Sleep Paralysis

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ( . ) ( . ), Sep 14, 2013.

  1. cripple9

    cripple9 Ultrasonic

    Dec 27, 2012
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    I saw this the other day & it reminded me of this thread. It also made me remember some stuff I didn't want to, lol. Creepy stuff. I feel bad for the horrible things some folks go through.

  2. tidus1990

    tidus1990 Producer

    Aug 23, 2014
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    When i was going through hard times i would get sleep paralysis couple times a week. Now that im more relaxed with a better nutrition and i workout 4-5 times a week its nowhere to be found. Noticed the more stressed out/unhealthy i was the more frequent it happened. I completely hate it because i have to struggle a bit to wake myself up. There is that moment on uncertainty, like you dont know whats gonna happen if you dont wake up.
  3. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Some cases are just simply unlucky, but many times it's just sleep apnea. You can't move, feel like you're being suffocated, only can move your toes or fingers, can't speak, you struggle and always wake up at the last minute. Like Tidus, improve your health and it slowly goes away. The sedentary, poor diet lifestyle will keep it around, unless it's one of those serious cases where you can't rid of it and have to sleep with a special device attached to your face.
  4. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Change Your dealers ASAP guys
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  5. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I'm very sorry to hear that. I also admire your strength to not let a disability get the best of you. I have a disability myself, but it's neurological, not physical. I have what's called Asperger Syndrome. It's rather a disorder than a disability, but I never let it bring me down. Besides, it's so mild and thin that most can barely notice it in me unless they've known me for a long time. But either way, it only sucks if you make it suck. So a disability doesn't always have to be so bad. That's why I chose to write and create music - It's how I make sense of the world around. I now play about 7 different instruments.
    I'm not gonna make this all about me, though, so me aside. If you ever need anything, let me know as well if you want. I'm a genuinely nice guy with a 1st class personality. I'm here as well and at disposal. I may or may not always relate to what it is you speak of, but usually I can.
    Your strength is admirable in many ways. Hats off to you, my dear friend. :hug: :wink: :thumbsup:
    There's a motto that goes like this, "Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you deal with it/react to it." That right there is so true.
  6. lisapower

    lisapower Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    Maybe this can help a bit!

    The Phase

  7. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    i read your story mate and the first thing i thought about was
    Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection and OBEs (out of body experience)

    i'll pitch in from a different angel.

    have a read here :

    have a openmind :D

    hope this helps
  8. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    lel, dis thread iz so old... who is the dumb noob who made this topic? And wtf was he on?
  9. Most of these posts have an organic life of their own and meld many ideas and many times come full circle to their point of origin. And on that note...
    For my entire life or as far back as I remember I have had the kinds of experiences related to in the above video, and I know, not believe that we are not alone as a species. I will relate an experience I had when I was 5 years old. I had gotten a pair of turtle slippers for a Christmas present from an Aunt who lived in Florida and wore them to bed because I didn't want to take them off. I went to bed thinking about "the Christmas Star" that my Father had used in a story explaining to me the birth of Jesus. It was probably the first time that I pondered the night sky. As I was thinking about what I had heard I realized my room was filled with what I thought of as Giraffe People, beings with small head, large eyes and elongated necks. They were speaking in a strange language that I did not understand and it seemed to me that they were having a "cocktail party". I was really afraid and remember trying to make myself invisible by childishly hiding between my pillow and blanket with just enough room to see what was going on. One came towards me and that was the last thing that I remember of that night. The cool thing that puts my mind in a no doubt situation is that when I awoke the next morning one of my slippers was missing and my parents and I never found it, ever. No shit!
  10. Daz

