Does this disturb you in any way?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by asad12, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. asad12

    asad12 Platinum Record

    Dec 4, 2012
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    I found myself speechless watching this and couldn't find the right words to express the mixed emotions within me. I left my country when I was 9 years old under the same circumstances as these people in the video. Had to spend 5 years in what so called a refugee camp. It was more like a concentration camp, living in tents in a big fenced prison in the middle of the desert with no access to the outside world at all. This had hit me so hard and can't get it off of my mind. Writing this at 3 in the morning. My prayers for all those going through hard times. I am thankful that my situation had ended and hopefully it will soon for these refugees.

    Kicking a child then tripping a man carrying a child in his hand is not a normal or a healthy behavior at all. It's not like these people didn't have enough pain. I wish I can just go to sleep and forget that I came across this. My apologies for those that find this difficult.
    Peace and blessing for all of you my friends
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
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  3. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Despicable, but then see this about the Hungarian media she worked for which is founded on some pretty evil principles itself. Hungary's problematic media has been exposed!
  4. Bruttospritz

    Bruttospritz Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    anything for a scoop...
  5. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    The worst way to explain what "human being" means... Angela Merkel open Germany frontiers and all over the world says "Good"; my country saved hundreds of migrants (day by day) and host them but noone help us (same for Greece and Mallta)... :wtf:
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
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  6. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    hello, all disturbed audio lover fellows,

    despicable brainsore, truly. :sad:

    this abominable camera operating female did not work for the hungarian media in its whole, as that channel might rather mean just one smallest outlet from the farest far in the right side of the existing loathsome spectrum. :sad:

    from the gear used by those on the so called news teams on this occasion, the most sensation hungry small game hunters must they have been. :sad:

    shamefully unprofessional, why in the world must one push her, his, camera right into the face of fleeing people, beyond comprehension, then after getting what she deserved, how does one come to what she has done, even less understandable. :sad:
    wretchedly woebegone became this world to live in, really... :bow:

    wish all of us better things to experience, including the usual best of the best... :bow:
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
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  7. upliftom

    upliftom Member

    Apr 26, 2014
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    Complete lack of empathy, we are still primitive species
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  8. It is incredibly sad to see the world suffering, all of us enmeshed in struggle, violence, hatred and bloodshed. So many of us are directly involved with our bodies in the line of fire and danger, having to bear direct witness to attrocities pointed consiously and willingly at our children and loved ones. Angered by this video I found that she was fired by the far right Hungarain web blog that employed her. My thoughts cringe at the fact that she will now raise her currency to many who feel that those fleeing from their lost homes are but animals and do not have basic rights as humans. If the shoe was on the other foot I guarantee she would ask the same, help and a bit of understanding for the plight of herself and her loved ones. She hopefuuly will learn the lessons of love and understanding and CHILL THE FUCK OUT.
  9. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    hello, all audio lover fellows,
    it might rather be just one last nobody, trying to come up with the one big shot in the thoughtless push, in the most disrespectful, irresponsible, way imaginable. :sad:
    sadly, that will not serve with any help those persons in their flight. :sad:
    far right web blog... gosh... they have, quite possibly, forgotten how many times were there when great masses of hungarian people were in the self same situation, forced to leave behind everything, seeking asylum abroad. :sad:

    wish all of us the best, only that... :bow:
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
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  10. asad12

    asad12 Platinum Record

    Dec 4, 2012
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    Sometimes, I do lose hope in humanity, until I see people like you guys.
    That camerawoman was fired, maybe even she will be accepted by another media outlet or not. That's the least that could be done is to fire her.
    Sad to see people treat others like that based on ethnicity, nationality, religious, ideology,....etc. I am sure and hope that she doesn't represent the whole Hungarian nation, neither want people to look at her that way.

    Situations like this are always an opportunity for politicians and those with agendas to ride and make whatever gains politically or ideologically. This whole world has a corrupted governing systems that manipulate and exploit people.

