Who is using Logic for hip hop/beats production?

Discussion in 'Logic' started by xsze, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. xsze

    xsze Guest

    As tittle suggest, interested to hear about it, anything goes, let's chat :mates:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2015
  3. marcothatsall

    marcothatsall Noisemaker

    Sep 8, 2015
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    I am but I'm having trouble learning how to properly sample in logic. Every time i change the pitch of a track it ruins the quality with pitch shifter.
  4. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Tried doing it inside of EXS24?
  5. iluvhiphop

    iluvhiphop Guest

    I always liked logics flextime feature. It is very handy when you work with loops. But when it comes to chopping and flipping samples, like an old soul balled for instance, logic just isn't very intuitive and tasks easily done in other daws takes too much time. This is why I ditched logic and sold my imac and now work with reaper and fl studio, but that is another topic. I can recommend getting Poise. It's interface isn't the best, but it offers a quicker workflow than logic and it is not very hard to get used to. It saved my ass in so many ways :)
  6. xsze

    xsze Guest

    I'm on Reaper now too, guess this thread was me being nostalgic about Logic and all, but more I work with Reaper, more I love it and less I miss Logic 9 (don't like X at all), even found a way to have some kind of zooming tool in Reaper and improvised Ultrabeat, still need one good synth, but that's another topic I guess. :yes:
  7. northcuttbeatz

    northcuttbeatz Ultrasonic

    Feb 11, 2015
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    me!! i love logic x, tried fl studio but i'm much quicker with logic x.
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  8. iluvhiphop

    iluvhiphop Guest

    That looks neat. How about flextime? I think it was introduced in version 9. I miss that so much, it was super cool when working with samples that had drums I didnt want, because I could just cut them and and then stretch the audio behind it to fit.
  9. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Yeah, Flex Time is really cool, but with Reaper as you know it's another level of audio editing and actual elastique is way better than algorithm in Logic or Live, so yeah, little manual labor, but not that slower and more sonically pleasing, I came to Logic from Cubase and all the time i wanted better audio editing, when I saw what's new in X, I flipped, even now it's the same deal and I think it will just cater more and more to artists :yes:
  10. iluvhiphop

    iluvhiphop Guest

    Oh yeah I noticed Elastique having an update in reaper 5 :) I can do pretty much the same thing with it, yeah?
  11. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Yeah and it will sound great, just pick best algorithm for the job (I found out that 2.28 SOLOIST - Monophonic is best deal for drums, YMMV tho)
  12. northcuttbeatz

    northcuttbeatz Ultrasonic

    Feb 11, 2015
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    I felt the same way, I work around it using plugins such as looperator by sugar bytes. it makes it so easy to chop up a beat, no matter how complex, in seconds. i swear by it :yes:
  13. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Cost like 4 major versions of Reaper :thumbsup:
  14. marcothatsall

    marcothatsall Noisemaker

    Sep 8, 2015
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    I just feel like when i try to change the pitch of a sample it always loses its quality using the pitch shifter. I have no problem chopping up samples and making a beat out of the chops, just a problem with the speed and what not..
  15. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Yeah, after 2 semitones it's starting to really get noticeable :yes:
  16. northcuttbeatz

    northcuttbeatz Ultrasonic

    Feb 11, 2015
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    pitch shifter is bad for that imo, i just use exs24 to change the pitch of samples. can't really change the fact that waveforms become longer as they move down in semitones though.
  17. chacebl

    chacebl Member

    Sep 30, 2013
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    Been using logic version 1x from day one still have the emagic soundcard but use firewire 410 slaved to rme babyface. Produce hip hop, r&b & reggae. Logic has and does everything i need. i Do use a lot more third party virtual plugins.
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  18. MH15

    MH15 Newbie

    Apr 22, 2013
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  19. marcothatsall

    marcothatsall Noisemaker

    Sep 8, 2015
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    thanks for the help guys. one more question do you guys know where i can get a baseline like this drake song
  20. marcothatsall

    marcothatsall Noisemaker

    Sep 8, 2015
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    nice beats btw
  21. marcothatsall

    marcothatsall Noisemaker

    Sep 8, 2015
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