(u-he.com) Hive 1.0 Ready

Discussion in 'Software News' started by thantrax, May 19, 2015.

  1. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Never tried that xsze :wink: will have a look & see what it's up too. Thanks for the tip :bow:
  2. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    oops I was editing what I had typed so it would come across better in English. Sorry about that.Please do tell what you were thinking before I did that
  3. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You

    Well said!! I love Bazille( great for drums btw) and Hive,but this is one of those times where piracy comes into play. everybody loves Dune 2 and never really speaks of Hive.I wonder why?? I am willing to bet that it's because Dune 2 is cracked and open to all, whereas Hive is not and nobody took the time to really test it Hmmmmm!!!:dunno:
  4. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    The respect part, almost special treatment. Much small devs things are released, even things with no copy protection.

    I do not want to argue with you (and what i have write i dont mean to sound this way). We have chatted on that other torrent forum years ago, you shared much good info and i appreciate it still today.

    As i wrote i think for me is best to avoid this dev on these forums, i dont want to make enemies here.
  5. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    Fair enough
  6. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    It is an interesting point you raise Mykal. :yes:

    Of course Dune 2 became available & everyone jumped on it so to speak.

    Personally I downloaded the demo of Dune 2, allthough I liked I decided against purchasing it. I did the same with Hive. I downloaded the beta that was publicly available, immediately loved it and saw it as a great opportunity to purchase it presale as a beta at a bargain price imho.

    Where demo's are available it makes sense to me to download and test etc. However for me whether it would be eventually cracked was not the isssue.

    However like u mentioned it is really interesting to work out whether people simply speak badly of a product because they think it has been cracked or whether the usability & potential is taken into consideration.

    As already mentioned all u-he stuff been available internally for a long time now. Personally I hope it remains that way. If it had been available on a widespread level as you say i'm pretty sure many peoples opinion of hive/bazille etc would be much higher.

    For me personally it was not a concern and certainly not an issue with regards to usability.

    It only adds to my opinion that some things should be kept internal and due respect paid to the developer.

    I felt the same way with Omnisphere 2 and other products but that is beyond my control. I

    'm not at all suggesting that my way of doing things is whatever but imho all u-he stuff is well worth the money.

    If demos are available then they should be used rather than simply looking for a 'cracked' version that can be used long term.

    I also understand that other people have different situations and certain things are not possible but it does tend to put into perspective and shed a little light on why some choose to form the opinions they do and whether they are based on fairness and through and through testing or simply because they falsely assume that no cracked version is available.

    I'm sure others will hate this and totally disagree but it is just a simple point of view.
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  7. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    I hear about this synth they say this thing is cpu friendly, i hope so!:thumbsup:
  8. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Try it with the Tube Saturator plugin set to preset 'Subtle Tube Warmth', I think it might be the missing link :cool:
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2015
  9. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Grrrretingz vrom schermany, gut peepol. Urrsss.

    Yorr vavorit deeveloperz need to buy eine newe automobile, becaus ourz wifes arr also very productif, und habe many fondervul litel pabys ,

    So, here is our latezt produktionen, you all habe to buy, itz, arrrr, hmmmm, hurrr, mmmz, its vulname is:
    Ein muziksyntezizerr neverr did bevore!
    Almozt 2000 prezets our idiot, parton, our vontaztik freunds von kvr did fur us, of corse, total free, because, arrhh, we are einen zmall companie mit only ten top level qualitat engeneers , you audiozeks memberz will unterstent, mit only 1 millionen euros net in mein switz bank account, I, errr, we, cun't spent 10 or 20 thouzunt euros on some greatz zound dezeinerz.
    We lofe you so many : )
    Freundlich fartz from ur vavorit companie.
    Kissez vrom schermany ; )
    If u kreate 5'000 facebuch accunts und, arrrrr, u klik 5'000 LIKES
    + U write eine schunen 10/10 review on kvr
    + U give us your perzonal adrezz
    + u publisch your 18yo cousine und sizter, arrrrr, mmmmmh, errrrfh, photos , on pikaza
    We will offer u eine magnifik online reduktionen of , arrrrrf, 8.8 euros, reduktionen aktive during 8 minuten. After 8 minuten, u need more 5'000 facebuck likes to enable the coupon, again.
    Danka, und pleaze, checke our latezt, arfff, 30-minuten/1minut noize zound every 5 sekonds, Trial versionen von our upcumming plukin ' ARRO DANCE'
    We love u ♡
  10. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, all audio love maker fellows,

    reading, wouala woualouf, your excellently worded prose pieces here, the seventh or eighth time, one might become unable to help but to observe that one fact remains there, namely, that Urs Heckmann is where he is, building great products, with one of the best teams around, the internet presence you happen to impersonate is where that is, writing what you write. :yes:

    all the best for all of us, plus loads more for all sentient entities... :bow:
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2015
  11. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Don't worry about me, like I don't worry about u-he.

