Newb Question: What settings is he using?

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by MrAnonymous, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. MrAnonymous

    MrAnonymous Producer

    Feb 18, 2014
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    Good old school song this, i can't seem to get the same feel when i try to make my lead pump like this with side chain: 2:58.

    Also the reverb from 1:48 on that piano, Love it. Any tips on the settings or reverb that may have been used?

  3. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    set both to 6.

    smooth sailin' from there.


    whoa... didnt notice it was you Monsieur Anonymous... :D

    all joking aside... first off, your not gonna get much "settings" from me; although, the piano verb sounds laaaarrrrggee. Obviously a longer decay. Didnt pay attention to how quick or long the pre-delay sounds... and I cant tell off hand if its a chamber or hall algorithm, etc...

    all I can say is this (which you probably dont want to hear) if you learn, in depth, about what one is trying to do with reverb, and how its "properly" applied vs. creative, you eventually begin to pay less attention to emulating a specific scenario, and pay more attention to what you want to do (once you start to realize what that even is, which is hard in the beginning cuz there is just soooooooooo much detail to this world, although, when you spend as much time as possible doing music as opposed to other things, like playing on audioz, which I had been guilty of, you start to learn what "knobs" and paramters and combinations of parameters will do what)... eventually, "things" start to fall into place, and you begin to realize that YOU yourself are starting to create sounds, spaces, beats, rhythms, etc. that are similar to all the stuff you listen to... not the same as in, "I will try to sound like artist-x", just, in the same "vibe" that all producers kind of share in the most general terms.

    good luck mate... sorry I didnt give you settings.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2015
  4. SharkBait O-reily

    SharkBait O-reily Kapellmeister

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Here is an analysis of the reverb - keep in mind that youtube compression just sounds awful and puts a tinniness to the entire song so it is tough to tell exact nuances...

    1) tone: lush reverb... so this definitely has a higher frequency cutoff in the higher range.. change the slope to something loose like 6-12 db since it is a much more natural feeling cutoff at the highend... move it around 6khz+ and then adjust until there is still graininess to the high end , but not a sssshh kind of hiss to it -- the reverb on the vocals has a higher frequency point for the cutoff, thus why it sounds 'higher' than the piano's reverb
    2) long decay time obviously is is large... what makes things large? longer decay time... 4+ seconds, experiment with that as different reverbs have the tail falling off differently
    3) there is a very slight but very pronounced predelay of probably a few ms.
    4) there seems to be very quiet delay echos which could be a second send... or it could be that there is 1 send, and the delay is affected with reverb, but the first option would be more feasible in this scenario I think because the reverb seems static, and a delay with affected reverb would have to have very short feedback delay to do something this smooth i think
    5)if you notice that the bass is almost nonexistant in the reverb signal... probably a hpf with a gentler slope all the way until you can only feel the body of the bass, but not the rumble of it
    6)compression/expander - i have the suspicion that the reverb might have oh so gentle and very clean compression/expansion on at least the very early reflections, if not both... i suspect this because there is a very clear output ceiling for the reverbs, and it feels very compact in dynamics...

    and even listening to things further, there may be 2 reverbs.. one to surround the piano, which sounds up close and warm and gives it its immediate and loud early reflections, and one more spacious one to handle the long echo...

    but doing these will probably get you close to results.. for the long tail, try valhalla shimmer, which really excels at that big cavernous sound

    this should get you around the rough ballpark
  5. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Reverb : long tail, something "lush" like Valhalla Shimmer. And a very mellow piano sound, not that usual "Dance Piano" :wink:
    Pumping lead : First, it is a glide/legato lead with almost no attack. It will help a lot starting with such a sound.

    About "pumping" setting, the usual trick is to create a separate kick track that run ALL over the song...but mute this track.
    And you route this track to your usual compressor.

    Setting : in this example, there is an HEAVY reduction. So start with an heavy ratio (may be limiter-like). Start to reduce Threshold to get the right level of reduction.
    And now, play with "attack" and "decay" to get the right "groove" :wink:

    You use Studio One ? Here is a good "stock" example :mates:
  6. lacont

    lacont Newbie

    Nov 20, 2012
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    Simpler than all of the above thesis :)

    Watch this video.

  7. lacont

    lacont Newbie

    Nov 20, 2012
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    Another video...Multiband Sidechaining

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