My little thanks to the Cracker Teams

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Sky, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. Sky

    Sky Kapellmeister

    Sep 5, 2015
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    Hello, my name is Henry and I need to tell my story, I live in Brazil, I earn the equivalent of $ 300 per month to survive (RS 1100), I have a free 500kbps connection and everything I know about music edition and mastering I learned thanks to the accessibility tools' cracked by teams like R2R,

    With these $ 300 I have to pay rent, buy food, pay water and energy, and not spare me anything to spend, the computer I have is something very old that bought paying 36x, and it's no incredible machine. our economy is broken, and the poor get poorer.

    As you can see, it is impossible to pay the price that companies ask for plugins, but I still have this love for editing and mastering, and I must thank the R2R team primarily for their releases FabFilter.

    If from today they never launch anything on the internet I do not have anything to complain about, we have several tools on the internet that can do what you want, and probably the r2r team already must have released some compressor, EQ or other tool that will remedy their needs.

    I just wanted to thank you for everything you have done to this day, I started to learn how to edit in 2009 and if it were not for your work, I would not have learned anything,

    If I had money, probably already would have bought the entire collection of FabFilter and Izotope plugins, because I believe that both developers do miracles with plugins and deserve every penny, I just turn to piracy by not having other way.

    Last year I saved money all year to buy my first DAW, the Cockos reaper, $ 60 seem little to someone who has the dollar as currency, but imagine you earn $ 1,000 a month to live. and that the DAW cost the equivalent of $ 300

    Yesterday I got my first job at a radio, now I will earn the equivalent of $ 450, which is already a big improvement, and it was all thanks to the knowledge I have in the FabFilter tools, which if not been for the release of R2R I never would have even the opportunity to learn.

    Thanks for everything, I checked here on the site today just for that, because I saw a comment on a torrent saying that the teams had stopped with releases because someone died. I do not know if it's true but if it's true My condolences.

    Sorry for the bad English, i am still learning.
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  3. rickbarratt

    rickbarratt Producer

    Dec 27, 2013
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    Those with the true power to help, do.

    plug-ins are highly expensive for anyone, if you're an amateur or a pro.

    although it's clear to see why, all the knowledge and development that go into creating these products. and the people who work for the companies have to eat too.

    i think its great we have a community where we get to "have an unlimited demo" with these products. and i truly believe if you make money using any of them then you should just fork out and pay for the legit copy. because as we keep seeing lots of companies are going bust.

    and therefore it's also great that it's helped to change your life, and more than likely if you advance further would pay for the plugs.

    we all have our thanks to pay for the crackers, and everyone who contributes.

    i know it helped me a lot when i was studying sound engineering in college & university.
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  4. TkiD

    TkiD Noisemaker

    Jul 24, 2011
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    Sky that is a very interesting take on the music scene, and I'm glad you told your story, everyone should hear what life can be like for others, it needs to be said once in a while. Hope all is well,and things ge tbetter for you in Brazil.
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  5. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    People from first world forget that here in Brazil we have to pay between 150 and 300% for the hardware... Só pay for software its a luxury.
    And how about the jerks in this forum that with love help us joking about our bad english? Its really a shame that this jerks came here to put away people trouble instead helping. Dear SKY you do not have to be sorry about your english, really!
    With 2 superior diplomas in music I cannot cry about my education but I at age of 25, after 10 hour playing with my band (3hour before that I had túneis and transport the toys), and my back become hard. After 20 years fighting with an unknow desease I finally discover the progressiva incapacitating shit... 20 years with family, friends and doctors thinking that I am lazy and crazy.
    Teams stopped because ungratefull leechers that cry with so much... Probably they forgotten about people that have nothing to share...
    I am gratefull to the teams and the good people here, I never stop helping the ones who need even with jerks poluting the world.
    Hugs from Brazil!
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  6. Sky

    Sky Kapellmeister

    Sep 5, 2015
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    Wait, they stop because people are complaining?

    I'm crazy for thinking that someone who uses his free time to make and distribute to people for free something that otherwise would not be possible for people who have no condition to pay a hero?

