SNPID Complete List

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Bunford, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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  2. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Yeah, noted. All NI products are in here, including older items such as Kore and Traktor DJ Studio 3. All in all, I think there's a good few hundred used up already and this list is WAY more complete than anything else i have seen.

    As an example, your list has about 150 SNPIDs listed, whereas the list I've generate here probably hase the known numbers for about 5-600+ known products (but i haven't actually counted, just a rough estimate).
  3. CrimsonGuard

    CrimsonGuard Newbie

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Thank you for this list, it is extremely helpful.

    I have a question regarding SNPIDs and what is allowed. I've noticed that except for the very bottom of the spreadsheet all the numbers are essentially whole numbers such as 245, 246, 247, etc... with the range being 001 to 999. At the very bottom there are some with Fxx, for example F00, FF7, FFE, etc.

    My question is that any combination of hex letters and numbers are allowed, correct? For example I could use A21, B3C, EDF, and anything like that? I'm currently doing this with my Kontakt libraries and it is working correctly. If this is indeed allowed, we should consider working together to expand this list to include third-party libraries.

    Sorry, editing for clarification -- I mean including ranges like A00 to F00 as well, which I think is where most third party libraries end up.
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  4. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Yeah. That's how i understand it. It seems like NI (at the moment) are sticking to 3 digit numbers with the exception of Maschine products, that are using Fxx as their SNPIDs in the main.

    If you look at the list, all libraries at present, including third party, with the exception of NI's Maschine related items, haven't moved into using letter yet it seems.

    I am going to update the list with the possible combinations in time, but no rush as they're not being used yet.
  5. nickveldrin

    nickveldrin Member

    May 31, 2015
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    Appreciate the work you're putting in to this, Bunford. I've been wanting to organize my kontakt libraries, but have been intimidated by manually editing things, coming up with everything from scratch for the snpid numbers, and risking that i'd be duplicating things since i am new at this and don't know what i'm doing.

    But now that Tracer released his toolkit and great folks like you are trying to come up with a standard for numbering, it makes me feel a lot more comfortable in fiddling around with things. Thank you for your hard work!
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  6. babybrown

    babybrown Ultrasonic

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Dope. Thanks a million
  7. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Created this thread ages ago. Now with Kontakt being updated and libraries popping up again, I've uploaded a newer version of the list. It includes what I can pull out and what I think are most of the numbers in use at the moment.

    If there are any you know of that are missing, let me know and I will add them and update the first thread post.
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  8. xendroster

    xendroster Member

    Nov 20, 2013
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  9. Merlin Györy

    Merlin Györy Newbie

    Dec 15, 2016
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    Hey :) Thanks firs of all for all the work.
    I'm just going through my ID's and found some that are missing.

    Here they are:
    Sonokinetic Tutti VOX - 593
    Sonokinetic Sotto - 658
    Symphony Series Woodwind Ensamble - 076
    Symphony Series Woodwind Collection - 075

    Might be some more. I'll post them as I go through if there are. Cheers
  10. brakkums

    brakkums Newbie

    Apr 21, 2017
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    Does anyone happen to have the SNPID for Wavesfactory Mercury?

  11. mcclaine

    mcclaine Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
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    Hello, does anyone knows the SNPID for Spitfire Audio BML Mural Symphonic Evolutions?
    I don't want to create a random unused number, only to have a future release to crash with this one.

  12. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    Only way to avoid any conflicts is to use the SNPID LOCATOR prior to installing a new library.
  13. mcclaine

    mcclaine Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
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    Yes, i know that.
    I'm asking this because i've already have a problem using that method anyway. What problem? let's say i check in my computer and "345" is not in use, is available. So i create that the nicnt with that number. Then later i install a library that comes with its own nicnt, and that is "345", so now both libraries won't work. That happened to me before, so i know that if Spitfire Audio BML Mural Symphonic Evolutions has a snpid already, no new library will use that and i will have no future problems.
  14. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    If 2 libraries have the same SNPID all you have to do is change it. I have been using the locator even for Maschine Libraries because their SNPID may conflict with one from Kontakt. Do this, run the locator and make sure that you choose a number that shows "0" under Nr. of files used. This will take care of your problem.
  15. Ted

    Ted Ultrasonic

    Jan 1, 2017
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    Hey Guys, can someone explain how to order library tabs without scrolling up/down the whole list. It takes too much times.
    i'm on Mac Sierra. Thanks
  16. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    ---Im replying as a matter of courtesy because your question has nothing to do with the issue posted by the OP. You need to start your own tread dealing specifically with the issue you are facing----

    Kontakt library tabs look good but when you have 150 or more it becomes burdensome to scroll for the one you need. I gave up looks for simplicity. I now organize my libraries by Genre and instruments. For example, I have folders labeled " House" "Pop" "Latin" "Guitars" "Drums" etc, Those are the ones that show up. Inside each one i have the libraries related to each individual one. Makes it easier to find what you need.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2017
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  17. Ted

    Ted Ultrasonic

    Jan 1, 2017
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    Yes I use quickload and categories folders but it's very unstable and "jumpy" when navigate through menus. It takes also plenty of times to load at first start. And most of all it crash kontakt after 2-3 min scrolling menus.
    So for know I'd like to reorder the libs tabs without scrolling up or down each of them for hours...anyone ?
  18. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    ---Im replying as a matter of courtesy because your question has nothing to do with the issue posted by the OP. You need to start your own tread dealing specifically with the issue you are facing----

    I have been using categorized folders for years without ANY issues. Kontakt has been very stable. I certainly dont see how the use of categorized folders can make Kontakt unstable. As to the loading time, just do a "batch resave" of your libraries. As I said before, if you have hundreds of libraries, as many of us here do, the way to go is by using categorized folders. You are narrowing your tabs to a dozen instead of 200 and inside each categorized folder you are going to find exactly what you are looking for. It is just like the difference between a Flea Market and a Department Store.
  19. Ted

    Ted Ultrasonic

    Jan 1, 2017
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    I DO categorized folders but I go from one to another it literally "jump" and it's very difficult to drag and add a lib in it for ex. And after 2 min scrolling, kontakt crash every times. My quickload folder is about 90gig and that's why the wheel is spinning 10 min before I can access to menus and do drag and drop in quickload (black and white clock wheel, not rainbow one). I which I had solutions for these bugs and I'll make videos of these issues and new thread. Anyway I want to have my lib tabs organized ALSO. That's why I'm asking how to move them up or down manually. Mac sierra. Kontakt 5.6.8
  20. Norby123

    Norby123 Newbie

    Feb 13, 2019
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    Hey Bunford! Any news on this? :)
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