KVR Audio Forum - what do you think about it?

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by Kookaboo, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. The Iceman

    The Iceman Kapellmeister

    Jan 11, 2013
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    Uh oh grammer police... fuck off and go call your 8th grade teacher you sissy
  2. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    KVR was where i used to go to find out about what was available in VST, daws etc., It just has an overall dry and stuffy feel to it, sort of a genius club ( or Dad's club ),but with links to some good free stuff.

    Only go there now if something I am searching for has a link in KVR.

    Gearslutz is more to my preference comparatively, a good bit of practical discussion, but not so stuffy.

    Audioz is a completely other world, and vastly more useful.
  3. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    Shit government and industry has done this not warez. Here is a book you should read: http://www.fin24.com/opinion/book-review-the-good-jobs-strategy-by-zeynep-ton-20150721

    Trickle down economy is bullshit low wages is not caused by warez, low wages have been here before the internet.

    Ok i give up then i dont need to make music. I will not buy software or download illegal copies. The rest of the 999,999,999 do the same and devs go out of business. Thank you for enlighten me.

    And maybe they will download something to Try Before Buy, so they dont lose money on pile of shit software? Usethat money for food or something else that wont be waste?

    This is bullshit. Movies came out 1926/1927, remade Alice In Wonderland (1933), Cleopatra (1934), Prisoner of Zenda (1937). How about 1931/1932 Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy? How many times they are remade before the internet? Now do homework and tell me how many movies from 1930-1940 are remade, BEFORE THE INTERNET.

    Dont blame shit corporation force same shit down our throats on warez. Dont blame shit artist with no ideas who remake stuff on warez. The problem exist before warez, before vcr before cassette tapes.

    Internet access is free in some locations (cafe, library). Also some internet connections are shared by roomates or families (like the payment). Having access to internet is almost needed for many day to day life. Dont pretend that everyone who is on internet has money.

    Stick to the other stuff you say, is more correct then wages and movie stuff.
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  4. Yea. KVR, Gearslutz, AS, as you please and to taste.
    @ClaudeBells, could you let me know what you mean when you say
  5. demontoad

    demontoad Kapellmeister

    Aug 20, 2015
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    GS is my least favourite, due to tasteless buttons, greedy administration and tons of gear/plugin junkies who won't know junk when it hits them. And they have no ears.
    But it have awesome "Geekslutz" subforum with very knowledgeable people who actually developed all these famous great-sounding gears, digital and analog.
    They're dismal and unwelcome at first, but nice and helpful people in fact.

    Some of those sort can be met in other topics, sparingly.
  6. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Gearslutz and KVR houses too many smartasses with limited knowledge and many of them also have an arrogance & attitude to other people that is way to much for me.
    Whats even more fun is when they argue about something and they is proven to be wrong in their statement.
    They simply want admit it.

    Best to read is when they listen to audio clips and they play "golden ear" and choose a budget device or a free plugin over an expensive ones. Then when the poster to the thread release the answer and they found out they have choosen the "wrong device/plugin" they say something like "Oh i was listen to my speakers on the laptop i will listen to it on my studio monitors to hear it better (my question to them is why did they listen to the laptop monitors?
    (Of course they didnt listen to the laptop monitors they just lied when they found out they didnt have the "golden ear" they thought they have)
    Or the even more stupid one "I just didnt listen carefully enough now that i hear it again (And of course by then they had the answers duh!?) i now hear the expensive ones.

    I only go to KVR for plugin database search..
    GS not so much anymore.

    I also agree on this statement

    There is a bunch of dev:s that release plugins and charge big money for it and many is made with synthmaker/synthedit with STOLEN code from other Vst.
    Its not like they have some coding knowledge "hell even i have made a decent compressor and a synth in less than 48 hours with no knowledge at all i just read a tutorial did some copy/paste thing and made a gui (even the gui have premade designes all a had to do myself was the knobs but that was becuase i wanted my own knobs there was a bunch of ready made but i didnt like them.And then choose the colours for the gui and choose some fonts.)

    They also then as the poster say never answers mail or update the plugin and of course no money back garantuee.

    So dont always blame crack users i can say the same with some hardware developers you pay alot for the product and when you want support they dont answer at all..
    And if the product got damage the only thing you can do is buy a new unit (most dont buy a new product of course instead they never will buy from that company again) because they dont answer your mails or even worse charge so much for the repair job that it is cheaper to buy a second hand unit.
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  7. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    its good for its OSC, good for getting some news, but i think lots of epople there have or use pirated audio software over there.
    just use the positive aspects and ignore the negative ones.
  8. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    'The large majority of people that use ACE warezed version'
    Let me guess: 5 million guys are using Ace, is that right? Or is it 30 millions ?