    I believe that an ideal human being is the one that cries, refuses, and condemns the injustice that falls upon his enemies with the same passion as if that injustice has fallen upon him.
  11. rickbarratt

    rickbarratt Producer

    Dec 27, 2013
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    Nope, this doesn't disturb me, mainly because when i click on it it says private so i can not view it :rofl:
  12. Fer Zeleid

    Fer Zeleid Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    There's another vid where the same woman kicks a girl.
  13. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    well a lot of Syrian refugees flooding into Europe and other areas of the world... of course what you see her do is despicable,
    even so.. it's probably not quite as bad as having your throat torn out in by Isis fanatics while your last sight is them raping
    your wife and daughter, just a little perspective

    she got canned, that's about the best you could hope for
  14. Mr.Robot

    Mr.Robot Noisemaker

    Aug 26, 2015
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  15. asad12

    asad12 Platinum Record

    Dec 4, 2012
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    totally agree with you. I hope they find peace and stability until their homeland is safe to go back to and rebuild their lives.
    By the way, the refugees are Syrian and Iraqis.
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  16. daisydd

    daisydd Ultrasonic

    Feb 8, 2012
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    How can they treat people like this?
    Our so called Governments bomb these countries and cause people to flee in fear of their lives.
    They should be helping them not mistreating them.
    As a girl, I sorry to say and use bad language, but that woman is a A1 bitch.
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  17. nycdl

    nycdl Kapellmeister

    May 31, 2014
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    figment of my imagination
    @asad12 thanks for this post , completely makes me sick. before anything else we are human beings and must treat each other in a decent way. What's the best way for people to control the entire planet? To keep everyone fighting over division of race , creed, color, background. As long as this continues , things are stagnate . I really appreciate this thread and how much people notice and care. Very cool
  18. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Though this dismays me. it hardly surprises me. The discussion of ethnic, racial and religious prejudice and hatred doesn't move me anymore. I'm not heartless, I've just come to expect this sort of thing from humans. This "migrant" (refugee) situation and the resultant tensions are going to get worse; far-right nationalist extremists are going to come out of the shadows more and more.

    The misnomer is "migrants," since these people don't regularly go back-and-forth between places, but rather, they are refugees, fleeing adverse conditions in their home countries. Unfortunately, their vast numbers ensure that the conditions to which they are fleeing won't be much more hospitable, and will get even worse. If they can't find safety and security in their home countries, they expect to be granted safety and security in foreign countries, on another continent? That's not even assured by legal and regulated immigration. There are reasons for borders and immigration laws; when they're flouted, there will be trouble, especially from nationalists and ethnic purists. That doesn't mean that it's right, but it's the way of the world; it's ugly human nature.

    For hundreds of thousands (is it more, yet?) to sweep across a continent and expect for its countries' denizens to open their arms and provide shelter, succor and citizenship for them on the basis of expected pity is a bit much. The tolerance of liberal, compassionate people will be tested, and the latent reactionaries within will emerge. What's to be done? Try to get millions of Europeans to invoke Ghandi and sing "Imagine" by John Lennon? If the "migrants" (refugees) in Europe were a limited or finite population emanating from a localized disaster point or a specific war, the media would be able to influence the public's sympathy and European societies would be more easily swayed into welcoming and making room for them. However, the human tide now seems like a tsunami threatening the indigenous economic and cultural (ignoring "ethnic," which is were it gets nastiest) stability of countries from Macedonia to Finland.

    Ten years ago, refugees of Hurricane Katrina poured out of New Orleans and were welcomed in neighboring or not-distant states as part of an "outpouring of compassionate support" for the victims of a mass disaster. Since this were a big, nationally-shared sentimental event, much disaster relief was granted, almost reflexively and unquestioningly, to anyone claiming to be a "victim of Katrina." Eight years prior to that, I had been a refugee to one of the places where Katrina refugees flocked – though I was on my own, a victim of personal misfortune due to having been wrongully fired and losing my home. Although I did know people where I went (and still reside, unable ever since to regain my self-determination toward relocating to a more amenable environment), they treated me like shit, because (being a single male) it had had to be my own fault, or as though my misfortune might be a communicable disease warranting hostile pre-emptive ostracism. It was also obvious that I were from another part of the world (the USA being as large as it is), and therefore I was perceived as "foreign" and further subjected to prejudice toward the part of the country from which I'd come: people wouldn't hire me, people harrassed me, and so on. It took me a few years until I'd not wake up and cry, or not wake up crying; I've been battling PTSD for the past 18 years. A little compassion would have gone a long way, but I wasn't part of a faceless mass which people had been instructed to "care about" – I was a lone man, standing right before them, looking them right in the eyes. Hardly the same as the equivalent of what's going on now across Europe, but believe me, I am able to empathize with the "migrants."
  19. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    you are joking right? these people never go back, history repeats.
    I don't blame them, I wouldn't either.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2015
  20. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    hello, all disturbed audio lover fellows,
    the feeling is somewhat that it is not history that repeats itself, but rather just the remaining victims are trying to do something with what their victors have left to them, prescribing their circumstances, their possibilities. :sad:

    wish us all the best... :bow:
  21. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    In football she would get yellow card for this tackle :rofl:
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