AudioZ and PC Releases

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by eddielee, Sep 13, 2015.

  1. westfinch

    westfinch Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2013
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    @eddielee : I write this in a non-judgmental way concerning you. If you read your original statement, it was apparent you don't understand who is responsible for releases. Many people explained that to you in their responses. There is no crystal ball on the future and what may be released. No one knows. You must also understand that this PC/MAC battle always looms over every release where people become outrageous about it. It has become old and everyone is tired of the battle. No one has control of what is released. You stated that most of the mods are negative (your opinion). They also have opinions, and you should respect that as you expect the same respect. I haven't owned a MAC since 1985, but I don't jump on the forums and expect the powers that be please explain why PC is not being supported the way I want it to. They are not responsible for what is released. That being said, peace to you.
  2. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 21, 2011
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    I suppose that would be me :bow:
    the point was very humble and even egoistic maybe. :) First of all I made it for myself, because i was interested in the subject and back then there were no FS (http) web-sites for audio warez. AudioZ was the first of it's kind.

    I had knowledge, resources and experience, so i made AudioZ to help people interested in music production.

    i guess most people see your post as a "PC Req" and consciously reject it :yes:
    some of them are really annoyed by pc/mac requests and that makes this discussion full of personal feelings :)))

    true :yes:

    i came out with this idea long time ago and there were nothing like it on any other website. AudioZ wasn't as big as it is today. right now we have everything and it's only a matter of reuploading new links, but back then me and few other uploaders just couldn't handle it all. so i made this section where members could ask for what they want to be uploaded. it was never made for requesting fresh releases and in the beginning i even removed requests for something that only came up recently.

    so true :sad: but i don't think the problem is with the forum. the problem is with the world and what's going on currently.

    :like: :like: :like: :yes:

  3. focusrite

    focusrite Platinum Record

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Kick snare, kick snare, kick snare, kick snare..........

    Reverse to Revolutionize
    Reverse to Revolutionize
    we share our works to the people
    who is dedicated to the community
    When 100 reach our spot and supply the software to us
    we can release 100 software
    remember we fight we crack we share
    but we never reach
    We are team R2R

    Kick snare, kick snare, kick snare, kick snare..........

    This is the answer for all pc guys. It's in the installer for NYRV agent
  4. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    And now @eddielee (and others) probably understand my first post ;)

    @eddielee "If you never question anything in life you will never learn anything ?"
    I ask a LOT of questions...but NEVER (AGAIN) about scene/warez/teams. And now you know why too.

    Asking questions ppl don't want lead you into troubles. That's why sometimes asking is just pointless.
    Not about the question, but getting no answers...and a pile of useless/agressive words.

    Once again (and sadly) : dual boot and don't ask anything scene/warez/teams related. Never.
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  5. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    I hear you enough said

    Saint you are a true gent Thanks for your responses it seems I am not understood that's fine I have at least learnt something good luck to you all
  6. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Good luck too ! :mates:
    There are a lot of helpful ppl here ;)
    I had the same experience than you some months ago :D
  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    That song really drives it home for me every time I reflect on how we arrived at this point in the first place. I don't even understand what you expect to get out of this? People open these pointless threads a million times and then don't understand why we're not all smiles and sunshine. This thread and all the ensuing bullshit is a big part of the reason that I loathe when something will come out so soon after release, especially when it's only for one platform. Not only is it a slap in the face of the developers but it's a pain in our collective asses and annoys the teams to boot. People can't seem to get that nobody owes them anything and rehashing this topic ad nauseum isn't doing anything good for anyone. The future of AudioZ doesn't begin and end with the scene and when the teams stop releasing it doesn't just affect that forum but every forum. The teams have already made it abundantly clear where they stand, even HEXWARS' last NFO should be indicative of the current situation. Allow me to refresh your memory:
    It saddens me that they have to make a note like that in their NFO and it's a sign that we've failed miserably at the simplest of tasks. We were given plenty of warnings, that we chose to ignore, before things finally imploded so we only have ourselves to blame. All of the teams are tired that nobody supplies but everyone has an outstretched arm to receive, tired of the ungrateful leeches, tired of the deplorable dispositions towards developers, tired of people making money on the back of their hard work, etc. Just the utterly disgusting attitudes are enough to turn anyone off. I wonder how many of you would continue working your asses off in the face of all that. I would wager that the answer is none, if you have any self-respect that is. It's disheartening that there are many good people caught in the middle of this circus but unfortunately they're collateral damage at the moment. A better solution would be to ask what you can do to help the situation, not make it worse. If even a hundredth of the people opened up a thread about how they can help instead of rehashing this subject to death, we'd be in a completely different position than the one we presently find ourselves in. Anyone looking for answers should look to themselves. If you want to know when the scene will get back on its feet, you should ask yourself when you'll get on yours. It's all in our hands, so be the change you wish to see in the scene and not the reason that the scene has changed. [​IMG]
    You should have stuck with that initial train of thought. I can't imagine how you could possibly be misunderstood with your bitter and childish tirade complete with the word dickholes. You're getting a warning for that because I've already had this discussion with you and you should know better after all these years. Believe me that you're a much greater disappointment when so many have worked tirelessly for you only to have to read this kind of moronic nonsense. If you really loved to be here then you should follow our few common sense rules and take a moment to think about how you're coming across to the staff, the members and not to mention the teams. It reminds me of how spoiled children behave when they don't get their way and throw a tantrum, except you're 25. The fact that there are still some people that have retained their appreciation and respect for all the years that they've been lifted from the dirt is the only reason you're getting any releases at all at the moment. You should thank them or, at the very least, keep quiet instead of acting like they're in the wrong because they're the only ones keeping you from an abyss. Some of us are simply adults that realize that nobody owes us anything and we're lucky to show up somewhere where gifts are bestowed upon us every day and it's only because a select group of people choose to put themselves in harm's way and work hard on our behalf that we have the privilege of doing that. I guess we just have some perspective beyond our own short-sighted desires and experience. [​IMG]
    It's certainly a lot less fair for us to have to deal with these pointless threads that only serve to create more work and stress for the millionth time but sadly we still have to. I'd like to see how you would respond after a few years of this annoying merry-go-round from hell. Beyond that, you should take a moment and ponder if perhaps they don't have some reasons for being so firm that you might not be aware of. I'd also take some time to read the Terms and Rules under the Help item in your Quick Navigation panel:
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  8. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    nice to see someone else take the flak for a change...

