AudioZ and PC Releases

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by eddielee, Sep 13, 2015.

  1. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Instead of buying the software you want for your pc...:deep_facepalm:
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  2. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Do you really need it?
  3. People review the iPhone 6s without realising they are holding an original iPhone
    Sunday 13 September 2015

    "With the announcement of the iPhone 6s, Jimmy Kimmel wanted to see what people would think if they were given the original iPhone, released in 2007, and told it was Apple's latest phone. As an experiment, Kimmel sent an interviewer to give people on Hollywood Boulevard the original iPhone and ask them their thoughts on what they were told was Apple's latest device.

    As Kimmel explains: “We’re now programmed to feel like if we don’t get the new one we’re missing out on something.”

    "When asked what their thoughts were, many seemed impressed with the size of the phone. One woman said: “I love the size, it’s not too big, it just fits so perfectly in the palm of my hand. Easy to slip into my handbag as well. Easy to find.”

    "Others were impressed with how quickly the phone worked: “It’s really cool. I like how fast the processor is moving. It’s not lagging and it’s not holding me up.” They also praised the obsolete phone's camera and weight, concluding: “Apple has done it again.”
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  4. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Saying goes ! if ya cant beatem Joinem ! Buy a Mac or Build a Hack have the best of both worlds
    thats what i did couple yrs back when Team XVX was on fire with Smoking Releases
  5. lexeed

    lexeed Platinum Record

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Where???!!! (And I'm on PC)

    With idiotic ingrates on one side and Godly arrogance on the other, neither the twain shall meet it seems.
  6. audiowolf

    audiowolf Producer

    Aug 6, 2015
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    What I don't understand is why in a world where people are starving, living in squalor or otherwise dealing with real life hell there are people who are seemingly so unsatisfied with having $1000000000 worth of software that they feel the need to complain, insult the teams and members when the goodies stop rolling in. It's like being offered a nice meal* (*or in our case, hundreds of them) from someone and telling them to go to hell when they refuse to feed you caviar and champagne every day.

    I don't know how other people feel, but I consider even one software, even an old version is a blessing that I wouldn't have otherwise had the chance to try out if it weren't for the generosity of all involved in sharing it with us. The fact that I can search for and try almost any expensive plugin and find it is like living in audio heaven. Actually, it's probably that euphoric high that's making so many people crazy on the other site :wink:

    So personally I'm going to sit back, chill out, tweak some knobs and read the manuals for things I was too busy drooling over the latest releases to appreciate in the past. It'll all work out :cheers:
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2015
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  7. westfinch

    westfinch Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2013
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    Dude...........just sit back and enjoy the ride. I visit the site several times a day and absolutely enjoy learning about new releases, whether it is Mac or PC. I also enjoy the info and conversations I find on audiosex. This is all about my passion for music and the technology that surrounds it. I am sooo grateful that the amazing people who keep this thing going, somehow, tolerate the fighting, the whining, and the ridiculous. It is not easy for them, and I am sure they have daily moments when they say "f**k this".
    That is your accusation in a passive form of a question. I personally found it a little "noobish" for someone who joined in 2012. Actually, they are, to quote James Brown, "on the good foot" for everyone. If you had been visiting the site more than just a quick "gimme", you would understand the "definition". Treat AudioZ as a box of chocolates ........ never knowing what you are going to get, but be damned glad you got them.
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  8. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    The most useful, best sounding, and most workflow-conducive software is what I'm after. I already have most of it. That which I can afford I bought, after learning to use it thanks to R2R and other crackers. That which I can't afford, I have access to thanks to R2R @ co.

    This post is obviously inspired by the new Reaktor release. There are others, but this is the biggie. Sure it looks neat, but I never really used Reaktor 5. I've been producing for maybe a year and a half. Until a few months ago I wasn't even advanced enough to worry about modular patching and synth building. Given your attitude about software, it would very much surprise me if you are. You know what I'm more jealous of Mac users for? Fabfilter Pro-C 2. It's not as fancy but it suits me better.

    Let me help you understand why you've received so much hostility here. I don't know anything about coding or reversing but I'm certain it's hard work. I had a recent conversation with a guy who's a hell of a lot smarter than I am and he beat his head against Reaktor 6 until he conceded and gave it to someone else to crack. It's also expensive. Someone had to buy Reaktor 6 to provide the installer to Pitchshifter. So there are people spending extraordinary amounts of time, effort and money, and sharing the fruits of those with others for free, only to be met by a chorus of But when are you going to spend all that time effort and money on MEEEEE?

