$10,000 - $15,000 Budget | What Should I Get for Studio?

Discussion in 'Studio' started by Loop Threat, Aug 18, 2015.

  1. Loop Threat

    Loop Threat Ultrasonic

    Aug 1, 2015
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    Bitwig Calif
    I may be awarded $10,000 - $15,000 in a closing case issue from work (more likely than not). I want to focus these funds on the building of a home studio. With that budget line, what would you recommend as a setup? Although sound is sound my musical focus will be urban music (rap/club). I have my own ideas, just wanted to what others say in case I've missed something.
  3. First things first. Congratulations on winning your case. (1) What are the dimensions of your room and will it be free standing or attached to another building? (2) Kit is the next set of variables, i.e. what do you already own and are happy with and what do you think you need or want. This is exciting and a great opportunity, wow.
  4. n0xin

    n0xin Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2014
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    better focus that on black jack and hookers!

    jk... :rofl:
    you can get really nice stuff with that... but first be patient:excl: start with essentials...
    -room treatment
    -sound card
    -midi controller/keybords

    after that, start buying what you actually use all the time and make best of it! (hardware, samples, VST/VSTi-s, etc...)

    ...and that will be >>MY<< way... :grooves:
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2015
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  5. mewoingtons

    mewoingtons Producer

    Jul 24, 2015
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    I'd grab an analog synth or two if I were you, maybe even a modular rig.
    But a supercomputer first.
  6. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    A strongbox... :drummer::chilling:
  7. monochrom3

    monochrom3 Ultrasonic

    Jul 3, 2014
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    Most definitely! Having a dedicated music production PC can be a big timesaver. Get a nice fast CPU, an SSD for OS / DAWs, and maybe a nice little UAD card :) And if I had that kind of money I'd probably buy a Minimoog :D
  8. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Good PC + VST/VSTi plugins + DAW(s) + Editors + Prestes libraries + Samples + ASIO4ALL latest + other software for audio, drivers like jbridge etc.
    Room Treatment
    Audio/MIDI interface (sound card with good AD/DA converters)
    Hardware Synths (ex., Arturia Minibrute, Waldorf Pulse2, Access Virus TI, Korg MS20 Mini, Moog, Roland, maybe something Vintage) + Drum Machines (Originals)
    Top Headphones
    MIDI keyboard 49 keys and more + MIDI controllers
    maybe UAD-2 Quad
    Microphone + Preamp
    High-Quality wires/commutation
  9. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Stay away from the Nexus2 Bundle and Waves Mercury bundle and you can easily afford what nOxin said with that money, and make infinitely better music. :lmao:
    Get what he suggested, and build upwards from there.
    Maybe even buy an Access Virus TI2. Now THAT is a gorgeous sounding keyboard. :thumbsup: :cool:
    Best of luck, mate! And congratulations. :wink: :boombox:
  10. samsome

    samsome Guest

    go for holidays......try come up with a good song, go and record it at a proper recording studio :D
  11. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Half-a-dozen hookers and the finest coke you can get your hands on :crazy:

    It will make for a great chapter in your book when you finally become famous :rofl:
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2015
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  12. samsome

    samsome Guest

    now we're talking
  13. tidus1990

    tidus1990 Producer

    Aug 23, 2014
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    I would go for 1. Good Computer mac/windows 2. Room Treatment 4. High Quality Sound Card 3. High Quality Studio Monitors 4. Midi Keyboard/Controllers 5. Sofware 6. Analog stuff that you think youll like
  14. mewoingtons

