[Linux/Ubuntu] Harrison Mixbus v2.5.0 installation help!

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Medrewb, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    So I installed Ubuntu last week (1st time linuxing) and i download the mixbus from AZ and i extracted and i am stuck in the install.sh .. I cant seem to run this. it always opened in text document file.. please help !! I am using ubuntu 15.04
  3. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Most likely you'll have to open terminal and type a bunch of complicated commands.

    This I why Linux doesn't become more popular...It's never as simple as double clicking.

    Anyway, sorry man, I can't help you, but surely someone here will.
  4. onhappin

    onhappin Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Not so difficult, really!:no:
    You just need to tell your Ubuntu not to display the file but to treat it as an executable. Right click the file, go to 'Properties' and then, under 'Permission' tab check 'allow executing file as program'. Next time you double-click the shell script (that is your .sh file), you'll have the option to run it in terminal or simply run it if it has a gui.
    That's about it! Have fun!
  5. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Little off topic, but if you decide to ditch Linux for audio (which you probably will) leave it for browsing, so try Linux Mint Cinnamon :thumbsup:

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  6. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    I hope that this be pertinent somehow, but I was surprised to find that Harrison Mixbus 3 is really Ardour 4 with Harrison features in the mixer. Mixbus creates files with the .ardour extension. "Ready to run – no need to build from source code" for as little as $1.00.
  7. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    I tried several time to install Ubuntu (latest version) but failed not really as easy as they say i remember years ago you could load a cd with Ubunty and use it from the cd now it is a DVD and i read that when installing it need 80 gb that is way bigger than any OSX or Windows version i know of
  8. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Actually you need 8gb only for installation :D
  9. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Yes it was ardour so strange..
  10. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    I finally manage to install it using the terminal command ( I still did not believe I did it :rofl:and no Idea how i did it) but then...I need to copy the patch in the system drive but i can't paste anything because it was not permitted so I uninstalled it:rofl:
  11. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Thats strange according to my 4 days reasearcg, ubuntu is also linux just a flavour for distribution all apps will run in the mint as well as ubunt. The reason i chose ubuntu is that I youtube 'installing linux' and all the search results were ubuntu. :mates:
  12. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Like I said...This is the reason Linux doesn't become a popular platform...It's never as simple as just double clicking something and you're done.

    Being forced to open terminal and type complicated commands which don't make any logical sense for the average user is utter disruptive and unintuitive.

    Don't get me wrong...I use Linux. I've tried most popular distros and stick to Elementary OS. However, I use it for simple tasks only. I've tried to use it as graphic design and audio workstation, but gave up after a while.

    Anyway, good luck. Let us know if you succeed.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2015
  13. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Ok thanks.. I installed it because I am board of Windows ( Don't have the cash to buy mac book yet) . I am just installing for fun and wanted to try out some apps. But I really like the command terminal function though.
  14. onhappin

    onhappin Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Guys, I'm sorry but I disagree. Both Ubuntu and Linux Mint (which is based largely on Ubuntu, at least it's most popular versions) are pretty easy to install - see here. You just need a 4gb usb stick and the knowledge to make it bootable. From windoze you could use this 800kb freeware. The installation kit of Ubuntu 15.04 is around 1.1gb and Linux Mint's around the same so no need for the 80gb dvd :rofl:. I don't use Linux for music production as I'm in love with Live and Studio One and the NI vsts which are impossible or hard to port to Linux, but for surfing, programming, office jobs and pretty much anything else it's way faster, more stable and secure than other os-es. Plus it's free. Right now, on a zen Linux Mint system here actually :bow: Except for programming I hardly do anything than double-click it as you would do on any other system... So please do your own research and testing and do not take myths for granted!
    @Medrewb Sorry, you gave up! For the sake of security, Ubuntu does write protect sensitive parts of its code. In security terms, it's a good thing as it makes life dreadful for a virus attempting to find its way in your system. But you could've gained the necessary rights to be able to copy the patch with just a simple line in the terminal . Just google your case or if it's too hard send me a pm and I'll help. But again what to do with a daw on Linux without all the vst/au juice we all love?!

    P.S. and peace! : From a cynical-pragmatic point of view I could see why you are deterred from Linux with myths like that. We're living consumerist times, isn't it?!
  15. xsze

    xsze Guest

    That's not strange, that's how it is, I never said otherwise and reason I choose that because I actually spent time with it (I'm writing from it now) and think you might get kick from it coming from either Windows or OS X, so don't know why are you disliking my suggestion, did you even tried Mint Cinnamon and you hate it, are you disliking my taste, what?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2015
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  16. BILIYA

    BILIYA Newbie

    Dec 21, 2019
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    it always opened in text document file.. please help !! I am using ubuntu 15.04speed test vidmate 123movies
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2020