  9. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I'm just a little bit curious Eddie. How exactly did you WISH for this question to be perceived? Because from my perspective, the very notion you came in here with any other reason BUT to cause provocation is doubtful at best.
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  10. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Quite frankly it's waste of time trying to explain myself this will get perceived how people want to percieve it regardless of what I say ... But perception and accusation are two different things and I can tell you outright now provocation was not my goal ... I will leave that to you like I said I consider this matter for me at least over I won't bother again trust me
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  11. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Then by definition, you admit to coming in here to accuse, because in your answer to me you made the assumption of accusation, where NONE was mentioned.

    The bottom line is, you came in with intent to elicit a response which could feed your appetite for argument. The problem is however, you assumed you were dealing with idiots.

    Big mistake.
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  12. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    That's a non-sense answer. If you have a Mac you can buy the software too.The author of the post would like to try new softwares like Mac owners,if it was possible.I'm on PC & I would love to try Rapture 2 & Reaktor 6 like you,for example.
    Me too I'm very grateful to crack teams and uploaders.That's only what I would like,if not nevermind.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2015
  13. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
    Then Buy them if you want to try them and supply what you bought to the teams so they can provide to other, what don't you people understand?
  14. Voo

    Voo Platinum Record

    Oct 30, 2011
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    I am an old timer, started in the mid 80's, I have seen and recognize some ghosts here from the past.
    This same discussion has been rehashed 10,000 times in various decades.

    First patience is a virtue and what we receive here is a blessing.
    If you cannot make music from what was given in the last 6 months, nothing new will help you.

    New programs/vst's etc do not mean new music. You have to get off your ass and do something with what you have. And there's plenty.

    I'm guessing? by looking at your original post you fall into the collector group. Why don't you try to do something with your collection. You may have a hard drive full of music wares but where is the music? Are you here to make music or collect programs?

    Eddie, you may have not meant harm but...
    There are so many ungrateful people it makes me sick.

    Best thing the whole scene can do at this point is be very grateful of anything at all given to you and above all be patient and stop all the bickering, begging, complaining, whining, SPECULATION etc.

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  15. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    His answer was actually right on point and can be summed up in using what you have available. The reason that he specified that if you're on PC then you have to buy it is because there's currently not much software that requires cracking coming out for that platform. Reaktor 6 shouldn't have been released for OSX either but that's another story. Most of the teams aren't even releasing for that platform but PiTcHsHiFteR isn't one of them so sometimes there are some applications that trickle out. Believe me, the teams would love to not have to deal with the problems they're consistently faced with either. We all want things, the difference is in the team's case, they have a right to expect them. My recommendation is to use this time to dig into what you have because you'll quickly realize that it's a hell of a lot. We have access to more technology now than the richest musicians had even 20 years ago. I've been keeping busy with a few synths and I have access to a lot more than you do. I didn't even download anything until about a week ago and neither Rapture 2 nor Reaktor 6 are even available internally yet, so rest easy. As a result, I feel like I'm learning more and making better use of my tools so I'm echoing the spot on response given by @Voo. I know it doesn't seem like it but this is a good thing. Every system gravitates towards equilibrium, this is simply that corrective mechanism in play. The best we can do is try to make some distinctions from the experience and try to do what we can to garner their support again.
  16. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    That was actually the best response I've seen on this Catalyst. As much as I imagine you hated the idea of even having to write it, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it while at the same time hating the reason it had to be said....AGAIN!! Truth hurts, thanks!
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2015
  17. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Now it seems I am ..... Move along mate before you hurt yourself falling of that high horse ... Sorry to all those that had something sensible to say
  18. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Well said I agree totally the truth is I don't actually want anything in truth I actually don't really download or use much cracked software like I have said over and over my post has been totally misunderstood although I totally understand why too.... I have watched this post get dragged in the wrong direction by people who are intent inciting some kind of argument ...I understand some are angry about this and that ... But no one (well almost no one ) seemed to,listen to what I was saying .... This is one of those time I want you to use your power as a mod and just close this thread I think it's all been said now from both sides

  19. So how can we help?
  20. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I'm going to compromise by moving YOU along. Into the bin you go.