SNPID Complete List

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Bunford, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I have decided it would be useful to have one of these in excel, making it easy to maintain. I am blacking out what I know are known used SNPIDs, leaving the blank ones for my own use to add libraries. I plan to compile the empty numbers with extra libraries soon.

    Hopefully this will be useful to others too. Also, if i have missed any libraries, add SNPID and library in replies and this list can be updated.

    In time, it can hopefully be a reference for all libraries for everyone to use, meaning everyone will maybe eventually be using the same SNPIDs for the non-powered by Kontakt libraries :)
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2016
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    Attached Files:

  3. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    what are the advantage if you add every Kontakt Library to the Kontakt Player Window ?
  4. ELpH

    ELpH Kapellmeister

    May 9, 2012
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    Technically none that I can think of, but it looks really nice.

    For me, having hundreds of libraries added might actually lower productivity because it will take longer to locate your libraries while working.

    For usage, the quick load method would probably work the best.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2015
  5. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Different strokes. Personally, i am a very visual user. Sounds daft, but everything needs to be organised etc for me to use. It saves you from having to load via the file browser and it is personal as to whether you prefer library tabs or quick load.
  6. ELpH

    ELpH Kapellmeister

    May 9, 2012
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    I agree about the added visual benefit, as I have contributed to the wallpaper community over the years. I tend to add the biggest and best libraries to the browser, but keep everything in quick load and alternate between the two depending on mood, and what I'm working on.
  7. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Sounds sensible! Personally I tend to have my tabs organised so that i have strings, pianos, horns, drums, guitars etc all bundled together. I then tend to go through and work through each section to find the instruments i want when i build up the initial track instrumentation. Personally, i just find it easier to do it this way as i try not to re-use the same sound/instruments for each track so don't tend to use quick load.
  8. ELpH

    ELpH Kapellmeister

    May 9, 2012
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    I used to do that too, but wasn't there a certain point where Kontakt 5 began mixing up the order of those wallpaper tabs? I remember a point thinking, "forget it, I'm not going to re-arrange them again!" It might have been related to updating, or adding new libraries.
  9. Xyenz Fyxion

    Xyenz Fyxion Producer

    Feb 10, 2014
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    I know that I have too many libraries installed. It does slow down the computer, physically. For best performance, you can just use File to find instruments. You could also put all of your strings or horns or libraries from one dev/company in one folder and make a 'master file.ncint' that includes all of the instruments.
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  10. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I have updated the file in the original post now and populated it with various other libraries and teh SNPID numbers I will be using for them. If everybody started using the same numbers, sharing ncint files and related issues should hopefully become a thing of the past!
  11. ELpH

    ELpH Kapellmeister

    May 9, 2012
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    Definitely a good idea, I will use your list as reference in any future wallpaper uploads.
  12. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I am currently test loading a load of libraries. I will then build a bundle of known working nicnt files on Windows 10 Pro 64 bit and Kontakt 5.5.1.
  13. Frubbs

    Frubbs Kapellmeister

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Yes, this is a wise approach if you have a lot of libs. There is a point at which Kontakt just starts dropping them - I've seen the number 250 and 300. I've actually installed 330 libs successfully (?), but yes, it was slow and flakey, and frankly, as ELpH says, running through that many lib tabs, no matter how pretty they may be (and who doesn't delight in that?) can slow you down a lot.

    I have created many combined libs, mostly by dev, but also by content, eg all the bass guitars, and this doesn't slow you down (either electronically or psychologically) nearly as much. There are some caveats though:

    • A commercial copy-protected lib must itself first be loaded, even if you intend to include it in a larger group lib. If so, you then remove it from the lib tab, but DON'T DELETE ITS XML. It's OK to delete its prefs, though it doesn't hurt to leave them either. Even when you're completely scrupulous about following the rules, some commercial libs added to larger group libs will keep getting corrupted - I'm still working on what all causes this - I'm sure Introninja is on top of it.