    This type of person who just complains and demands for something free, must have a screw loose in his head.

    I feel sorry for the group now. they must have received so many complaints that motivation disappeared.

    I wish I could do something, my biggest problem is I do not know how to contact these guys. I do not know how to crack anything, but if I can help with something

    I wish they could see my post. I am really really grateful.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2015
  7. Marsupilami

    Marsupilami Guest

    Thanks for sharing your story, it triggers something I like to comment:

    Thus should be told now and then
    because people like you commonly remain grateful and silent
    while beggars and whiners are constantly shouting requests to the public
    which jumps on everybody`s nerves.

    Just 1 beggar and whiner makes more noise than hundred grateful people
    which means groups are more confronted with the noise level of requests from a minority (!)
    and finally get upset at some point.

    I hope as well groups become more aware of the grateful base and their background
    because of the "we know for whom and why we are doing it" effect.
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  8. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    About the dead guy, probably was the brain of team A.I.R, but thats years ago.
    Certain releases have a way to send encrypted messages for the teams, probably someone will tell you. I send suggestions ans ask a way to contribute, but no answers.
    Probably you can have more luck sending a PM to Catalyst, Artictorm, Saint or Copylefter.
    They say that they want releases, not money... but really I think that they expect that community changes, but its not possible because no one teaches soooo, wainting for magic right?
    Any changes is resulted from work, orientation and in-conditional love even when jerk attack.
    Do not put you email, you can have trouble ok?
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  9. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    if you cant buy a plugin, search for a free alternative.

    no need to bring the argument that you dont have any money left. you could set a jar and put 1$ stuff in or money you have left and then you can buy plugins from it.
  10. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    Thank you for your experience sky. It's good people like you that make this place a better one. Serves as a reminder for us all to be thankful for what we have. Wish you the best in your endeavors. I, also, will never complain about what we don't have. As what what we DO have is enough blessing. Congrats on your job!!! Something tells me your story may be popular someday! :wink:
  11. Sky

    Sky Kapellmeister

    Sep 5, 2015
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    I agree about using free plugins, but i am not using lack of money as a argument, i just present as my situation, and to be honest a lot of people even reading what i wright have no idea how difficult is.

    the biggest problem is the market, i dont no how it is on another country, but here in Brazil, if you do not know how to use certain softwares you dont have a job, here radios and studios use more Reaper our pro tools as DAW, and plugins are izotope, fabfilter and waves, its like basic standards to find a job mastering.

    when i start in 2009, i start using free plugins like, C3 Multi Band Compressor, audiocation Kompressor and others, but when you try to find a job and you say that you never use other plugins, its difficult to get the job.

    Like you say, put 1 dollar every month and buy something every year is what i do, last year i buy Reaper, this year i want some of the basic fabfilter plugins, and my thanks is special for me because if was not for the teams that Crack the software i would never find a better job.

    My country sucks for this type of job.
  12. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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  13. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    Yes i understand your situation but i was wondering what you expecting from the groups to release in the near future
    after all what they share over the years , i think they already cover everything that a poor musicians can dream of
    it's simple
    try to use warez to learn in your home & when you get paid by working in radiostation or studio buy the stuff that you use
    beside there is one more thing : you have to know that if you know the definition of each technical word = that will make your learning process much easier (the plugin it's just a plugin but with the knowledge of what it is compressor EQ attack release knee & Etc ....) you will master any plugin in a matter of seconds , trust me on this one
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  14. Sky

    Sky Kapellmeister

    Sep 5, 2015
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    Actually im not expecting nothing. when i need to do a job, the radiostation that i work now have the plugins and daw. and my computer i use only to learn, i dont do any job inside my pc because he cant handle.

    Like i said before, is just a thanks, the job that they make over the years give me my new job. i dont know nobody on the team, not even the names, but a friend tell me that they use this forum.
  15. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Sky, it's a true joy to see how you extend the hand of friendship across the world. All too often, those who are immersed in more stuff than they'll ever use in their entire lifetime are the least grateful for what they have. The remainder of us are silently proud to co-exist in this time and space with humans who are just like you.

