Discussion in 'Software News' started by mild pump milk, Aug 13, 2015.


Is this huge thread really useful for you? Do you really want to see any news about REAPER5?

Poll closed Sep 10, 2016.
  1. Yes, I want to see all updates, betas, roadmap, other info about REAPER5, extensions etc.

    47 vote(s)
  2. No, f*kc that! Enuff! Stop collecting 100 pages for this thread! It is hard to read and useless

    5 vote(s)
  3. I don't care, I use REAPER 2.0 and older! and it is much more than enough!

    0 vote(s)
  4. Never! I want to see updates only for StudioOne, Cubase, Live, ProTools, FL, MOTU, Logic and Bitwig

    2 vote(s)
  5. hmmmmm....dunno

    5 vote(s)
  1. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.02pre4 - September 11 2015
    + Envelopes: added action to manually edit envelope point at cursor
    + Fades: fixed S curve issues from 5.01 [p=1570258]
    + JSFX IDE: detect/prompt to reload JSFX that have been modified externally
    + ReaScript IDE: detect/prompt to reload scripts that have been modified externally
    + ReaScript: allow editing scripts with external editors
    + VST3: possible fix for numpad keyboard issues on certain Windows VST3 [t=165729]
    + VST: improved keyboard support
    # Actions: fixed 'Track: Select track under mouse' for the master track
    # Actions: fixed 'Track: Select track under mouse' vs custom actions [t=88656]
    # ReaComp: support manually editing envelope points with proper formatting [p=1570607]
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  2. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.02pre5 - September 14 2015
    + Actions: solo/unsolo, mute/unmute actions obey grouping
    + Control surfaces: mute/solo obey grouping
    + Items: fixed weird volume knob appearance on very small media items
    + VLC: fixed native decoding to RGB/YUY2
    + VoiceOver support: always allow voiceover slider changes even with new 5.0 default ignore-mousewheel setting
    # VST: more keyboard fixes, should fix Bidule issues
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  3. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Better and butter

    v5.02pre6 - September 16 2015
    + HMSF: correctly handle negative HMSF project offsets when parsing HMSF strings
    + MIDI export: detect and convert legacy Latin-1 encoded text events
    + MIDI export: export text events using UTF-8, Latin-1, or ASCII
    + MIDI export: fix Latin-1 string filtering bugs with UTF-8 codepoints U+100-U+7FF
    + MIDI: convert latin-1 text events to UTF-8 on .mid import [t=166423]
    + Project settings: rename "use cursor" to "set 0:00 to cursor", make behavior closer to that of REAPER 4.x
    + VST3: support plugins that implicitly detect sidechains [p=1572212]
    + Windows: support more UTF-8 characters in various combo/edit boxes
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  4. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    API, Scripts and other programming stuff. 5.02 Final coming soon guys

    v5.02rc1 - September 19 2015
    + API: add EnumerateFiles and EnumerateSubdirectories [t=165856]
    + API: add GetProjectTimeOffset()
    + ReaScript console: avoid latin-1 vs UTF-8 character set issues
    + ReaScript: encode HTML entities when generating ReaScript documentation
    + Lua: support popen on OSX
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  5. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    scripts stuff again

    v5.02rc2 - September 21 2015
    + API: enable MIDI_SetEvt for channel messages [t=166494]
    + JSFX IDE: use Ctrl+R for open import lines, fix tab insertion
    + ReaScript EEL IDE: use Ctrl+R for open import lines, fix tab insertion
    + ReaScript/JSFX IDE: update selection/cursor when indenting block text
    # API: fixed GetProjectTimeOffset export to ReaScript
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  6. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    REAPER 5.02 Final is ready + SWS/S&M Extension 2.8.1 #0

