Should I Use Internet When working in DAW ??

Discussion in 'Education' started by james123, Aug 22, 2015.

  1. westfinch

    westfinch Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2013
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    James123, why in the world would you want to be on the internet while working in a DAW anyway? Social media? Do yourself a favor. If you can, use a dedicated computer for music. It has made my life much easier and workflow better.
  2. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    i can t give up porn even while i m using the daw,so i leave it open
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  3. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    You must love that daw... daw: Dick At Work
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  4. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    You can use it. Just block it with firewall or little snitch. However, from my experience, slows down the music making process and you get caught up reading or watching interesting things. Becomes a distraction. Kill the internet and play after music is made. Definitely, easier said then done I must admit.
  5. PatrickKn

    PatrickKn Member

    Mar 30, 2014
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    I'm in the process of redoing my set-up at the moment from the ground up (had a fire back in January and lost my previous computer among everything else I owned). I have two OS's installed on separate hard drives. Once I get a lot of software amassed, I'm going to do clean installs of both however. One will be windows 10 - for surfing online, playing games and stuff, and the other windows 7, dedicated entirely to music production (and some photoshop stuff as well).

    On the windows 7 one I will have no network drivers installed. Just a distraction free work-space, bare-bones windows installation. Everything will be installed from within the hard drive.
  6. John V

    John V Ultrasonic

    Jul 24, 2015
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    :rofl:DAW Dick at Work hahahaha!
  7. Molecular

    Molecular Noisemaker

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Agreed, the best thing to do is to have a dedicated computer for audio. If you can't make that happen, and don't have time to work out a dual boot, I would def suggest setting up a username without admin rights and use that solely for internet.
  8. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Uhe. .. that company makes me puke, I don't know why. Well, I think I know.

    Now only they think they are the best and smarter ever, without whom people couldn't make any music, but they take everybody for idiot assholes.

    'Ohhh, we don't cut our prices, because that would not be fair for the first customers, blah blah blah'

    Tell us, genius, don't you think that today, 2015, it is perfectly normal for a customer to accept the fact that a digital product he purchases today, obviously and surely will get a price drop, 6, 12, 18+ months later, because that's how things naturally work on Internet?
    Do you really think your customers are so so so stupid to the point they aren't able to understand and accept that the product they will buy for 200 euros, today, might be sold for 180 euros or less, one year later, during a 3-day special sale? Do you think they are that stupid, and stubbornly want and hope the product they bought will still be sold at 200 euros, even in 30 years from now?

    Of course, if they think their customers are that dumb, what are we ? Useless brainless pieces of shit?

    I don't want to use their 1-note-per-cpu zebras and divas monsters, not a single sound designer, like pluginguru, is making sound banks for bazille , presswerk is just the 350th compressor out there, and hive, is just a lame lazy soulless copy of the 1000x warmer and better analog-sounding Sylenth1.

    I Will sound harsh, but I'd really love to see a guy,somewhere in the world, that would be Ill and wouldn't care about anything anymore, buying all the u-she plug-ins, and releasing them all with the serial numbers. After that, a few guys would surely stop taking all the human race for inferior not-intelligent shit, and would realize that with the Internet, we can go high.. very high... but when we reach the top, the only possible way, is going down..down..down... really fast.

    So many great plug-ins out there, why using theirs? Why buying them and feeding their infinite pride and self-esteem? NO
    Also, there still is the great DOA release, 2.5.4 bytes long, for those who want to try and probably never buy.(not promoting warez, of course! )

    Yeah. No. No uhe stuff, please.
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  9. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    You are right in a lot of things and your anger is understandable. :cool:
    U-he are very reactive and concerned with cracked copies of their software, even more about leeched Serials!
    When cracks appear (on public sites) they quickly develop new traps in their copy protections, in order to make
    it a little bit more difficult for Reverse Engineers - which Mr.Heckmann proudly hates and belittles.

    One thing I don't get is that they show off as small developers but then Mr.Heckmann can afford it to fly away
    for long holidays in Australia! Obviously selling clones of software isn't like selling peanuts.....
    It's better for them & their spirit NOT to know if their nuts have been successfully cracked,
    otherwise they cannot find sleep nor peace of mind.

  10. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Yeah, when your hear him talking, you almost feel like he depends on the 2 or 3 sales per month to feed his family. Poor guy.

    But when you know there are 10 devs/highly qualified engineers working, who must be making at least 4000 euros a month, or 2000+ a % on sales (calculist as he is, I'd choose the 2nd option, where he takes much less risks) + all the taxes he pays for them, and knowing we wouldn't hire those people unless he was making at least 2x what he spends with employees, NET,

    That makes 10 X 4500 euros + 20% vat on benefits + his net part, that makes like 45'000 + 60'000 (his net gain) + 15'000 for vat.
    At least, he must be making 120'000 per month, with those replicated ad nauseum files that require no extra wood, iron, food or coal, in order to sell.