    mewoingtons Producer

    Jul 24, 2015
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    Moog for the win, hell yeah!
  15. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Most important thing is the room treatment, if you are planning on recording singers, with vocal booth.
    Good near fields with sub (EVE, Neumann KH...)
    Decent hardware, sound card (RME that fits your needs), MIDI controller (Roland A-800 Pro) or even Native Instruments Maschine, Mic (Shure Beta 58, Rode NT3 and etc..), cans if you want (AKG K702) and for booth if needed...
    If you are by any chance going to use Logic, than get some refurbished Mac, if not, than build yourself decent PC, don't spend too much here, 1500 max.
    Don't spend fortune on software, buy your DAW, Native Instruments Komplete, than go smart with some really essential bang for the bucks in effects department (look more at developers like Klanghelm and into freebies, really don't get hooked up on software)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2015
  16. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Analog synths are not crucial these days, only if you buy them for personal passion, but that's more of a subjective matter.
    What he essentially needs is more important than that. Take in consideration that the combo between analog synths + strong pc it's kinda irelevant, because analog synths can run on a mid-end computer too. After-all you record them through the inputs of the soundcard. There's not much strain on the CPU rather than just the ultra-low latency needs.


    If i were you, i'd start first with "THE EARS" and the room. If you want your mixes to sound to everyone else the way it sounds to you and also to have fun in the production/mixing process without ears fatigue and also to be able to work accurately even on the low levels protecting your ears, i would buy a really great pair of studio monitors, such as the passive (Yes, passive!) finland-made Amphion One18 http://www.zenproaudio.com/amphion-one18 they're 3000$ a pair + 1300$ the Amp100 dedicated amplifier which they sell it "suitable-ready" for the monitors. Even Marroquin replaced his monitors with some of these. Amphion monitors are new on the market and the people who owns them calls them "the NS10 with a sweet sound". Other people would suggest you "you'd better listen to them yourself in the store", but in that high-end price range.. "taste" is no longer relevant. The "listen yourself in store" is needed when we talk about entry-level / mid-level studio monitors. People even replaced their V2 Barefoots or Genelecs with these babies.

    So kickass Studio Monitors + monitors stands + mopads + room treatment may get you up to a 6000$ cost.
    Add 500$ into an ergonomic chair, because you'll spend a lot of time in the front of your desk and you don't wanna mess with back pain in the next 10 years or less. Also comfort will ease your mind too.

    That's 6500$,

    + a new PC build which you can invest up to 1500$ and you'll have a tighter performance/cost ratio than you would buy a Mac Pro. (now it's up to your taste).

    + 1 ultra-wide LED monitor such as the Asus AH-IPS 29" which is 2560 x 1080 and is really great for daw work, should be around 300-350$.

    + 1 back-up NAT system such as Network Storage Synology DS713+ which is around 600-700$ + 300$ 2 4TB hard drive or so = 1000$

    + 1 UPS battery like the Legrand Niky Tower which is around 250$.

    + 1 good audio interface like the SPL Crimson = 800$

    + some great Neutrik/Vovox/Cordial/Mogami cables for your monitors and microphone = 250$

    + 1 great condenser mic like the Lauten Audio Atlantis FC-387 = 1500$

    + 1 midi keyboard = around 200-300$

    + 1 studio desk (custom or not) which can go up to 800$.

    This is around +/- 12.200$

    If you really can go up to 15.000$ then spend 2000$ on plugins and 800-1000$ keep it for future maintenance.
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  17. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    pretty pricey pc build, care to break down the components ?

    I wanna build a desktop workstation, but beyond an i7 - 4790K, and a quiet corsair fan
    haven't really decided

    was hoping could build something powerful enough for a home set up that would
    hold up for a few years, less than $1000

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2015
  18. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Might I suggest a small donation to your favorite audio community coupled with a purchase of our forum album (only $10 including shipping and comes with approximately 8 unreleased gifts)? For your information, I'm currently reviewing our options and soon we'll have a donation system for anyone that would like to support us. Thanks for your time.:shalom:
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  19. Loop Threat

    Loop Threat Ultrasonic

    Aug 1, 2015
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    Bitwig Calif
    THANKS ALL !!!!

    Thanks all for such outstanding answers...I'm in the process of moving so I don't know what my next 'crib' will look like...most likely a studio apartment or 1 bedroom apartment. I'm still reading the replies and certainly will make notes !!!!
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  20. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    that's an idea whose time has come :wink:

    will you accept paysafecard?
  21. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Well, just wanted to come up with a safe "amount" to cover up the other stuff like keyboard/mouse/silent case/silent fans/etc. :dunno:
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