    Daz Guest

    I had that happening to me now and then for a few years, and it really does feel like there is some external force preventing you from moving.......evil :no:
    It is your dream safety switch malfunctioning for whatever reason, what this does is prevent you from acting out what is happening in your dreams, so if you are dreaming you are say in a fight for example, this helps prevent your body doing what is happening in your dreams, this cuts in when you enter deep sleep and cuts off when awakening, but what can happen sometimes when going to sleep it can switch on too early, or switch off too late when waking up ( again for whatever reason I know not what ), so when you are partially awake the safety switch is not shutting off properly, so you are actually paralyzed hence the feeling of something preventing you from moving.
    90% chance that's what it is, I don't know what to do about it though, mine just stopped happening, you might find some info on the net that may be useful, cheers.:wink:
    P.S. The other 10% chance is evil
  11. This thing has been happening to me for as long as I remember. The first time when I was around 7 years old and that first time it happened it really scarred me as I couldn't move. It took me a while to just let it go and wait till I again had control. Fast forward to when in my late 30's I used to meditate for about 2 hours a day and sometimes did an exercise called Yoganidra. It is a deep relaxation meditation done lying down on your back combined with visualizations. However, if I didn't use the visualizations and only used the relaxation part basically to shut off my physical body I was able to duplicate the paralysing phenomenon and remain conscious. After a while I would try to regain control of my body, trying first to move my left pinky finger and then slowly the rest. I always felt incredibly rested afterwards and my health was robust. Then one day I read of a man named Billy Meyer who reportedly was visited by "aliens" where he lived on or near I think on Mount Pilatus in Luzern, Switzerland. He had a grand old time with them and I thought, why not give it a try using his method of patterned sequenced color visualization to invite them to my location. The first day was a practice run as I needed to remember a specific sequence of colors and fill in my field of mind with each on in order. The 2nd day I nailed it. My house was this tiny thing about 12 feet long and 7 feet wide on a peacock farm in Topanga Canyon, California. There were doors on either end of my shack and the foot of my elevated bed one door and at the foot the other. Well, day two found me in a very mellow space, my body totally immobile and my mind serene and having just finished with Herr Meyer's code the door next to my head opened and something came in and started banging into everything that was on the floor and knocking lots of things over in the process. From the sound it was making it seemed to me to be about the size of a raccoon, but even a raccoon could not have turned the knob and opened my door to enter. About 2 or 3 minutes later whatever it was scurried out and closed the door behind it. It took me about 10 minutes or so to be able regain control of my body and jump down off my bed to see the mess it left behind. I was like wow, wtf was that about, but in a bout of youthful exuberance decided to do the same again the next day. Ditto, until the door opened, but this time in walked two of the same kind of aliens that I saw from my last post (the giraffe people). Their heads were level with my lying body and they were speaking in the same strange tongue that I remembered from the first time I encountered them. I was able to look at them eye to eye, actually seeing my reflection of myself om my bed in the black and reflective eyes of the one on the left. Being in a paralysed state at the moment didn't leave me in the best of spirits right then but at the same time didn't feel afraid or threatened, just a bit uncomfortable. About 3 or 4 minutes later they left and the door again shut. About 7 minutes later I was able to move my pinky and soon again regained full bodily control. It was an amazing experience but I chose then and there never to do that meditation and invitation again. True.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2015
  12. cripple9

    cripple9 Ultrasonic

    Dec 27, 2012
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    @tidus1990, @BigDaz, @reliefsan - I'm sure it could very well be caused by some combination of lucid dreaming and chemically induced tranquilization, but I don't think my experiences were related to my health. I haven't had any episodes in years, and it's only happened a couple of times in my adult life. My sleep schedule has been completely eratic for a couple of decades, and I'm definitely not as healthy now compared to my childhood.

    @Davey Jones - My dad has pretty severe sleep apnea and he uses a CPAP machine, but he's never mentioned having sleep paralysis. I used to sleep walk when I was a kid too. I woke up in the woods a few times a couple blocks from my house and had no idea what was going on. It was the middle of the night & I couldn't see anything. Scared the crap outta me. I wasn't paraplegic back then BTW. It would be pretty interesting if I could sleep walk now though, lol.

    @claytonr - :hug:

    @superliquidsunshine - I've only told a handful of people about my weird experiences because most folks look at me like I'm a lunatic, but this is the internet, and it doesn't get much stranger than giraffe people, lol so screw it...