    v5.02 - September 22 2015
    + Actions: make solo and mute actions obey grouping
    + API: add EnumerateFiles and EnumerateSubdirectories [t=165856]
    + API: add GetProjectTimeOffset, GetMediaSourceParent, IsProjectDirty
    + API: add OpenColorThemeFile, GetLastColorThemeFile, OpenMediaExplorer
    + API: enable MIDI_SetEvt for channel messages [t=166494]
    + API: enable GetSetMediaTrackInfo and related function support for P_MCP_LAYOUT and P_TCP_LAYOUT (get/set track layout names)
    + Audio Units: improve handling of plug-ins with variable channel counts
    + Control surfaces: make mute and solo obey grouping
    + Control surfaces: add MCU surface option to ignore global surface offset
    + Envelopes: add action to manually edit envelope point at cursor
    + FX: optimize/harden parameter automation notification code
    + HMSF: correctly handle negative HMSF project offsets when parsing HMSF strings
    + Items: fix weird volume knob appearance on very small media items
    + JSFX IDE: detect/prompt to reload JSFX that have been modified externally
    + JSFX IDE: use Ctrl+R for open import lines, fix tab insertion
    + JSFX IDE: update selection/cursor when indenting block text
    + Lua: support popen on OSX [t=166043]
    + MIDI: detect and convert legacy Latin-1 encoded text events on export
    + MIDI: export text events using UTF-8, Latin-1, or ASCII
    + MIDI: fix Latin-1 string filtering bugs with UTF-8 codepoints U+100-U+7FF
    + MIDI: convert Latin-1 text events to UTF-8 on .mid file import [t=166423]
    + MIDI: fix truncated events in list view editor when source MIDI extends beyond enclosing media item bounds
    + Preferences: fix option 'Show splash screen on startup' being ignored in certain instances
    + Project settings: rename "use cursor" to "set 0:00 to cursor", make behavior closer to that of REAPER 4.x
    + ReaComp: support manually editing envelope points with proper formatting [p=1570607]
    + ReaScript: fix Latin-1 vs UTF-8 character set issues in console
    + ReaScript: use Ctrl+R in IDE for open EEL import lines
    + ReaScript: fix tab insertion for EEL editor
    + ReaScript: detect/prompt from IDE to reload scripts that have been modified externally
    + ReaScript: update selection/cursor when indenting block text in IDE
    + ReaScript: allow editing scripts with external editors
    + ReaScript: encode HTML entities when generating ReaScript documentation
    + ReaScript: sanity check Undo_BeginBlock/Undo_EndBlock and PreventUIRefresh
    + Selection: fix marquee item/envelope point selection not obeying some locking options
    + Selection: fix actions to select all tracks/envelope points not obeying some locking options [p=1538248]
    + SoundTouch: update to 1.9.0, allow stretch rates up to 1000x, up to 64 channels
    + Time display: fix measures/beats time display when in preroll before time 0.0
    + Track manager: improve selection state tracking when reordering tracks
    + Track manager: fix auto-scroll when adding tracks on Windows [p=1533564]
    + Track manager: fix scroll issues with reordered columns on OSX [p=1564036]
    + Track manager: prevent flashing selection state when reordering tracks
    + Track manager: support sorting by custom track color
    + VCA: fix reset of master envelope when applying single-point volume envelopes to slaves
    + VLC: fix native decoding to RGB/YUY2
    + VoiceOver: always allow VoiceOver fader/knob changes even with new 5.0 default ignore-mousewheel setting
    + VST: improve keyboard support
    + VST: send VST2 note-off velocities
    + VST: convert MIDI channel pressure messages to VST3 aftertouch
    + VST: fix numpad keyboard issues for certain Windows VST3 [t=165729]
    + VST: REAPER Extension API made available to VST3 plug-ins
    + VST: support VST3 plugins that implicitly detect sidechains [p=1572212]
    + Windows: support more UTF-8 characters in various combo/edit boxes


    SWS/S&M Extension (for REAPER 5) has been updated to v2.8.1 #0 - September 10, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2015
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  7. xsze

    xsze Guest

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  8. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    5.03 in process:

    v5.03pre1 - September 23 2015
    + AU: fix crash with certain plug-ins introduced in 5.02
    + JSFX IDE: preserve indentation when pasting
    + Performance: prevent increasing memory use when stopping under certain circumstances [t=166728]
    + ReaScript IDE: preserve indentation when pasting
    + ReaScript: add preference to not clear console on ShowConsoleMsg("")
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  9. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    5.03pre1 became 5.03 without any changes (September 24, 2015)

    v5.03 - September 24 2015
    + AU: fix crash with certain plug-ins introduced in 5.02
    + JSFX IDE: preserve indentation when pasting
    + Performance: prevent increasing memory use when stopping under certain circumstances [t=166728]
    + ReaScript IDE: preserve indentation when pasting
    + ReaScript: add preference to not clear console on ShowConsoleMsg("")
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2015
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  10. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    growing up

