KVR Audio Forum - what do you think about it?

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by Kookaboo, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    AMEN BROTHER!!!!!!
  2. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    Don't call someone ignorant, unless you are able to compose a grammatically correct and veritable response...
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  3. @ClaudeBalls concerning Bob Dylan performing performing "Blowing In The Wind" on America's Got Talent... abso fuck'in lutely. The next level up he could then blow the competition away with anything from Blond On Blond or just about any other tune he penned. No problem. Dave Grohl is a great guy and a master artist but may not be on top of his game on this one.
  4. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Nothing hateful to say about these other sites....they can be a useful source of info, fuck the idiots, jerks and fools. Truth is, I don't have much time or desire anymore to cruise all the other sites....seems I'm always spending my online time here! :cheers:
  5. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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    @ClaudeBalls: I understand your issue, but if we want to discuss this subject, please use a correct tone to do it, respecting others opinions and don't falling in the usual "KVR" mood of insulting everyone that supports piracy or talk about it.
    This is not KVR, and we can openly discuss this matter here (for the zillionth time though), so please (you are not new here, and I appreciate every opinion), do it with repect. :drunks:
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  6. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Back to topic: There's some valuable info in the KVR forums that's not available here, sometimes way back from the past when AS didn't yet exist. And yes, KVR members certainly share a slightly different philosophy and it's good to have the choice, isn't it?
    BTW, I like the KVR developer challenges a lot! They have certainly brought up a lot of freeware goodies that might not be available in this quality or at all without it. No matter what you think about KVR awards, for sure they've boosted the creativity of many developers.
    And it's very interesting to see how the masses rate the individual plugins.

    See here for the DC 2014 and make sure you scroll all the way down :wink:
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2015
  7. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Without going into philosophical territory and repeating things, I'll just say that, in the end, it's the individual and their acts that matter. Doing what they think is right (or not). What they WANT (feel comfortable with) and most importantly CAN (practically) do. There are valid points in both sides. So, act for yourself and leave the finger-pointing and moralising aside (I'm not saying you shouldn't share your opinion but the "moral high ground" attitude is irritating). For me, it's better to inspire than condemn.
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  8. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Well you are, that's why I stepped in, so you stop talking about stealing and call it how it is, it's breaking the law nonetheless, but you made whole that moral speech based on some assumptions of what I did tried to say and behind what I stand, nice going, you failed not judging, in fact by the time you called someone thief or asshole, you made a judgment and all your talking is just based on pre-made assumption/judgment, paradox my friend, instead of keeping it calm and using arguments to prove something, so much about that. :unsure:

    I never said that doesn't hurt anyone, you made up whole that case about me and you are too blind to actually see what I did say, but hey, you have all your moral rights to do that, because yeah, I'm already guilty and judged in your head, nice going :thumbsup:

    It's using/enjoying in something, not taking, that's the thing, so whole your theory/rant is based on this sole wrong assumption.

    It doesn't make much sense even now, that's the thing with making comparisons/analogies, you really need to nail it, if I was working as toilet maintenance in place where you need to pay to go in, than someone used service without paying me, than sure.

    Your analogy would be good for some team cracker/warez member tho in some way, but you aren't talking to him or in that context, so that kinda doesn't apply here.

    Seriously, calm down and be respectful, we can talk about it without insults, emotions and assumptions, but based on what we did say and only that, but guess it's easier to get nasty on person case and cast a stone, than have calm intellectual debate and be proven wrong.

    Nonetheless, from horses mouth, I'm not advocating warez or calling people thieves because of it, maybe that is weird to you because one must be on one of two sides and everything is black and white and part of stereotype following same ideology, but sorry to disappoint, I don't approve using someone else work/services without compensation or calling someone names and yet totally uncalled/wrong one.

    Imagine one day instead of sex in public place, guy get's to go on court for rape in public place, yeah, semantics, there was sex involved and it was public place, there was other party involved, but yeah, did she wanted or not, who cares, officer saw what he saw, she was yelling something out loud, this is like that, there wasn't any stealing involved, but hypothetically, let's call it like that, so suddenly yeah, there are thief's and there are people judging other people calling them thief's, not any harm done to anyone at all it's just judgment/words one said, yeah right, tell that to a guy that's going to be prosecuted as rapist, it's start small and there's no major harm in some cases, but it's not always the case if that becomes the norm, so better stopping it when it's small and harmful, until becomes bigger and hurting.

    On what, judging based on assumptions, judging calling people thief's and assholes, just wow...
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2015
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  9. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Is that is this the classroom for how to write the english language correctly?

    Dont you think there is people from other countrys then the english speaking ones in here?
    I guess you dont..

