Questions About Maize Sampler (SOLVED)

Discussion in 'Software' started by Mr_Amine, Sep 18, 2015.

  1. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    Questions About Maize Sampler 2.3.1

    I Was Wondering If anyone here did try using Maize Sampler
    i did install the demo Then drag & drop my WAV files in Maize Sampler
    But after exporting to plugin for test only without importing my XML files
    (the result is no sound in VST or AU Either)

    Since i did recorded one shots from Erhu instrument that i bought last year
    (i want to know about the quality of Maize Sampler after exporting the WAV To MSE)
    1) do i need to do something first before drag & drop WAV in MAP Editor of Maize Sampler
    2) is the demo is muted or something like that
    3) can anyone show us the steps from step 1 to final result (this 2.3.1 is different from older version)
    4) if there is an alternative software for making VST & AU from WAV files that will be great[​IMG]
    No need to suggest Me using C++ Coding Or Using Kontakt Script (Cause i Already Did)
    but i don't want to share my own application cause it still in first Alpha already
    I Want to share something with you :
    without the need for Kontakt cause a lot of my pals they don't use kontakt
    if things goes right good , i will share some stuff with you
    i just want to know what went wrong with Maize Sampler

    Thanks in Advance To You All

    Last edited: Sep 18, 2015
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  3. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    I've not tried it Mr Amine but Bigcat uses it.

    He said it's good but he's had a few problems ASFAIK with a few bugs & bits.

    If u have problems he could be a good person maybe message & ask as think he got them sorted so he may be able to help. He also made a few instruments I think.
    Looks interesting & worth a closer look :mates:
  4. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    personal speaking , i don´t like maize sampler vst´s , i more like the multiformat thingy that i can open some librays in the Player i would like to work with , and there are many other options , also free players like sforzando , with sforzando you can also create an gui and fx for the instruments , just for info
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  5. bigcat1969

    bigcat1969 Producer

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Best Answer
    I haven't used the free version in a long time. From what I remember it is very similar to the full version. I think you are limited by naming and the number of groups, but otherwise it works like the paid version.

    You can just drag waves over into the map editor. You don't have to do anything else.

    I'm not aware that the demo is muted. I tend to turn down the volume lower than on Kontakt instruments as it tends to distort pretty quick if you aren't careful.

    You can make a simple instrument by dragging over a wave file, expanding it to cover a couple octaves and then exporting the instrument. That is it. If you change any of the things marked with an *, you need to save the instrument, close Maize and then reopen both Maize and the instrument before exporting.

    Exporting each of the 4 four formats, zipping them and uploading them gets old quick! Plus they are larger than Kontakt instruments and take up more memory for the end user. Some people have complained about the size of the pianos especially.

    The guy who made Maize redid it after my problems and having to pull the instruments I made. Now it seems to work fine. I haven't found any better VSTi maker for sample based instruments. There are good options out there if you are going to make synths. If you want to go the whole SFZ way, you can make free instruments, but I find the whole programming using text thing daunting.

    You can see my little attempts here...
  6. Rockseller

    Rockseller Platinum Record

    Aug 2, 2019
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    how can I figure out why my vst is not working? I can export it like Mr_Anime and even load it in a DAW but no sound. So I learned that xml is the script. like scripting in arma 3 I thought. so looked for something that can help as a starting point or just to givean impression. found the script this guy has used I dont even need the Knobs. But thought oh nice a volume button....

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Player width="593" height="242">
    <Keyboard x="9" y="180" lowkey="12" width="574" height="60"/>
    <Knob x="394" y="122" action="volume" min="30" max="6" />

    took that. changed size and stuff. I even managed to make a xml file with that. wow.
    i was able to export mse and nki file and works. plugin works in editor mode.

    anybody know something or actually managed to make an instrument work?

    after a time I was pissed and made it with kontakt

    but would made me happier as real plugin with crazy picture on it.

    I think other ppl wouldnt even need maize player to use the instrument. if they do it makes no sense anyway bc I never heard anyone using this...

    today I also discovered Hise. But I think there ppl need a Hise player for...but Hise seems pretty nice. but in that thing I really would have to dive in and do some homework. look if ya dont know it, may be interesting