    Your question, phrased as a harmless "what is the future of...?" is a very thin, transparent veil for "when is someone going to give me...?". Until you have given to these people in quality and quantity on par with what you have received from them, you have no right to ask such a question and expect not to be met with hostility.

    I'm not mad at you. I'm just trying to educate you here. I don't know a whole lot about the 'scene', but I'm not so oblivious that I don't know the value of treading lightly and giving back to the small extent to which I am capable.
  9. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    @ eddielee. Please learn how to use the forum properly. There is no reason for you to post as many times as you did back to back, All of that could have been in 1 post, Keep the forum clean
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  10. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Thats it!
    People are lazy to have a dual boot.
    In the future probably we will choose what OSs will be pre installed on machines but for now there a an endless cry about OSs.
  11. axelfender

    axelfender Member

    Feb 17, 2012
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  12. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    that seems impossible down here, I've read this earlier but decided not to post...

    scared for not being understood in the right way, and on a side-note,there are enough people around here that should be quite capable to explain your question in a decent way.....

    but because your opening post was not filled with: thank u ur the gr3at3st L0V3 4LL xxx Kiss kiss thank you
    I knew this thread would get dominated by useless rants of dickholes who don't got a girlfriend to bitch on or get bitched by her...

    Don't get me wrong, I love to be here, but this part of the forums disappoint me so I rather don't reply

    It also gobbles me that communistic ideas pop up in people brains, fucking up the layout is apparently a reason to get a warn status and this topic should be closed and deleted instead of being informational
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  13. westfinch

    westfinch Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2013
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    @Kwissbeats: But you just had to respond anyway, even tho you decided not to, and you rather don't reply. I won't apologize for my statements of gratitude because I meant them sincerely. Your bitterness over your earlier thread has nothing to do with this one. It is no wonder you are scared for not being understood, because it is very understandable what you just posted, and it wasn't cool.
  14. audiowolf

    audiowolf Producer

    Aug 6, 2015
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    Sorry for not being able to post messages of your high caliber.

    There's nothing to explain or understand. Things get released when they're released and don't when they don't. :dunno:
  15. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    and you just made one, it could have been all that instead fitting people shoes that are not their size
  16. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    hopefully this being a forum and everyone being entitled to there say and opinion that wont happen

    I agree with you but ungratefulness or complaining has never been the point of this thread so i dont understand your response ?

    thank you

    no we dont your right but its nice anyway ... and although not always the case the latestest releases should be improvements no ?

    thanks I understand that now but you are guilty of the same thing because this has already been pointed out to me ?

    sorry Artic

    look seems i am banging my head against a wall some on here have obviously not read the posts right or are totally misunderstanding where i am coming from .... I have repeated several times Iam not complaining ... but alas it seems some peeps on here are determined to hijack this and turn it into something it isnt ... I know some don't see the point of this thread ... move on then why even comment at all ? there was a comment earlier cant seem to find it now about not needing or wanting the latest software ... I mean what would the point of AudioZ be then ... anyway thanks for all your comments good and bad but it seems this is a dead horse .

    we out

    ps hope i did all this multiple quotes thing right
  17. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    totally made a pigs ear of that multiply quotes thing sorry
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  18. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Just a quick thought on moderators ... I was part of a scene a while back and as moderators I thought the object was to remain impartial after all having the ability to delete or close threads is hardly fair ... just thought i would add this as most of the mods saint excluded all seemed very negative ... what are you here to moderate the forum or your opinions ?
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  19. focusrite

    focusrite Platinum Record

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Kick snare, kick snare, kick snare, kick snare..........

    Reverse to Revolutionise
    Reverse to Revolutionise
    we share our works to the people
    who is dedicated to the community
    When 100 reach our spot and supply the software to us
    we can release 100 software
    remember we fight we crack we share
    but we never reach
    We are team R2R

    Kick snare, kick snare, kick snare, kick snare..........
  20. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    i will make it clear for you to understand
    1) this forum is about Professional Audio in general
    2) this forum is for discussing warez (especially when a member has a problem with warez release)
    3) you can use request in AudioZ & wait for it ::: that's all & (crying about it isn't gonna make it there)
    4) People here are 100% positive and you are here since 2012 & you should know that by now
    5) members here are sick of threads like that because Already deleted over 50 Threads like that
    6) if you are in the scene long enough you will know that MAC & PC releases has its up & down
    7) what the purpose of this topic ?
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2015
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