    • Beware of SNPID conflicts when creating new .nicnt files (this is what makes lists like Bunford's SO HELPFUL (thanks bro). If you attempt to load a lib using an existing SNPID, it will often just not appear, or a message will indicate that it's already in your lib tab. In the latter case the conflict is with an existing lib, which now will display as "resources missing" (or whatever that error message is). Here you must remove it from the lib tab and delete the XML and both prefs (user and main) for BOTH conflicting libs. Then restart before attempting to load anything again. Obviously you must choose another SNPID for the new lib, but often I find I get around errors faster if I reassign BOTH to new SNPIDs (different ones, duh). This is not possible with commercial libs with no .nicnt file where the SNPID is buried in an encoded file, but where possible I do it and it does save hassles. There are lots of numbers to go around.

    • SNPID numbers should only be three 4-bit characters (ie use only 1-0 or a-f). As some people have discovered, larger entries can work, but only because KONTAKT IGNORES EVERYTHING AFTER THE FIRST THREE CHARACTERS. So if you've assigned Spitfire All Strings a SNPID of d553 and Spitfire All Horns a SNPID of d554, you will have a conflict, since Kontakt sees them as having the same number.

    • If you corrupt a "non-legit" commercial lib and it's asking you to register it, you must replace at least the two info files ([Lib Name].nkc and.nkr, and/or [Lib Name]_info.nkc and.nkr), and possibly all the .nkc and.nkr files, ei the sample tomes. Another reason it's always wise to save the original rars. Remember to also delete the relevant XML and pref files and restart before you attempt to reload the lib into Kontakt.
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  14. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Cheers Frubbs! My method is so far highlight additional SNPIDs i wouldnt have thought of too, like i just randomly discovered Traktor Pro 2's number when i discovered a conflict. I uninstalled it about 2 years ago! Will hopefully have a moire up to date list soon. I am planning to try and allocate SNPIDs for individual libraries, and for compiled 'master' library tabs too.

    I am having issues with some libraries at the moment though and it's adding the library tab fine, letting me browse it etc but is then asking me to register them as soon as i try to load an instrument. Nothing has been altered except for the creation on a nicnt file.
  15. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    This is the issue I am getting at the moment. Any ideas? They have a .nicnt created with Tracer's tool and have a SNPID that is not being used by anything else. I have gone through the exact same process as for all other libraries, most of which have added in fine and work, with some refusing to work due to this error.


    I noticed that in the info window in the bottom left of Kontakt has the "??? (Not registered)" next to the library, whereas the working one either have the library name or "none" there.

  16. MrMPH

    MrMPH Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    Damn, this is super helpful for staying organized, troubleshooting and keeping your lib look nice. Thanks for sharing <3
  17. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I would not use the attached for now. I think I have just cracked the way to discover all in use SNPIDs by official libraries. Currently going through them and will upload once done....
  18. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    cracked the way lol , its just written in the Product Hints from the Service Center and you will not know which numbers NI will use in the future for Kontakt Player Librarys

    also your atached snip id list are completly wrong , no wonder that you get that many errors .

    just to say in general , people should stay away from manipulating files if they not know what they are doing .

    another question , why not simple open the Folder where your Kontakt Librarys are saved and organized , and just drag and drop the nki instruments into the kontakt window instead of adding "330" Libs ?
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2015
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  19. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I think you misunderstood the table maybe?! The blacked out ones are the known ones. The others are a suggestion so that if everyone started using the same SNPID numbers then it would help with any future issues, and it was not me who said I was going to add 330 libraries.

    I have now managed to extract all know SNPID numbers in use and updated the attached table in the original post.
  20. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    no i don´t missunderstood your previous list , you just came in conflict with many original used id´s
  21. Frubbs

    Frubbs Kapellmeister

    Feb 2, 2012
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    If it's a K'd lib it may be corrupted - try replacing the main .nkc and.nkr files, or all the samples, from backups (see the last paragraph in my earlier post). One very common way to corrupt a lib is to add a .ninct file where none is needed, ie where the SNPID and other metadata is already contained as part of the other lib files. Always try to load it without a .ninct file before go ahead and you add one. When corruption happens you need to go to your backups and be antiseptic about removing any files that may have absorbed the erroneous info - generally the XML file and the prefs files - and do it every time you try another option: if one course of action doesn't fix things, the newly created XML & prefs may now also be compromised. It's a pain but usually finds the problem. Also try moving the info files ([Lib Name].nkr/.nkc or [Lib Name_info.nkr/.nkc). Some libs like them right in the Samples folder, some like them in a Resources folder, some like them at large in the main Library folder. Moving them will often solve the problem. Always restart Kontakt in between.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2015
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