things disappear from Audioz; probably from DMCA claims. This is just part of the "gray area" of real-world internetrics (if that's not an oxymoron). Warez do serve as valuable publicity for software; they also constitute infingement of the law. Warez enable people who can't pay for the software to learn how to use it, and to further their creativity and advance their skills – which, in the long run, benefits developers in that this expands the potential market for their products – while there remains no way to discern how many people who can pay for it just opt for using warez, nor how many people opt for buying legit stuff after having "tried" it as wares or after they have more expendable income. A developer doesn't want to, and is legally entitled not to, see his hard work and valuable skills be given-away, unlawfully distributed, by others.

    Ironically, it doesn't quite work that way for musicians. We're told that we "should" or "have to" make our recordings available for free and to try to find other "income streams" related to or in spite of it. Why? Because of the supposed publicity that it provides and the steep competition for its just getting heard – and because it's gonna get leaked, or ripped from low-bitrate streams, anyway. How much should a song on which I'd worked for two full days be "worth" to the public? Is its "value" in its artistic merit, rather in my labor-hours? Maybe I'm really making music in order to communicate something of myself to others; their appreciative feedback and letting me know how my music had touched their lives or moved them to tears or made them dance should be the ultimate reward? No: I'd invested my valuable labor and skills, and I need to at least cover my overhead of costly hardware and software, so I need to at least cover my overhead. Therefore, for downloads I'll charge $10 per song, and if you distribute my music for free, without my consent, I'll slap your wrist with a DMCA claim.
  11. Fair enough, if you bought the software you use to make your music, n'est pas?
  12. beatroot

    beatroot Producer

    Nov 14, 2012
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    AZ has made my life mucho better.....And I mean it!Really grateful to everyone especially AZ and those who contribute ever so often.Wow!!!What would I have done if this was not available.Not interested in the DMCA or in anything that gets taken down.Just our luck.But eternally thankful for that which is still available here....Tons of stuff.As One Reason said...we have enough for many years to come.Period!
  13. baracoca

    baracoca Newbie

    Feb 3, 2014
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    If you want xfer cr$cked softwares, there are severals other websites ! Google is your "spy friend" :wink:
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  14. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    you can even find the xfer stuff on youtube, all the companies having a hard time to monitor the internet to take their property down. its expensive and inefficient.
  15. Hans242

    Hans242 Producer

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Fun fact: Xfer backwards: refX. ;)
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