Samplitude forum at AudioSEX

Discussion in 'Samplitude' started by Cav Emp, Jul 28, 2015.

  1. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Yeah my bad, I see now. I read your posts too quickly.
  2. gigasquid

    gigasquid Noisemaker

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Water Planet
    Thank you all who made this Samplitude forum possible. Samp is pro software and in the heyday of a burgeoning recording studio landscape, many studios used Samp as their main tool. People with golden ears say that Samp is cleaner but since I'm deaf I can't vouch for that :) The latest pro version blows me away - huge thanks for that great prog! I found I was up and running in minutes after painless installation. The tool menus can be frightening but you don't have to know what everything means before you start getting results. I don't know what anything means and i seem to be ok :)

    There were some Samp FX packs floating around which were excellent. Yes, Reaper is a wonderful app too - one of the best.
  3. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    the only thing i would ask for on this thread is any good CLEAR tutorials on samplitude, esp. audio editing and slicing etc. the manual is really perplexing, it tells you how to do everything but doesn't tell you where the menus may be for certain functions. i love this prog. but the learning curve is more difficult than most. so anything to educate an idiot like myself is most appreciated.
    : )
  4. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    @filtersweep search "kraznet" on youtube. He's got a whole channel for it
  5. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    odd coincidence... i am just looking through his stuff now.
    deffo better than i have been used to..
  6. BChrist

    BChrist Member

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I've kind of been on the fence about installing Samplitude. I'm mostly interested in it's MIDI drum capabilities. Not to say that I wouldn't also dig all of it's other cool stuff. I do mostly hard rock, old school punk rock sort of stuff. Being a one man band I'm always interested in cool drum sounds. I've used and will continue to use all of the usual MIDI drum suspects, but I'm also always looking for something a little different. What say you?
  7. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    i tend to get all my drum sounds from third part plugs. i use geist a lot, great sampler/drum machine.
    samplitude has some sort of 'sample player' for drums, but they seem directed at hip-hop/dupstep stuff ( or 'street' so i am told : ))
    more often than not though, i just chop up wavs, i find it oddly comforting to do. also i use effects like gross beat and dbglitch to f**k things up. which is why i want to get across in samplitude as that's the only part of the prog that slows me down so i end up going back to reaper : (
    as far as drum editing etc in samplitude, it has all you would need but it isn't as super slick as say cubase is which , if i could afford it i would be using but hey, times are hard ...
  8. That's a fairly eccentric style of gain staging.

    At the top of each mixer channel strip is the routing dropdown followed by the input gain stage trimmer. That's what you should use to trim the track's gain. Put some kind of plug with a VU meter as your first plug, and trim your levels to 0Vu. The channel strip's output meter always shows the track's level.

    An ideal last plug in your chain is the Waves Dorroughs set to -18db = 0Vu, you may be mixing too loud. Feels good but overdrives almost any quality plug you put in your chain, which will be expecting around -18db=0Vu.
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  9. Antikythera Mechanism

    Antikythera Mechanism Ultrasonic

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Sorry if annoying you, but I feel it senseless to create a hole thread to ask about this. So, my question is if Samplitude or Sequoia have incorporated a Virtual MIDI Keyboard in them or not, just like the others. Forgive me if I seem rude, but my English is limited. Thank you!
  10. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Hi Cav Emp. I have to agree with most of what's been positively said about Samplitude so far.

    My main DAW is Reaper, which I have been slowly moving away from while learning Samplitude.
    Each has it's own strengths but Samplitude does offer more powerful features so far with superior
    sound. More of a console sound to my ears. If you've ever worked with an analog pro level console,
    you know what I mean.

    Studio one I am still kicking but not overly excited. Gave up on Cubase years ago.
    Recently decided not to look at Sonar any longer.

    Decide which one or two DAW platforms will work for you.

    One trick for Samplitude... Keep your plug-ins organized on the hard drive by manufacturer
    or Plug-in name in the way of folders. This keeps the list short when loading.
    My Example
    Lennar Digital
    Native Instruments
    Plogue Art et Technologie, Inc
    Plug & Mix
    Rob Papen
    Synapse Audio
    XLN Audio
  11. peghead

    peghead Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2014
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    Thank you Fudsey and sorry for this very dated reply.
    The sort of gainstaging I am talking about is at object level, not track level.
    Sure, your suggestion would be most correct if I wanted to gainstage the whole track but I often splice the recording into sections, or the takes within a track are such that need different gainstaging so the only way to properly achieve that is, as far as I know, by means of object-level controls. Putting a VU meter plugin at the end of the VST chain is exactly what I have to do at the moment and I would like to avoid. Having 20+ track with such VU meter on each would be very very inpractical to say the least and it is something that a simple pre/post fader's meter switch would solve.
    Having said that, I am open to suggestions :)
  12. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Hi Olymoon!
    Could Yo elaborate on that please (the samplitude part, not the Reaper one).