    Without knowing for sure i guess there is more people that dont have english as the native language then there is ones who does have english as a native language in here.
    And as you also should know they may have problem to write and read in that language.
    To bad that the ones who live in a land that have english as native language is not forced to learn another language like most other is forced to do and i can also inform you that many countrys dont teach english to their citizens they have to learn it themselves.

    So why cant he call someone ignorant in a non correctly grammar respone?
    He may be from another country then the ones who have english as native language..
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2015
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  10. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Could it be that we have some KVR-users and software developers writing here? :hillbilly:
    Looks like so... the same arrogant tones! Well, we @ AudioSex do not exclude you,
    like you do on your boards with "inconvenient" people.

    Condemning Piracy and users of cracks does no good. In the opposite, it attracts what
    they try to deny, to make dead. Why shouldn't people have the right to test something
    as they like, before taking the decision to purchase it? Especially people living in the
    "shadow". It's so obvious that the developers are blowing up themselves with established
    people, artists etc. They bath in their pools of fame they use them as flytraps for their purposes.

    I believe some business-models (of the past) should really be dropped,
    to facilitate more genuine approaches and policies.
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  11. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Companies will say that downloading divx and mkv movies is not good. Those who do it are such a bad boys.
    But then, those same companies have absolutely no problem to sell divx and mkv players, and make some extra billions.

    Not everything is black, not everything is white.

    I own Cubase sx 1,2,3, then, I stopped buying it. One day, I found the Warez version of Cubase 5. I tried it, and really loved it, and I bought Cubase 7.
    I bought reason 7 because I could try reason 5 Warez version.

    I bought dune 1 and 2, because I tried the Warez version of dune 1.

    I bought sylenth1 because I discovered the Warez version on audioz.

    I bought synthmaster because I found and tried an old Warez version.

    I bought waldorf largo because I could try the Warez version.

    I have purchased other arpeggiators, reverbs, distortions, other effects, because I discovered them on audioz or other Warez sites. Without the Warez versions, I would have never come across plenty of great stuff.

    So, you have absolutely NO IDEA what you're talking about, and you don't even realize how ridiculous a behavior like yours can look stupid.

    Dozens thousands guys out there have bought their FL studio or ableton live, because they were able to download a Warez version, at 14 or 15 years old, after going to a party with some friends, and deciding they would like to start making some music.
    And a huge % of those kids, have bought a legit daw, and have bought plenty of plug-ins from some poor miserable hungry developers.

    If they were living in 1980-1990, without Internet and Warez, with the smallest and cheapest hardware or synth costing 10 or 15'000 dollars/euros, those guys would have never started making music !

    Just like kids are benefiting from this Internet world, where everything is possible, easy and doable,
    Companies are benefiting from that, the same way. A single guy, at home, can create a soundbank, or a plug-in made with synthedit, and in just a few days, he can have his little business ready, can be making lots of easy sales, which, without Internet, wouldn't be possible.

    How much did cost a DVD movie, by 1998? 30 dollars or euros.

    Today, manufacturing a DVD, probably costs 5 or 10 cts. How much is the industry charging for a DVD, even if they reduced their their costs by 3000%? well, We're still paying 30 euros or dollars for a damn DVD.

    If you are a developer, cloudballs, can you swear here, by your mother, wife and kids health, that you haven't downloaded a Warez version of many plug-ins, that you will install for analysis, inspiration, to copy some features, to see how things were done, how the gui was made, how midi learn is implemented, etc etc . ? Can you swear you are pure as EVE, and you don't have a torrent client installed, or a download client as JDownloader, or a host premium? Are you that pure?
    Let me guess, you also think those genital fluids and drool exchanges between a guy and a girl are disgusting, unhealthy, and should be forbidden. ?

    Devs benefit from Warez exactly the same way as people who download stuff.
    Without all those FL studio tutorials on YouTube, made by young wannabe producers who have used a cracked version, I am sure today, image line wouldn't have sold even HALF of the copies they did.

    How many studios have installed the waves r2r version, before liking it, and buying it later? (Who can afford a 7000$ mercury bundle?)

    How many dozens thousands sylenth1 copies were sold, because of the huge buzz, tutorials, etc, that were made by thousands users who have used a Warez version of the synth, and as a result, every single review or tutorial in the world was using sylenth1, that helped sylenth1 becoming the most popular synth?

    The same with massive, kontakt, etc.