    Talk about vanity and narcissism...
    Tell us mister U, when is the next time you're going to have beans and broccoli for dinner? Because I want to buy your fresh morning turd: I Want to start saving money right now, because it must cost at least 40'000 euros, and that, before Sotheby’s evaluating it and doubling or tripling the price !

    What a mentality, really. Each day, it reminds me more and more that famous super Mario from Austria...

    ---If you have money problems even to feed yourself, making music shouldn't be a priority---...

    In another words, if you aren't rich, and live in one of the hundreds countries where food is scarce, only a few have a job, if you are poor and your life is miserable , you shouldn't have any dreams, you shouldn't dream of a better life, you shouldn't even dream of having a hobby, one day, like playing an instrument or singing. No, you should only find some food and water, and wait a few decades until you die, without having had any dream, any hope, any future. No, if your life is so miserable you don't have 200 euros to buy a zebra or diva synth, don't hope, don't dream, don't fight, only eat, drink, shit and sleep, and wait for your turn to be buried next a dead dog.

    Can someone please help me finding a proper name for this human thing? Yeah, thing. Thing.

    And the poor people here, if you can't pay the full price for a uhe plug-in, please, stop wanting to learn and make music, and in all cases, don't use a Warez version.ever. instead, just make a ball out of some old dirty socks and paper, and go play some football with other miserable guys like you, near the garbage. Leave the music hobby to those superior, intelligent, honest and rich guys that can afford a 200 euros plug-in. Those are the true artists and humans, that deserve living.
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  9. demontoad

    demontoad Kapellmeister

    Aug 20, 2015
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    I can hear you about KVR and GS. Not many devs on KVR are worth listening to and even less are willing to share their knowledge.
    As for GS, many are just old farts that collecting broken gear with knobs pinned. Their ears are fried long ago from doing commercial bright mixes. But some legends are indeed interesting in listening to and still know how to mix, OTB or ITB. And the stories about 80s!

    BTW I have no interest in Urs and his "modelling" nor his talks.
  10. hfeuhfz7342hf724

    hfeuhfz7342hf724 Noisemaker

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Because there's no freeware stuff to do music with, and every 3rd world musical genious has to use warez, right?
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  11. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    You already proved you belong to a different category and race.
    Because of you, 50 audio members have committed suicide, because they felt too bad about the 3 r2r plug-ins they have used the last week.
    Another 50 members have returned to school, because they felt too ignorant and under educated, when reading your psalms.
    Thanks to your advices, 100 members have now a real pair of balls, they finally grew up.
    200 members replaced their daw by a Playstation, because they were too young to make music and couldn't buy plug-ins.
    SAINT is updating audioz, that will now become a partner of waves, plug-in boutique and refx.
    Catalyst stopped making music, and is now trying to create a new breed, with 1/3 British longhair, 1/3 cheetah and 1/3 sphinx.
    One half of the remaining members are in a church, praying for a better world without wars, less silicone and botox, and more hairy pussies.
    The second half went fishing and hunting, and are now discovering the true powers of the mother nature, and all its different weeds.
    And I, I try to imagine which woman (little sister or cousin don't count) could stand a guy like you, more than one full week, without cutting her veins or jumping off her mother's building (with 15 floors,she will be sure she won't survive). Paying for a woman doesn't count either.

    Just tell us, how many hundreds thousands people did your grandfather send to Poland, by train, between 1939 and 44, to go see the Pope and the nice churches over there( fantastic architecture) ?
  12. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    You sound like a wannabe Nazi-officer now.
    Please make us a favor and stay in your totalitarian KVR "state" where you obviously come from!
    Nobody forces you to read my posts or comments.
  13. Good point that counters Lerkjurk's argument that one needs warez to learn to make music, but it is negated by your condescending and seeming superior attitude towards the aspiration and dreams of 3rd world up and coming creators of music.
  14. filmmaker3d

    filmmaker3d Member

    Nov 6, 2013
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    Warez and the guys who supply us with cracked goods are the best... WHY... well it shouldn't be about stealing software and harming companies, but I think its a great opportunity to evaluate the desired software on deeper grounds. Often DEMO Software is partially locked and lot of parts are not working. SO in my opinion.. if you MAKE MONEY with software you use .. BUY IT and make it legit. Artists these days ..especially all those wannbe :keys: EDM Producers and :grooves:DJs ..use cracked software.. THAT IS POOR.. some make so much money just for plugging in a USB Drive and hitting play..and they cant afford to BUY??? Where is HOMELAND SECURITY??? :guitarhero::headbang:
  15. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    as an owner of Zebra2 and Diva i visit sometimes the u-he forum on KVR about updates , many people do this about updates and database and accidentaly i seen this discussion and your behavior and that you was identified over there as Kookaboo

    and btw the Nazi time are long time over or did you sleep that long
  16. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Yeah, man, and he's not the only one. Plenty of nazi scum-douche bags who think they have the right to come here and disrespect everybody, accuse everybody, tell everybody what to do, etc.