    What You mean it can assimilate high levels ?
    Does it have a limiter or something by default hardcoded in the input bus ?!?
  13. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Hi Rhodes
    With Samplitude, unlike most DAW, if you go too far level wise, not only on bus, but on tracks too, you don't get the typical digital clipping, at least not so early, you got a slight digital saturation instead, so you may slowly but surely accumulate digital saturation, and have a final mix that sound harsh. Unless you take care of your levels, not by ears but looking at it.
    If you stay around 0db to -2db that's what happens, so you have to care to stay around -14 to -7 to avoid this.
    Obviously the more tracks, more obvious is the problem.
    So if you work on a 10 or 12 tracks project this may be an advantage, similar to analogue, but if you work on a 48 track project then it becomes a big problem.

    I must add that since recent versions, Samplitude have a compatibility problem with some of my usb plugged hardware and have been crashing my system to the point of giving blue screen of death, so I'm not using it anymore. This saturation "problem" may have been solved since, I don't know.

    Pay attention to Fudsey Plange's Method for gain control, it's a very good one while working on digital systems, not only for Samplitude:
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2016
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  14. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    thanks Olymoon.

    I use max 6-10 tracks... I use it just to record my Rhodes or Guitars, plus 2 tracks with drums and bass; so levels are never a problem for me.
    I use it just for fun; nothing professional... to keep my ideas and improvisations.
  15. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    In your case, then, it may be an advantage.
  16. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I love that feature in samplitude, it's kind of what diffentiates it from other DAWs with the object based editing (the way they implemented it is quite unique), it gets hotter as you push it, just like in the analogue world, but it makes gain staging a must in it, which I don't think is hard to accomplish, lthough I had to practive a bit and learn to integrate it to all my sessions from the get go. In the end it's good practice, it's what they used to do on the hardware.
    I put dualism after the gain and before the volume in my chain (and it's awesome how much flexibility samplitude gives you on that side) in all my tracks, bus ,auxes, and you can view every instances of dualism, do comparing from one instance (usually I do that from the one on the master), you have VU, PPM, TP ballistic, all the K-scales, loudness meter and history, and all the other classic analizing tools. But I use the gain of samplitude for the gain staging so that I can disable Dualism on occasion on some tracks to save ressources.
  17. BBSiteUser

    BBSiteUser Producer

    Dec 14, 2015
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    Ahoi Olymoon! May I ask you if the BSOD you get shows some info that contains "IRQL_NOT_LESS_EQUAL" or "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA" (maybe in combination with driver file named "usbaudio.sys")?

    Also useful would be: OS version, type of audio interface, your motherboard specs (vendor/model) and what RAM you have installed. Cheers!
  18. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Hi BBSiteUSer
    As I had the BSODs time ago, I cant remember exactly what was written. But I cant remember that I didnt saw any usbaudio.sys word into it.
    OS: Win7 x64Sp1, AUdio interface: Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, MB Specs: ASUS P6X58D Premium, CPU i7 950 @3.07, RAM 12 GB DDR3.
  19. BBSiteUser

    BBSiteUser Producer

    Dec 14, 2015
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    I see ... in case you wanna give it a try again some day: according to your specs my list of main "suspects" would be:
    Focusrite drivers
    for sure some sweet audio-interfaces, but their driver's reputation is anything but immacular. to cross verify I'd uninstall the Focusrite, slam ASIO4ALL onto the machine and give it a test against the onboard soundchip. Just for testing, to make that clear ... not suggesting Realtek over Focusrite :)

    BSODs run deep, so there might be also a RAM issue. I'd swap around RAM modules, lowering RAM to 8GB e.g., using modules in different slots, trying with just one similar pair of modules (sounds like you have 2 x 4 plus 2 x 2).

    Also ... if your rig is really stuffed (lot of ram modules, lot of harddisks, power hungry gfx card ...) I'd pay a visit to the power supply and check the box with a bare minimum-setup. You'd be suprised how many errors can originate from "flaky" PS.

    But as you seem to have found DAW happiness somewhere else, just consider the above "theoretical". If you happy now ... no need to possibly forfeit that stability.
  20. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Thank you for your answer.
    Well, Because I already have done some test to solve the situation, after one of the BSOD I lost a 3TB hard drive, that's when I stopped testing.
    My Power supply is 1000 watt which should suffice in my config.
    If Focusrite drivers are the problem, then it's the only DAW that reacts crashing to it, as I've tried many other DAWs without problem.

    And last but not least, I'm not 100% happy with Reapper compared to Samplitude, but at least I can afford Reapper, which I bought, and so I'm sure I'll be able to go on with my projects on a long term (VS depending of cracks happening or not).

    At the end I concentrate on musical ideas much more than the technology. The function I miss the most from Samplitude is the staff view, allowing to see and edit several tracks at the same time, this is very useful function when writing tracks that are complementary to each other.
    Thanks again for your advices.
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