    Safe, man. The teams are fully conscious of the sentiments that you seek to share with them. They know they're making life just a little easier for those who must balance real hardship against a right to dignity and enjoyment of their own sense of existence, even when that's not the teams' primary motivation for maybe extending the trial period, or functionality, of carefully selected products.

    Posts like yours makes A/S one of the coolest forums ever - and it's okay to be a wannabe. It must be, otherwise we'd never dream. Being a wanna-have is the poison that kills.
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  16. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    cool post Sky, keep moving up!
  17. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Again no one asking for something, the guy spend a large amount of his salary but the people of rich money always forget how hard is in third world.
    Lets see:
    Even if we earn the same money here we pay between 150 and 300% of taxes (insane right?) but music is a not a cool thing here because its not a necessity so we earn 3 times less here with same job and same competence so...
    WE PAY UNTIL 12 TIMES MORE THAN PEOPLE OF RICH WORLD and here we see here people that do not want to pay 12% of taxes.
    We are not equal here, the question is that some people here are heroes, they do not have money and still do the right thing. Some people do not have 1$ for the jar...
    To learn about that you should work for free (like I did for more than 30 years) with poor people and maybe do Social Service (I done that 5 years without sitting because of my backs pain).
    So the guy is grateful, wanna help, buy plugins and you say to do the same that he already done?
    remembering: justice isn't treat all the people the same, is treat different people differently.
    Jesus said the the short money of the widow is more important that the large $ that rich people gives to the church.
    I think that, at least, you could be grateful to a good and grateful guy, that wanna give, do not ask anything and live in a fucked country, right?
    Probably you had see many winers and jerks around...
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  18. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Yes We All Have Take in The Great Releases For granted a quote'' in ( 0RGan1c ) just released MASCHINE update for Mac some's it up for Me

    Quote''(( Enjoy this. And Hope for the best, but expect nothing. )) Yes thanks to all the Teams i Hope You Will Forgive us Some Day

    P.S Don't Be Afraid To Post Some Pics Of The Beautiful Brazilian Women That You Have There Lol :wink:
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2015
  19. asad12

    asad12 Platinum Record

    Dec 4, 2012
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    Thanks for sharing your story, Sky. I wish you success and happiness:like:
  20. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    good one sky.... :like:
  21. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i dont have a salary too and i have to buy books for my work, the work is just for myself and after some year i will graduate.
    but i managed to save up money to buy something for my hobby, and yes i saved up a few coin a day, it takes long to earn something in the end, but you value it more as you do, when you have massive of money.

    i for example thought about buying different plugin, ended up using most of the plugins provided in my daw.
    and for the other ones i used old version R2R or AiR has released and when i find them useful over the time, i bought them at same time.
    means i deeply understand how the plugin worked, thats what most of the leechers lacking, they played with the plugin for 30 minutes, sometimes have not even checked all presets provided and say it sucks. (i was in the future like this too, as Sylenth1 came out in 2007, i demoed it and said to myself this is shit, but then after crafting 2 soundsets for it, for my own, i released how wrong i was ... its just the own attitude and what you want to invest and its not the tools you, its how you are able to learn and spend time with the tools, you are the create not the tool!)
    people said Linplug Spectral is a bit synth, in fact its a ble to replace Albino3, when proper used. the sound is light, ambientish, exactly like how albino was. but when you just check the presets, you are not able to get this.

    anyway, right now we have everything still, most of all works, so why complain? alright the majority are just collectors here ...

    i am thankful for the internal releasing of R2R! freed a lot of time for me ... to learn new plugins and see the potential and eventual buy some of them, devs deserves the money, creating plugins is time intensive and protection has to be creative, not to mention most of the plugin companies are tiny companies, sometimes a one man show, running a company is time intensive too, nobody sees this :(

    thanks for all the Tools the groups gave us since the beginning, without them i wouldnt have bought half of the plugins i own.
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