    I encountered a "shadow person" like so many others report during their sleep paralysis. The being I saw was between 4-5' tall and solid black. It was definitely a physical 3D entity, because it knocked some stuff over a few times. Its shape looked a lot like the alien from the Predator movies, but smaller. It seemed to be ETREMELY dense. So much so, that it kinda felt like it had a gravitational pull around it. Kinda like a walking black hole, haha. It was agile & light on its feet though. I used to get so mad about it being there that sometimes I could snap out of the paralysis & try to attack it, lol. Whenever I would be able to move, it would jump out my window. It almost looked like it was floating when it jumped. It definitely didn't like to be seen.

    I also remember waking up leaning out of my bedroom window one night. The window screen was missing (I never did find it). I saw my arm sticking up out of the window & I was waving at something. At that point, I realized I couldn't feel anything & I wasn't in control of my body, just able to observe. Then I started to duck down to bring the rest of my body back inside. While I was coming back in, I saw what I was waving at. It was the typical triangular UFO with 3 white lights on the corners & a red plasma-like glow in the middle. It was probably about the size of half a city block. It was hovering really low, probably within throwing distance. It was really quiet, with a low frequency rumble and hiss. I could feel it more than I could hear it. It was moving very slowly, so it wasn't propelled by wings or blades. It was heading in the direction of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. I lived about 20 minutes south-west of there at the time. Then I took a step back toward my bed & that's all I remember. It's pretty messed up that I was waving at it while observing my arm waving from an outsider's perspective. :wow::woot::wow:

    Reminds me of this Residents song-

    The Talk of Creatures:
    Mumbling weighs upon my mind
    The talk of creatures in my spine
    A contest fought between two souls
    To know which thought that each controls
    They argue deep into the night
    Displaying wrongs, inciting rights
    They sing their songs with unknown tones
    And keep the beat upon my bones

    I had forgotten about all that stuff for a long time until I ran into a guy who grew up in the same neighborhood as me. While we were talking, out of nowhere, I had a flashback of the triangle thing. He had a weird look on his face like it just happened to him too. We ended up sharing our stories, but oddly enough, neither of us recall being involved in each others' experiences. Since then, due to the internet and Coast to Coast AM, I've heard countless other people tell similar stories and describe the same UFO/shadow people.

    Maybe it's something paranormal & maybe it's all just a hallucination, but it sure seemed real at the time.
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  13. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    Thank you for making me aware of this condition. I was never sure what it was. Wish you all peace while you sleep. Prayers going up.
  14. Graf

    Graf Platinum Record

    Jul 6, 2015
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    i used to get it too. as many have mentioned, during a troubled time in life.. no drums.
    now I have drums in my life those bouts are a distant memory
  15. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    It doesn't surprise me to see so much response to this post. Sleep paralysis is much-debated, with various theories aside from it scientific definition of hypnagogia, or hypnagogic fugue.

    I myself wonder about visitation by "shadow people" or demonic entities during these states. Does the state render one susceptible to it, or does it merely open a window onto what's always there but invisible in a normal sleeping or waking state? I had been reading just last night about how that feeling of something on one's chest is a sign of psychic attack by another person.

    I once experienced a form of sleep paralysis in which I could see what was going on around me but not react physically. During a rodent invation of my domicile; I was trying to yell, "FUUUUUUKYEEEEWWWW!" at some rat, but it wouldn't come out my mouth as anything but a muted moan, while the rat peered around back at me, laughing at me..
  16. @stevitch...I think that if one is susceptible to somthing then it follows that something must be there. There are different levels of consiousness. When two people share an experience of what someone else would say is an hallucination or a made up concocted story it is proof and shows to me that the thinģ actuaĺly happeneď. My own experiences with objects in the sky doing things like flying faster than anything I and a friend had even imagined possible in the atmosphere and the object then completing an approximate 90 degrèe tuŕn without slowing down is proof enough for me that these things are here and in the now. I çould.relate other strange goings on that have happened to me but so many would ask me what kind of drugs was I on or through fear and ignorance downplay my and others direct and sometimes verifiable experiences. It can be really be scarry if these kind of things happen to you be it if you are opened to these phenomenon or not.
  17. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    I also have experienced this weirdness. Sleep researchers conclude in most cases, sleep paralysis is simply a sign that your body is not moving smoothly through the stages of sleep. Rarely is sleep paralysis linked to deep underlying psychiatric problems.