    They bash us, but they aren't better than us : using the anonymity of Internet, to spread nazi propaganda.
    If these little motherfukers were interviewed, they would say they only made 1500 euros with sales, instead of 650'000 euros, because of piracy, to justify their poor products.

    Then, other devs are smarter than that : boz digital, who even had a bad Dropbox link, that would allow people to browse, not only the demos, but the full retails. Their retails don't even have serial numbers. They are selling a 'simple' delay plug-in, for more than 300 euros.
    But they couldn't care less a about Steve, 14yo edm wannabe producer, Jose, a 15yo trap beginner, or mirco, à 18yo young rap lover, who have download a warez version. Because those kids have little to no cash, and would never buy those plug-ins without having a job, and because the devs will be selling those plug-ins to professionals and studios that know how good the plug-ins are, and will easily spend the 200 or 300 euros for the plugs, without them breaking the bank.

    And because those kids are now using those plug-ins instead of different ones, within 3 or 4 years, when they really start wanting to take their hobby to the next level, they will probably be the first to buy those plug-ins they learned to love.

    Shit, is it too hard to understand, for these stupid smelly cunts that come here and aggress everybody?
    If they are so upset and feel so bad about their products and Warez why don't they have the balls to publicly say who they really are and which company they own, so everybody in the world become aware that they are sad and suffering because of the evil pirates?

    Come on, say who you are. Pussies.

    And I'm almost SURE the cloudballs user, with the way he talks and replies, his comments, arguments, and spelling, I feel like he is a famous Berliner developer, a true ACE among all the others devs, who loves goats and ZEBRAS, is interested by bees and HIVES, loves when the interviews are short, and PRESS WORKS quickly and don't take him for a DIVA.
  17. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    i have always found kvr useful esp. for news about software etc.
    i actually like that there is nothing related to warez on there, i just go there for stone-cold info and for that purpose it is fine.
    i come here for everything other.
    i don't understand why there is venom towards it to be honest.
    everyone to their own as they say.
    i have never been attacked ad hominem, i don't think i have ever been patronised to.
    i am guessing the op has had a less than satisfying experience
  18. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    That one has an actual account here, so I doubt it. And there's no reason for name calling.

    Anyway, I think you guys waste your talent here. I think you should be admired in an economical, philosophical, software engineering or political forum. And I hope you sleep better at nights after you've corrected so many wrongs in the world and done your moral duty. It's so hard being amazing and right(eous).
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
  19. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    wouala woualouf

    the answere are simple laughable
  20. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    Not willing to read the whole TL;DR about how piracy is right or wrong.
    I think it's wrong (cause I've been working in IT, and I have been touring a lot and buying records (or software) make a big diff). Just my 2 cents. I know very well that some people use cracks for the try and will buy the products if they use it, I know that some people won't (and they'll usually be the loudest on how their consumers rights aren't respected)

    * Regarding KVR policy as a webforum , Kook said : "your totalitarian KVR "state"".

    I might ask. Where the hell did you see KVR (or ANY other webforum) was democratic ?
    A webforum belong to a few. These are the admins, they give some privileges to others (the moderators) to handle the forum policy. (more or less strictly, because they're cool, because admins like them, because they solve problems, because whatever). Long story made short : as a user, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT ON ANY FORUM. You can't get in touch with any superior authority (above admins) to complain on how "my very cool post was deleted". This is how it work. Complaining about this won't change anything.

    As a user signing up on a forum, you're granted a privilege to write stuffs : this is NOT a right.
    KVR is totalitarian, and that's cool. So is Audiosex. So is any forum/blog/newsgroup/irc/...

    * They disagree, and they shouldn't :

    They have their point of view.
    I'm a left-wing dude. If I come up to some republican webforums, I might get flamed/banned/warned/... for what I think about society and its problem.

    It's the very same here. MANY peoples on KVR are devs and rely on selling their code. Some might be cool with cracks and such. Many won't. There are so many that they wrote in their rules :
    "Users linking to, asking for information about, or blatantly bragging about using, warez, crackz, pirated sample content, re-printing material without permission, etc. will result in your post being edited / deleted, and you may be issued with a warning and / or a ban."
    Using your keyboard, you can talk about this topic, but expect punishment in that case. You were warned.

    You might disagree, but again : you have no obligation to come to this forum in the first place.
    (Good news : as an internet user, you can start a webforum with your very own set of rules if they don't come against hosting countries' law)

    So as a conclusion : Forums have always been some totalitarian devices. Even though you might not feel it. Which is cool : a webforum isn't a nation.
    It's a SHAME (imho), you use the word "totalitarian"... (no matter how non-democratically operated they are) : A webforum isn't a country.
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