I made a thing

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by monochrom3, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. monochrom3

    monochrom3 Ultrasonic

    Jul 3, 2014
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    Hey guys! So I just finished the thing I've been working on for the last couple weeks...
    Idek what genre it is or whatever, basically it emerged from playing around with a couple Serum presets on my Ableton Push. Also it's a reeeeaaaaally quick & dirty master, and there are a couple things about it that I'm not happy with at all. The biggest problems in my eyes are song structure and the way the melodies work/don't work together...

    Anyways, I'd be happy if you gave it a listen and maybe some feedback, I'm always happy about tips & tricks on how to improve :)

  3. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    sounds really nice and clean. As you said, the master isn't that great, and the kick could feel tighter.

    You also lose the kick when the piano melody starts coming in, plus the piano is too loud.

    But the composition is decent, I haven't found much problems with it aside from the fact that the way you introduce the sounds and adjust their prominence could be improved. The effects could also sound much more interesting and better.

    Some elements feel really disjointed, like they don't all go very well together and lack a consistent flow and texture, needs a little saturation and colour. The piano sound doesn't give that hyped 'drop' feeling it seemed like it was intending.

    Overall, it is pretty good but it is still long away from a sound that really hits and satisfies.

    Well done, and keep it up :)
  4. monochrom3

    monochrom3 Ultrasonic

    Jul 3, 2014
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    thanks mate! exactly the kind of feedback I was hoping for. I wasn't really going for a "hyped EDM style" drop, just something funky / disco style and I really wanted to try out a new piano vst :D Getting FX, snare rolls and stuff like that to sit well in the mix is something I'm really struggling with. I guess it's just a lot of experimentation and experience that eventually leads to a well-composed song where all the elements fit together...
  5. focusrite

    focusrite Platinum Record

    Dec 28, 2013
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    This is what you're missing most of all in my opinion. 3d sound, movement.

  6. focusrite

    focusrite Platinum Record

    Dec 28, 2013
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    P.s. This>>>>>

  7. django

    django Member

    Dec 13, 2011
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    Good track. I think it's your mix that needs the most work. 3 tips.

    1. Reset all your channel volumes to 0. Build your mix up from your drums and then most important elements, bass, piano etc...It sounds to me like you've been mixing as you've gone along and lost perspective a bit on whats what.

    2. Leave your track playing and take a walk down the hall outside your studio. Take a listen now, then go and tweak. It's easy to get so lost in details but sometimes this change of perspective and distance from the details enables you to zoom out and hear whats really happening. Get this right and the details, fills, fx etc becomes less important. Get this wrong and you'll be fiddling with the detail forever trying to fix something where the core of the track isn't right.

    3. Bounce your project and play it to someone whose opinions you trust*. You probably don't even need to wait for their feedback, just playing it to them makes you hear it with fresh ears, like you're also hearing it for the first time. When I do this I'll be like, why the fuck is that cowbell going all the way through as the loudest instrument or something that I have totally been oblivious to until then.

    *You've no reason to trust our opinions on here, but I'm sure as soon as you uploaded your track you thought...Pianos too loud.
  8. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Does every song these days have to be soooo predictable? Maybe I'm too hypocritical, but its like heard one, heard em all for me.

    Same.. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM...Crash.. same hats.. same rises, same drops, same filtered bridges, same stabs and chords... Copy > Paste > repeat.

    I know whats coming before it even gets there.

    Sounds fine to me.. but its not much different than a 100 or million other tracks I've heard or will hear.

    With more and more people jumping on the Bedroom producer bandwagon, Unfortunately, I can't see this phenomena slowing down anytime soon.

    Originality, imagination, musicality and true songwriting seems to be in short supply, replaced by template tweaking monotony.

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  9. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    "I made a thing."

    Cool, what did she thound like?
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  10. monochrom3

    monochrom3 Ultrasonic

    Jul 3, 2014
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    Thanks, I appreciate it!

    See, I respect your opinion on this one, but still... come on. You can do better than that.
    I like playing around with whatever comes to my mind, and if it sounds like 100 million other songs to you, then that's probably because I listen to a lot of house / deep house / tech house and was inspired by it. I made this track because I wanted to see if I could create something in that specific genre, not because I wanted to make something entirely different.
    As for the alleged "template tweaking", I have to disappoint you. Never even used a template in my life. I just arrange in a way that sounds "right" to me. I'm aware my arrangement needs lots of improvement.
  11. It is a fantastic example of the genre that inspires you.

    I am not an apologist for One Reason, nor does he need one, but to say he calls it as he sees it is a vast understatement and he seems to ruffle where he deems a good ruffle is certainly in order. His is tough love, but love none the less. He will kick your ass with heart shaped boots on.

    And I do agree with him on his observation about how everything is sounding the same because people just copy instead of push the boundry of their creativity, or maybe just have none to begin with. Be in the first group and make the effort the next song you do, not for my approval or a nod from One Reason, but for yourself and your commitment to use your innate talent in a unique and novel way.

    Peace out
  12. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    IMO your biggest problem is lack of processing, as focusrite said. Everything sounds like it's right off the synth/sample pack. Add some compression, distortion, delays, etc. Things will sound a lot more interesting.

    Keep it up.

    PS. I admire the way you took One Reason's criticism. Good for you - You're a nicer person than I am :)
  13. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    Technically, the drums should be more upfront. Maybe a bit of ducking on the synths/piano would help.
    Artistically, I think you should give each part of the track more time to develop. So you could make a longer track, or reduce the number of phases. I wouldn't mind a longer track, as the theme is great, especially in the intro.
    You have to keep the audience craving... you cooked a good meal, so let them breath it until they can't take it anymore, then serve.
    Keep on. Cheers.
  14. lluisxvi

    lluisxvi Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2015
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    Hi One reason, please review this, made whith my sincerity
  15. monochrom3

    monochrom3 Ultrasonic

    Jul 3, 2014
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    Thanks, lol. I get him in a way. Just listen to the Beatport Top 10 usual suspects...

    Very helpful advice, thanks for your opinion!