    v5.04pre1 - September 25 2015
    + API: add ClearConsole()
    + Cursors: added arrange_stretchmarker and arrange_stretchmarker_rate
    + IDE: fix double-click selection [p=1576193]
    + JSFX: IDE now preserves line endings in existing files
    + JSFX: improve handling of tabs and indentation in IDE
    + MIDI editor: prevent invalid position/length values in note/event properties
    + OSX: fixed combo-box related issues in 10.10+
    + ReaScript: IDE now preserves line endings in existing files
    + ReaScript: add preference to clear console before running script
    + ReaScript: improve handling of tabs and indentation in IDE
    + Render: add $timelinecount wild card, to number rendered items in timeline order [t=166675]
    + Render: correctly support limiting rendering to realtime when rendering subsequent regions
    + Render: show overall realtime/estimated time statistics when rendering regions
    + Stretch markers: support for linear rate transitions between markers
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  11. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.04pre2 - September 28 2015
    + Audio Units: fix compatibility with various plug-ins
    + Stretch markers: add mouse modifier context for marker rate, various rate-envelope-like behaviors
    + Stretch markers: adjust media item length automatically when editing stretch markers
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  12. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.04pre3 - September 30 2015
    + API: add GetTakeStretchMarkerSlope, SetTakeStretchMarkerSlope
    + OSX: workaround El Capitan refresh-during-mouse-edit issues (experimental)
    + VST: fix UI threading issues with certain VST3 plugins
    # Stretch markers: adjust media item right edge when editing rate
    # Stretch markers: mouse modifier to adjust marker rate while allowing marker to move left/right
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  13. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    small impovement

    v5.04pre3a - September 30 2015
    # API: properly export Get/SetTakeStretchMarkerSlope to EEL and Lua
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  14. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    5.04 has been finally released, but with these changes only.
    Some new changes from 5.04pre betas have been removed. They will be released in next version.

    v5.04 - October 1 2015
    + API: add ClearConsole()
    + Audio Units: fix compatibility with various plug-ins
    + JSFX: fix double-click selection in IDE [p=1576193]
    + JSFX: improve handling of tabs, indentation, and line endings in IDE
    + MIDI editor: prevent invalid position/length values in note/event properties
    + OSX: fixed combo-box related issues in 10.10+
    + ReaScript: fix double-click selection in IDE [p=1576193]
    + ReaScript: improve handling of tabs, indentation, and line endings in IDE
    + ReaScript: add preference to clear console before running script
    + Render: add $timelinecount wild card, to number rendered items in timeline order [t=166675]
    + Render: correctly support limiting rendering to realtime when rendering subsequent regions
    + Render: show overall realtime/estimated time statistics when rendering regions
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2015
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  15. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.05pre1 - October 2 2015 (with changes from 5.04pres and that weren't added to final 5.04)
    + API: add GetTakeStretchMarkerSlope, SetTakeStretchMarkerSlope
    # API: properly export Get/SetTakeStretchMarkerSlope to EEL and Lua
    + Custom actions: prevent truncated action names in the editor [t=166802]
    + MIDI editor: fix event corruption when handling MIDI with mixed note-on/note-off messages for the same note at the same time
    + ReaScript: use deterministic command ID string when adding scripts as actions
    + OSX: workaround El Capitan refresh-during-mouse-edit issues (experimental)
    + VST: fix UI threading issues with certain VST3 plugins
    + Stretch markers: add mouse modifier context for marker rate, various rate-envelope-like behaviors
    + Stretch markers: adjust media item length automatically when editing stretch markers
    + Stretch markers: support for linear rate transitions between markers
    # Stretch markers: adjust media item right edge when editing rate
    # Stretch markers: mouse modifier to adjust marker rate while allowing marker to move left/right
    + Cursors: added arrange_stretchmarker and arrange_stretchmarker_rate
    + Media Explorer: fix stuck MIDI notes vs Sustain Pedal events (CC64)
    + Media Explorer: fix zoom issues [t=166739]
    + Media Explorer/Native Browser: fix .lnk files selection/auto-play
    + Media Explorer/Win: fixed various issues vs international characters in 'Windows Explorer' mode [issueid=5271][issueid=5062]
    + Media Explorer: .lnk files support default commands (double-click/ENTER key)
    + Media Explorer: fix actions "rewind/fast forward a little" with tempo match ON
    + Media Explorer: fix auto-advance stopped unexpectedly vs certain media files
    + Media Explorer: fix auto-advance/auto-play stopped unexpectedly vs non-media files
    + Media Explorer: fix playback potentially stopped unexpectedly when navigating folders
    + Media Explorer: fix playback stopped unexpectedly with "auto-play" option OFF
    + Media Explorer: fix seeking in paused state with tempo match ON
    + Media Explorer: fix sync loss when unpausing with tempo match ON
    + Media Explorer: fix the action "play/pause from last seek position" with tempo match ON
    + Media Explorer: resize/hide/rename/reorder/sort shortcuts
    + Media Explorer: small width layout
    + Media Explorer: start playing from cursor position when relevant
    # Media Explorer: fixed seeking with (imported) MIDI files [p=1522111]
    # Media Explorer: internal improvements
    # Media Explorer: prevent frozen video preview through selected tracks [p=1524275]
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
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  16. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Drop the bomb on this stuff

