Sleep Paralysis

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ( . ) ( . ), Sep 14, 2013.

  1. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    I've got a lot of health past-related problems and i must tell you that like 4 months ago when i started working out just because of the sleep problems, ocasionally anxiety attacks and stuff... after each HIIT workout session i felt my mind flushed (in a good way), like all the thoughts were "defragmented" lol. Even though you give your best in the workout and it drains all the sweat from you, on the opposite you'll feel even more energized and "ignited" throughout the whole day and when the sleep time comes.. you'll hit the bed like you're going to marry it.

    less fat = less body toxins. The only healthy fats are the ones you find in fish oil/olive oil such as omega3-6-9 chains.
    Do not expect to throw everything you want at your body and to "keep it 100 baby" all the time. We're a combo of what we eat and how we live physically-wise everyday.

    A good program to follow for "short on time" guys like us are the Focus T25 program by BeachBody(prepare to sweat the sh*t out of ya if you're commited to do it).

    Workouts should be placed between lunch and dinner so the whole nutrients of the food you ate had enough time to get into your blood stream. *Never workout on an empty stomach*

    I'm 23, i'm an ectomorph type of guy but before the 4 months mentioned, i was working out with weights trying to bulk up and eating a lot of junk food, processed food, grandma's random bought foods from the supermarket full of saturated fats, like an avarage of 23-35g per 100g (i wasn't aware of that only just after i noticed my belly curves) and guess what?
    I've gained skinny fat. A nice fluffy tissue around my abdomen which covered my abs. I was so pissed off that.. once i've found out 1.5months ago that i've gained also gastritis and other fucked up problems(chronical related), i decided to follow a medic's advice and changed my diet. Not only for my gastritis or guts, but overall health. I also had the opportunity to learn how to cook and be fully aware of what goes in and out of my body.

    In the morning(everyday): I'm eating natural rye, barley or oats flakes mixed right in white or green tea as a cream-type of thing with 2 teaspoons of brown unrefined cane sugar (to get that so called glucose energy). If you can add one boiled egg next to this serving, scoop half of the yolk out and keep the rest (the whole egg white and the half of yolk).

    For lunch(everyday): Boil 250g of brown rice + 2 carrots + 1 green bellpepper/green paprika, all together + 1 teaspoon of oliveoil added with 5 minutes before the whole mix got boiled properly. Prep some of your favourite salads as well.

    Quick tip: Add some fruits between the meals. Eat less white bread than you usually do as well.

    For Dinner (Monday/Wednesday/Friday): 300g of chicken breast + 2-3 potatoes + sweet corn + carrots + green olives + 3 or 4 cherry tomatoes + some garlic(or half an onion, depending on what you prefer more) 1 spoon of olive oil + 1 or 2 cups of water, everything baked in a tray at med-high temp for like 30-40 minutes. If you can get iodine/preservatives-free salt such as hymalaian or guerande type of salt i'd advice you to use that instead and to add moderately. Sodium safe amounts shouldn't be exceeded even though the food always tastes better with it. I personally sprinkle guerande salt lightly only over the dinner. Lunch is sodium free.

    P.S. the "Monday/Wednesday/Friday" thing relates to the chicken breast addition. It's adviced that meaty foods are best eaten like 3 times a week, max 1kg per total. For the rest of the days cook the same tray recipe but without chicken breast addition. You can replace it with bellpeppers/green paprika if you like such things.

    Since i've started this diet i had also to stop working out due to an inguinal hernia which got worse (but still no swole bump yet) and the pain forced me to stop after every 5-8minutes of HIIT but hey.. i'll fix this up next week through a scheduled laparoscopic surgery. What surprised me the most was that even if i didn't fully workout anymore, i still felt good and i've lost some tummy fat as well, that's because the foods mentioned above are very low in fat amounts, ranging around 1-3g per 100g, max 4,5 but even though, these are not processed/saturated fats.

    And not the last tip, drink tons of water! At least 2,5L/day or more.

    Please people, don't throw attitudes or :wtf: at me because of this big chunk of text. I just tried to help based on my own experiences. :shalom:Thanks!
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2015
  2. Hey Brother Evorax. It is great to see you feeling upbeat and positive, moving forward and expanding.
  3. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    @Catalyst 'a small part' is somewhat understated IMO. You get the privilege of being everyone's go-to :suicide:

    And yeah I wasn't trying to put pressure on you (I'm sure you know that). Just figured there was a chance it got lost in the avalanche of messages.

    I'm gonna need that fist bump smiley :yes:
  4. gigasquid

    gigasquid Noisemaker

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Water Planet
    Sleep paralysis sounds death. And we all know about death - it's when you give up all all your music stuff and physical junk (yes, even that junk)
