Introduction to FabFilter Pro-C 2

Discussion in 'Software News' started by xsze, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. xsze

    xsze Guest

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  3. Index

    Index Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Oh wow this looks promising. I just hope it doesn't eat too much CPU with all those visualisations and stuff (or that at least disableing them will reduce CPU load).
  4. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    FabFilter Plug-Ins are one of my preferred. :chilling:
    Solid stuff, easy to use and very useful.
    They've become slow with releasing updates, but it also proves that they
    are reliable and have no hurry @ all.
  5. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Pro C was surely lacking in contrast with their other plugins especially with Pro Q2

    Edit: Funny their homepage didn't put up the news
  6. Mayson656

    Mayson656 Noisemaker

    Feb 6, 2014
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    FabFilter have done it again!! Compressor looks AWESOME!
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  7. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    They keep improving interface and processing. Unbelievable! :wow:
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  8. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    FabFilter pro Q 2 is lighter than v1, let's hope it also for PRO C 2
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  9. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Yes, but the FF Simplon create DC offset when used. They should fix that.

    i just send a report to Fabfilter guys, let's hope they fix it.

    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
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  10. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    mmmmm, you know I get hard for a good fabfilter...
  11. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    FabFilter Pro-C 2 has been officially released!

    Five brand-new compression styles make FabFilter Pro-C 2 even easier to set up and more effective in common scenarios such as vocal processing, mastering or EDM pumping. It’s like getting five new compressors! Together with an abundance of new features, such as lookahead, range, hold, side-chain EQ, oversampling, and a fully redesigned user interface, FabFilter Pro-C 2 surpasses its predecessor in every way while respecting the original’s transparency and elegance.

    Compress with style

    FabFilter Pro-C 2 introduces five new, carefully designed compressor algorithms, each with a unique character and feel. Using the Vocal style, getting a lead vocal upfront in your mix is as easy as choosing the right threshold. The Mastering style is designed to be as transparent as possible, while still being able to catch those fast transients. To add a pleasant ‘glue’ to drums or mix buses, the Bus style will work wonders! Finally, the Punch style delivers traditional, analog-like compression behavior, which sounds good on anything, while the Pumping algorithm offers deep and over-the-top pumping — great for drum processing or EDM.

    All you need

    A rich set of new features offers more control over the compressor’s sound and character. The knee is now freely adjustable from 0 dB up to 72 dB, and the range setting lets you easily limit the maximum amount of gain change. The smooth lookahead (up to 20 ms) and hold settings help you to catch any peak while minimizing distortion. The optional high-quality oversampling (up to 4x) further ensures the most transparent results possible by reducing aliasing. Last but not least, advanced side-chain EQ’ing and M/S processing is easier than ever thanks to FabFilter Pro-C 2’s dedicated side-chain section.

    Redesigned interface

    The well laid-out, fully-redesigned Retina interface offers insightful metering with real-time displays that will greatly improve workflow. The large animated level/knee display visualizes exactly when, why and how compression is applied to incoming audio. Accurate level meters show the exact peak and loudness values, while the circular side-chain input meter turns finding the perfect threshold setting into a trivial task.
    In short, FabFilter Pro-C 2 wraps superb sound quality and an extensive feature set in a polished, timesaving user interface.

    Pro-C 2 features

    • Eight different compression styles, five of which are new in version 2: Vocal, Mastering, Bus, Punch and Pumping.
    • Remarkable Retina interface, with (optional) animated level knee displays and accurate peak/loudness metering.
    • Side-chain EQ section, with customizable HP and LP filters, plus an additional freely adjustable filter.
    • Program-dependent attack and release curves.
    • Smooth Lookahead (up to 20 ms), which can be enabled/disabled to ensure zero-latency processing.
    • Intelligent Auto Gain.
    • Hold (up to 500 ms).
    • Custom Knee, variable from hard knee to a 72 dB soft knee (to enable saturation-like effects).
    • Auto Release.
    • Up to 4x Oversampling.
    • Variable stereo linking and mid/side processing, with mid-only, side-only, M > S and S > M processing.
    • Audition Triggering option, which enables users to hear on which parts of the audio FabFilter Pro-C 2 is triggering and how much compression is being applied.
    • Multiple interface sizes (Small, Medium, and Large), plus Full Screen mode, offering a large level display and side-chain EQ controller.
    • Range setting, which limits the maximum applied gain change.
    • Mix setting, which scales the gain change from 0% to 200%.
    • Accurate, large level and gain meters, with peak and loudness level visualization (which complies with the Momentary mode of the EBU R128 / ITU-R 1770 standards).
    • Retina support on OS X and High DPI support on Windows.
    • External side-chain triggering.
    • GPU-powered graphics acceleration.
    • Optional MIDI triggering.
    • Supports common Pro Tools hardware control surfaces.