    At 120'000 (and I'm being gentle, he would never risk having some many employees and only make 50% net for him... if he can make 75%, he will do it. But let's be gentle and only say he only keeps 50% net for him..), at an average of 150 euros, that makes 800 sales per month.
    That makes about 27 sales per day.
    Is it possible? Sure it is. But I could bet they are making at least 50 sales per day, seeing how many hundreds thousands , if not millions guys, are making music, worldwide (hey, just 2 years ago, audioz had +500'000 unique north America visitors, 500'000 from France, 500'000 from Russia, 200-400'000 from Brazil, Italy, Germany, etc etc, that makes several MILLIONS guys that are probably making music, all in the box or not, and that alone, as audioz visitors. Now, if we add another dozens/hundreds thousands old studio owners, women, etc, who don't know and don't or want to use cracked apps, well, that makes A LOTTTTT of people and potential buyers).

    I stopped doubting those numbers, when I saw a quite small sample/plug-ins website, ,like 2 years ago, selling a sample library for the cancer research, where the smallest 'bid' was 75$, and in just a couple of days, they had already sold more than 70'000 digital copies (sample library).again, for sure, there are a incredible number of 'musicians' out there. A number we can only imagine.

    So, could uhe be selling between 50 and 100 products a day? Seeing how selfish and inflexible he is toward his customers and potential customers, where he prefers not making a sale at all than selling it 1-5 euros cheaper ( is it being stupid, arrogant, over-confident, excessive self-esteem and pride, Intelligent, or just an inherited mentality like 'Ich can do evryting I decide, forr Ich bin das best of best, you shall executen what I want, du will pay what I want the way Ich want, you will beg forr mercy und prize drops, but no, you will be humiliated mit my NEIN, und you follow und do like I want, or you die smashed like the Gros scheize you arr'.
    There were other guys who also wanted to conquer the world, last century.

    Of course, he would kill every single Warez user, one by one, because Warez is not gut for the business.
    But then, he claims that he just made 2000 euros with a few dozens idiots that were using a warez zebra version and clicked on the company logo, were sent to the 'buy' page, and ended up buying the synth. After that, how daring saying warez isn't good for a company and doesn't make new sales, huh? Idiot.

    For sure, the company is making between 150 and 250'000 euros each month. That makes +1.5-2 millions / year. A quick German vat check could confirm it, I am sure.

    But then, you hear him talking about piracy, warez and sales, and you almost feel bad for him, because he gives the impression the last time he could buy some food with the sales, was 5 days ago, and he is starving. Poor guy. Alone with his 3 sales per month.
    Where is the donate button? I feel so bad I can't sleep. We must do something to help this son of God.
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  11. vst mama

    vst mama Member

    Jul 30, 2012
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  12. I feel for you, friend. ;( It must have been hard on you and your's.
  13. PatrickKn

    PatrickKn Member

    Mar 30, 2014
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    It was a bad time. The property damage was nothing, got renters insurance for all that. Lost my dog to the fire however. That's what was really hard. It's in the past now though.
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  14. Condolences about your dog.
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  15. Hardlock

    Hardlock Ultrasonic

    May 5, 2015
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    No try to be offline whilst using your Daw it also saves resources and network adapters can sometimes be very resource intense
  16. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    None of those emotes seemed appropriate to how you recover from losing your dog, but I wish you the very best. My brother-in-law had to have his dog put down last night and he is in pieces, so I know what you must have gone through.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2015
  17. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I disagree with everyone who say you shouldn't be connected on the net with your DAW Machine. Whilst I finish exporting Audio/ Video, there's nothing that makes it appear to go quicker than being on here. Time flies when I'm on this site :)
  18. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Well, I'm mostly for offline optimized DAW system against full on system for everything because of priorities, than you don't need AV and things you would need otherwise, but I'm not against internet on DAW system on rare occasions, but yeah, some got home calling warez, so it's better to stay off :yes:
  19. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Yeah, but if it ain't your dick at work, what good is it....shut it off!! :rofl:
  20. freakymofo

    freakymofo Ultrasonic

    Mar 13, 2013
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    London, UK
    So, can i just 'turn WiFi off'? Is that disconnecting my PC from the net? Like is that all i need to do, or do i need to turn off some other settings as well?

    Surely turning off that wifi on my iMac will stop the net completely while im in my DAW?

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