    He is doing better than most companies, otherwise he wouldn't be able to hire top level engineers.
    What may be said here or not, don't worry, that won't make 1 less sale. Also, you may kind of worship him, by letting he more easily find your comment by typing his full name , by being here on this forum, you are just another parasite, another brainless dumbshit assfucked of a miserable pirate ant, that just like me, just like any other member here, not ant responsible for all the missed software sales in the world, an ant he would happily exterminate with some gaz.

    These deve are always complaining about their misery and tragic lives that could be much better without us, YET, they are much more successful than they want us to believe.
    Remember the first cracks of papen's Blue 2 ? R2r said they had hard-coded around 22'000 user licenses inside Blue 2, so those serials were blacklisted . 22'000 copies of blue, at an average of 100 euros (bundles, discounts, etc), that makes 2 million euros. Only for Blue1. But there still are predator, that must have sold at least 2 or 3 times that... albino 1-2-3, blade, the reason rack effects, etc etc. And I'm sure 50% of those 22'000 users have paid the update price for blue 2.
    oh, I think I'm gonna cry, thinking how starving, him and his developer/coder ( papen doesn't type 1 line of code)must be !

    uhe, 10 guys at, at least 5000 euros each (salary + taxes), that makes at least 50-60'000 euros per month. With taxes, vat, etc, it can go up to 70-90'000 per month. The boss must grab himself at least 2 times that.if not 3 times. That means the need to make at least 250'000 per month.
    at an average of 130 euros per app (90-200 for diva and zebra), that makes 2000 sales per month, or 64 per day. Is it possible , to sell 64 plugins/instruments per day? Of course it is. Pretty easily, actually. Many people have at least 3-4 of their plug-ins.

    But yet, we, pirates, we, who visit audiosex, are the ones responsibles of those 64 sales INSTEAD of 80-90 sales. Even the 15yo guy who played with a vsti yesterday, at his friend's house, and posted his 1st comment ever, on audiosex, that guy also deserves a painful death, because he is a pirate too.
    Syria war? It's our fault, too.

    those devs complaining and whining... I wish we could see which poor car they have bought, thanks to the few little sales of their pirated softwares. Audio R8? Mercedes SL65 amg? Or a little Porsche? Ah, that damn poverty in this poor world, with all these starving countries full of parasites.

    but let me guess? Urs is the next god, you love Merkel, and strongly believe this sinking Europe should have only one president, Merkel, because only she knows what is the best for her, I mean, for all the other countries.

    oops, sorry, I forgot to type the full name, to make it more easier to find. ANGELA MERKEL
    Now, it's better.

    yes, we are behind our keyboards and monitors. We are judged by whatever we say. No matter what we say or type, there is always 50% of chance people will hate us. Because if we don't think like them, we're too stupid and don't understand anything.
    but I prefer looking like an idiot, but at least, I say what I think. And I really mean it. Sugarcoating, asslicking, just to look cool, not for me.

    and because I come here and automatically become a chased evil pirate, and because the devs speech, I don't agree with everything they claim and say, if I can give my opinion, I will do it.

    like I can't agree with the comment of a dev, on kvr, saying it is legitimate, and normal, when tone2 guys scan a hard drive, and start deleting whatever files they want.

    it's like, if I had a car, and played a (pirate) mp3 file, the radio manufacturer detects it, and automatically disables the GPS, increases the gaz consumption, and reduces the abs efficiency. It's 'normal'.

    I don't like greed. Whether it's in every day's life, people, or a developer.
    and when I see some devs whining because of some evil pirates, but yet they refuse to lower their prices by even 1 euro... something is not normal.

    enough said. Anyway, these words won't change the world. People who wanted to buy an app, they will still do it.
    but like I won't call someone 'idiot' because it's a member of my family, I will not worship someone or something just because we speak the same language. The price is the same for everybody , no matter who.
  12. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, wouala woualouf, all audio love maker fellows hello too,
    my admiration, perhaps even at pathological levels, for his abilities in creating his products exists, undisputably.
    me thinks it is better to read this without any feeling of being accused with what you are trying to imply.
    even written with your usual eloquence, this might or might not be true, as not many of us is able to see into the other person's head.

    will not go through your statements, partly because most of those have nothing to do with the actual product discussed in the thread, partly because of the mainly baseless assumptions contained within them.
    one might even feel, more than that.
    exceptional insightfulness.

    all the best for all of us...
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2015
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