    Therefore, only a guy who got his first piano or flute or guitar, at the age of 4, because the rich daddy is rich, and mom is rich, and he grew up used to having everything, by simply snapping a finger, only a guy that never had to wait and save during 2 years, to be able to buy a TV, or any other product, only a guy that can spend 500 euros per day, if he wants, only a guy like that can react think that way, and think that a guy that installs a Warez app, deserves the same title 'thief' as a guy who steals a house and a car and all the gold and money.

    I would be ashamed of saying such bs. Really.
    But hey, when we have all the money we want, how can we even consider that there might be some guys on the world that don't have at least 100'000 euros on his bank account. How can there be such lovers, such inferior race? How can people even want to survive and live in this world, if they aren't white, strong, and don't belong to a pure race , like aryen ?
    Maybe I should kill myself with shame, because I have download a warez soundbank .
    Can someone give me a shotgun, please.
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  12. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    The Aryan race isn't noble @ all! Pure whites have also their lacks & make mistakes.
    The real CRIMINALS are the banks and their criminal partners and alliances worldwide.
    They are responsible for the greatest injustice, misery and exclusions!
    They are the new masters of a new form of slavery.
  13. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Years back I used KVR a lot. I still get a mail monthly, but rarely uses it these days! I have nothing against KVR, I just dont have much use for it!
  14. Philosphically speaking, how can someone take something if it isn't really there, never possessed in hand, appears magically and then disappears without a trace. Can someone take my imagination and make it their own? Seriously.
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  15. xsze

    xsze Guest

    My point too, like saying "he stole my idea", how, he opened your head and took it and now you don't have it there anymore :unsure:
  16. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Next step: feeling bad and guilty for not buying that plug-in, that the developer calls the best plug-in ever.
    I should feel guilty for not giving my money to that great developer that spent years doing his PhD and has now created the best plug-in ever. Damn,after all his hard work, he deserves we all buy his plug-in.
    Virtually, the dev has done his job, but I don't.
  17. xsze

    xsze Guest

    I'm seeing pattern here, so you don't use warez, so morals doesn't apply to you anymore, you have right to call everyone kids and other names like idiots, assholes, morons and etc, just because they don't agree with you on something, very grown up and moral thing to do, reminds me of "Pharisee and The Publican" story in some way, but anyways, so much about intellectual debate, it's just rant, you come, call people names and judge, leave thinking you have every right to do so, just wow :thumbsup:

    But anyways, intellectual property like virtual plugin can be used and abused, but not stolen, same as anything that doesn't change form or even exist in material world, I mean, your kid is thinking about this right now probably, exploring his steps and everything he encounters.

    So just because I don't agree about this, I must be kid who is using warez and approving all of it, among other name calling here, just wow, so all or nothing, sad stuff, I can't raise an issue about something and just be the guy that is concerned about that, no, I must have hidden agenda, just wow again, like it's not big enough issue all this name calling and wrong labeling, what sad world this is :sad:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2015
  18. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World

    we´ve been waiting for you to teach us "the" awareness of reality ...
    The only place where intellectual property as a valid concept exists is in a delusional mind. So you got business problems, facing a"drought", blaming Warez for it as a grown up man does? No?

    1. Read the rules & respect the rules
    2. Sign up
    3. Say "Hello World" (we`ve got a thread dedicated to it) or better: introduce yourself

    One of many reasons why this is the one of a kind forum: Freedom of speech
    It`s the most outstanding audio community on the web with a clear commitment to humanity. Way more then Warez!
    Coming up with "Dad" as nick whilst referring to us as "kids" ... I suggest you take advantage of the second chance that is given to everybody.
    Ask a moderator to suspend your account and make a new one with a nick name telling something about you.
    I think you could (potentially) profit of it, more then you imagine.
    If not, leave us alone, please.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2015
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  19. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Wish some developer chime in and tell us what he is selling, owning and loosing there, licence to use copy of his plugin or right to his plugin (as code, intellectual property, trademark and etc) and what he is loosing when someone find a way to avoid transaction for licence and agreement, what he will file on court against same and etc, because when we talk about it, we are just warez delusional kids among other name calling, so yeah, let's hear from horses mouth about it.
  20. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    :hillbilly:Sorry but YOU sound like a very vexed ill-mannered teenager!
    You're like many others here thinking that we're all youngsters here, freeloaders, criminals or whatever.
    It's not the case for many of us! We're just interested in data exchange and exchange of knowledge.
    You talk about property!? What IS property really: it is a stupid invention of humans to legitimize
    and perpetuate injustice, theft, oppression, tyranny, exploitation, overcharging, etc.
    Study history and you'll soon find out that Kings & Queens, aristocrats, the holy church and even
    dictators have used terror and theft to get what they thought they needed... to accumulate
    properties of other people! Now you know, if you didn't before.