    5.05pre2 - October 5 2015
    + Drag/drop: handle dragging file URLs into REAPER
    + MP3: support ID3 tags
    + Media Explorer/Native browser: ignore Windows system/hidden folders
    + Media Explorer/Native browser: sort files by name (instead of type, then name)
    + Media Explorer/Native Browser: reorderable columns
    + Media Explorer/Native Browser: show/hide columns
    + Media Explorer: add "Search in metadata" option
    + Media Explorer: refresh results while searching/scanning databases
    + Media Explorer: support metadata in databases (ID3 tags, RIFF LIST-INFO, BWF descriptions)
    + OSX: fix flickering issues on some Yosemite machines
    + OSX: workaround fullscreen mode tooltip weirdness on El Capitan
    + Parameter modulation: add option for free-running LFO (does not reset on seek/loop; non-deterministic output)
    + Stretch markers: fix quality issues with 0ms stretch marker fade
    + WAVE: support RIFF LIST-INFO metadata
    # Media Explorer/OS X: hide Windows-only dropdown box [p=1579304]
    # Stretch markers: add mouse modifiers to respect/ignore selection/grouping when editing stretch marker rates
    # Stretch markers: add rate-envelope-like edit mode that preserves all rates
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  17. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Ещё чуть лучше

    v5.05pre3 - October 12 2015
    + API: support spaces in section names for SetProjExtState()
    + Directory cleanup: improve support for very long filenames and UTF-8
    + Explode multichannel audio: handle start offsets and looping items correctly
    + Explode multichannel audio: handle stretch markers properly
    + JSFX: add export_buffer_to_project()
    + JSFX: add new 8-channel MIDI-controlled synchronized audio looper, Super8
    + Keyboard: support more than 12 function keys
    + MP3: display ID3 tags in source properties
    + Media Explorer: add "Hide paths" option
    + Media Explorer: add options/actions to search in filenames and/or metadata
    + Media Explorer: improve database scan (faster)
    + Media item properties: do not reset take start offset when enabling section with specified position
    + Searching: support ^foo, foo$, and " foo " for matching start/end/words
    + WAVE: display RIFF LIST-INFO metadata in source properties
    # Drag/drop: handle unicode characters in file URLs
    # Extensions: support HTML in extension help text
    # Media Explorer/Native Browser: fix metadata columns display [p=1580534]
    # Media Explorer: improve search with boolean operators [p=1580571]
    # Splash: reverted OSX flicker fix
    # Stretch Markers: fix timing of 0 fade size when preserving pitch (broken in pre2)
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  18. ehrwaldt kunzlich

    ehrwaldt kunzlich Rock Star

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Utop, IA
    makes one wonder, if justin ever sleeps...
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  19. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    can't imagine he's the one and only guy maintaining this code.. but if so.. it's amayonaizing..

    thanks for the updates again mild pump... you da mang !! :like:
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  20. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    v5.05pre4 - October 13 2015
    + Glue: improve glued item filename generation, make item labels consistent with files
    + JS: improve mouse behavior with touch screens or multiple mouse buttons pressed
    + ReaScript: improve gfx mouse behavior with touch screens or multiple mouse buttons pressed
    # Media explorer: update metadata reading/searching code, options
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