    • Plug-in formats
      All FabFilter plug-ins are available in VST, VST3, Audio Units, AAX Native and AudioSuite formats (all both 64-bit and 32-bit), as well as RTAS (32-bit only).

      • 64-bit: Windows 10, 8, 7 or Vista
      • 32-bit: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista or XP
      • VST 2/3 host or Pro Tools
      Mac OS X
      • 64-bit: OS X 10.6 or higher
      • 32-bit: OS X 10.5 or higher
      • AU or VST 2/3 host or Pro Tools
      • Intel processor

    Download FabFilter Pro-C 2 DEMO - Free 30-day trial:

    Fully functional 30-day trial version. When the demo version expires, you can simply unlock it with a personal license key, available for purchase in the FabFilter online shop.
    Download for Mac OS X (14.98 MB)
    32-bit and 64-bit plug-ins in all formats
    Download for Windows (64-bit) (5.17 MB)
    64-bit VST, VST 3 and AAX plug-ins
    Download for Windows (32-bit) (6.27 MB)
    32-bit VST, VST 3, AAX and RTAS plug-ins


    Pro-C 2 for Windows and Mac (VST/AU/RTAS/AAX) is available for purchase for 149 EUR / $179 USD / £114 GBP. Bundles with FabFilter Pro-C 2 and other FabFilter plug-ins are also available. Existing FabFilter customers can purchase or upgrade to FabFilter Pro-C 2 with discounts by logging in to their online user account.

    More INFO: FabFilter | FabFilter Pro-C 2
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
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  12. Just watched the video again and will cry myself to sleep tonight unless I can find myself the end of the rainbow before then.
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  13. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i love it, how fast the FF guys go with their releases, if they only would release a reverb or some granular pitch tool, i would buy it.
    i am not the type of user needing another compressor next to the ones ableton provides already (i simplified myself).
    but ther other 2 ideas could be really more creative in ableton ...

    so lets see what they have planned for the future.
    the compressor looks like a piece of art still ...
  14. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    This is a great candidate for a my new go-to compressor. Incredibly versatile. Light CPU usage.
  15. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    joined today , one message , and start with something like an warez request . congrats

    maybe spend your time before on reading the rules of this board
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  16. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    no , because i stay as long as i can on win 8 and didn´t even looked on win10 , why change a system which is working perfect for me ?

    otherwise if i would use , i would read this

    btw great start on this Forum for you
  17. Loop Threat

    Loop Threat Ultrasonic

    Aug 1, 2015
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    Bitwig Calif
    Nice...I wonder if these plugins actually affect each 'sample' in signal or is there a 'one shot' global drop on the signal really can't tell it seems.
  18. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    What did you expect, at audioz he do the same.

    You ask if a keygen has been released?
    You know that the only team releasing keygens ATM are R2R and HEXWARS, and did you know that they're both releasing internally since some time already, exactly because they were sick of parasites like you begging for stuff everyday on the forums? Yeah, it's exactly people like you who pisses them off mostly.
    Do you see any release worth of notice from said two teams in the last times, particularly after they said in nfos they were pissed off of the current situation and sick of sharing their work with greedy selfish leechers just like you?

    And still you do all your best to piss em off?

    There's no hope really.
    Just FYI, teams are now even more pissed off
    than they were at the time they wrote those nfos and stopped public release.
    They're not even remotely thinking to get back releasing all their works to the masses,
    cause at this point there's no doubt, 99% of said masses do not deserve anything.

    This plug got out today. Buy it if you need it.

    You plagued enough audioz with your idiot requests, please do not start here too.

    You have to know that posts like yours here requesting this is the very thing that is causing teams to keep their work internal, not something else. I just want you to be aware of it, personally I don't give a shit if they release internal or not, so it changes nothing to me.

    Peace, cL
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  19. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Another very cool surprise here for Studio One users. Accordingly to a KVR forum member named "billcaroll", this new version sends gain reduction info to Studio One, so you can actually see the gain reduction right next to the faders just like you would with Studio One's native comp! Now, this is COOOOOOL!

  20. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Nice Still can use it in 10.6.8 thanks for the info
  21. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    I can confirm this
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