    It might surprise you to know as many as four out of every 10 people may have sleep paralysis, so it's much more common than most think.

    Research on a range of psychic phenomena suggests that, in many cases, episodes of sleep paralysis are related to the out-of-body experience (OBE or astral projection) as suggested in other comments. Another oddity is while many feel like the paralysis lasts a long time, research shows these experiences usually last no longer than a few seconds.

    While many of us who have experienced it commonly fear future experiences, the "experts" opinions are this phenomenon is harmless and does not affect one’s health. The most negative effect is the psychological impact from fear that may result from ignorance of the actual processes related to this experience. Understanding the hows and why's can help immensely in dealing with it.

    Most people need no treatment for sleep paralysis. Treating any underlying conditions such as narcolepsy may help if you are anxious or unable to sleep well.

    * Improving sleep habits -- such as making sure you get six to eight hours of sleep each night
    * Using antidepressant medication if it is prescribed to help regulate sleep cycles
    * Treating any mental health problems that may contribute to sleep paralysis
    * Treating any other sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy or leg cramps

    Hope this helps some of you, educating myself has alleviated my own fears and apprehension relating to this phenomenon.

    After's all in your head!! :crazy: :)
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  18. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Yeah? How's that working out for you? :rofl:
    btw check your PMs. I had a question about something that might benfeit our AS friends. Probably got overlooked because it was in a convo that was basically finished, and I know how many PMs you get. Let me know if I should bother.

    crazy that this thread was made so long ago. Tits and I were talking about this like last week. Scary shit - I'm a hardcore skeptic and an atheist. And I'm not entirely convinced that it's 'all in your head'. I think the fact that almost everyone experiences the same hallucinations is suspicious. And when you've experienced it, you know how intense the dread/terror can be.
  19. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Not too well but someone has to make the sacrifice so that people have a place to come where they can get the best tools and information for their musical journeys. It can be quite difficult at times to consolidate with my job and the rest of my life but I do what I can. My favorite part though isn't the information or the tools, it's that somewhere in this crazy world a group of strangers, against all odds, have become a family. That never ceases to amaze me and I'm truly grateful that I've been given the opportunity to be a small part of that. :shalom:

    Yeah I caught your message but didn't have a moment to respond yet because we were having a team meeting about some AudioSex updates and their implementations plus my mailbox is overflowing. Right after I grab a bite, I'll respond. Thanks a lot of the initiative bro, much obliged. [​IMG]

    Really shitty feeling, that's for sure. We're just puppets to our biology so that's an explanation I can offer. Human beings might be different in many ways but the basics of the human experience remain the same, no matter how individual we like to believe we are.
  20. JackO

    JackO Member

    Aug 20, 2015
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    Since no one has mentioned this, I'll add it for your consideration.

    There may be physiological reasons for this phenomenon, but the source may indeed be something evil. Most people don't realize or choose to believe that we are given authority over all evil through the power of Christ Jesus. We don't have the power over evil, but we do have the authority if we choose to use it in Christ's name. So I would suggest, next time this happens to someone, to command it away in the name of Jesus Christ. You must invoke His name and they must obey. If I'm not mistaken, it is not necessary for you to actually believe in Christ for this to work. It is better if you speak it out loud, but if you are unable to speak at the time, you can try thinking it strongly.

    Understand that if you invite this type of phenomenon, through meditation, hypnosis, sin etc, that it may return later. Don't open the door to it through these methods.

    It is not widely reported, but researchers who study the alien abduction phenomenon have stated that invoking the name of Jesus will cause the experience to immediately come to an end.

    Give it a try, it can't hurt. Don't dismiss it out of hand.