Waves V9r29 released! 13-08-2015

Discussion in 'Software News' started by mild pump milk, Aug 15, 2015.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Thread updated with an image and two videos for the new Cobalt Saphira. One is an introduction to the plug-in and another contains tips for its use. For anyone interested, the R2R patch doesn't work for this plug-in as someone already tried it and reported back. Thanks for the info mild pump milk, it's much appreciated my friend. :shalom:
    As if it wasn't abundantly clear already, you can't make warez requests here. It's one of the few common sense rules we have and this is not the first time you've been told. I'd give you a warning but I don't think your rating could handle it since it's already taken quite a beating. :knock:
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  2. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    I can confirm this. Interestingly though, while I never got the x64 plugins from v9r27 to work, they are now working using the r29 installer.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2015
  3. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    That was a JOKE(i still remember your warning of linking warez..i never repeat it Cat)..people request for tuts and vsts...how would we request r2r 6mb... or deadmau5 5mb... oh well ..at least one found it funny...And according to my observations all of my negative ratings were like asking question which were too dumb...but I dont have anyone else to ask... Maybe this comment is also DUMB and might get a negative rating again...
    Cat you are still the coolest guy...i am a fan of yours...
    THIS WILL BE MY LAST COMMENT ON AS... i guess pro cannot handle too much dumb questions!!!...
    Sorry for everything...please Delete my account before i got my ip blocked or something..i will be a silent reader from now on!!!.. all the best AS..:like:
  4. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Most of Waves client don't buy the whole stuff. In their website each plugin is well explained, so you can buy only the ones you consider useful for you/your studio.
    R2R have been kind enough to put at our disposal the hole thing so we can chose too.
  5. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    Believe me, you don't have to be a pro to get on well in this place. Keep calm....
  6. BroKill

    BroKill Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Inside Your Mind
    You are wrong!

    R2R patch works good, you have to use the right patch version :bleh:

  7. dj_sonicsound

    dj_sonicsound Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    What version of the patch do i need to use because the one i have doesn't do Cobalt Saphira :(
  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Ask yourself a question: do you honestly think I have the time to figure out whether your comment is a joke or not? Didn't seem like a joke to me and it's better to just omit it to make both of our lives easier. AudioSex is not just for pros, there are plenty of hobbyists here as well and nobody has had any problems with getting information. The questions you're asking generally don't even have to do with music production so it's not as if you asked what are the basic waveforms and someone got snippy with you. There are no dumb questions but people get frustrated when something has been discussed to death for months and someone asks a question on the subject at hand, a good example being the curtailing of R2R releases. There had to have been, at the very least, a dozen threads across two forums where it was mentioned that R2R have stopped releasing with plenty of accompanying discussions. That being said, I did identify some issues with our search and am looking into them so that you can easily find the data you're looking for. Also make use of a search engine to assist you in those cases where you're not getting the results that you're searching for. You don't have to stop posting, just take a step back and try to invest some time in locating answers for yourself. if you really can't find anything then drop me a line and I'll link you.
    I wasn't the one that tested and reported back that it wasn't working, I was just relaying the information that I was told by a few members. Perhaps instead of being so enthusiastic in pointing out that I was wrong, you could actually provide some useful information such as which patch you used. :bleh:
  9. BroKill

    BroKill Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Inside Your Mind

    I'm not so enthusiastic in pointing out that you were wrong, I just replied :bleh:

    Anyway, I used the Patch r9v24

    Instructions :

    Delete your previous installation ( clean everything, registry entries too ).
    Download the offline installer of the lastest Waves bundle.
    Run the installer, select only Mercury, Abbey Road Collection, SSL ( in this way you will get all plugins ) and uncheck the License thing.
    After installation is completed, run the Patch v9r24 by R2R and wait until the job is done.
    Load Waves plugins in your DAW and enjoy!

    Don't forget to thanks R2R for this longeval patch :cool:
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2015
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  10. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    On video games, it's the same good taste.
    One can offer them 2 next-gen consoles with 100 of the best games ever... they will rather buy and play some dumb games with dumb characters, huge eyes, spiky green hair, where they must smash a button 10 times per second, to make him fart. Best game ever.

    After all, r2r quitting might have started with some dumb reasons.
    For those who have worked with, or have hired Asian guys, like Japanese or Chinese, you know how 'wary' they all can be : a guy may have an Asian friend for 15+ years. But if one day, he tells a gentle joke, or a simple sentence that the asian might not fully understand, well, it's over. The guy will now be like an enemy for the Asian guy, he will never talk to him again, and even 5 seconds before dying, the asian guy will not forgive.

    Different cultures, they say...

    I wouldn't be surprised if r2r decided to quit after a simple stupid bet, or simply because 1 or 2 guys have complained about a non-working keygen or a similar sentence, and that sentence was enough to generate so much shame or hate, to the point they would rather disappear.

    That's why all those who believe r2r might do a comeback, anytime soon, get ready for some huge disappointment. If somehow their pride and self-esteem were hit, they will hate the community until the whole team disappears, when they all die at 80.

    Maybe one or 2 members will decide to create another group, and start releasing stuff under a different name. Maybe RYSaS (Release Your Shit and Shutup)
  11. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    the joke was childish and dumb, as you can see i granted you a dumb box for it. i see you really collecting them.

    at least this time they have a good design for the gui.
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  12. p5ych0

    p5ych0 Noisemaker

    Feb 19, 2014
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    I for one greatly appreciate R2R and the other groups who help those of us try these plug-ins and other things before we buy them. I for one buy a lot of plug-ins because of teams like R2R because I get to really try them out and there are some plug that I wouldn't buy because they either didn't do what I like or the plug-in itself just sucked. And there are some I just couldn't afford and they allow me to have those plu-ins.....I'm a hobbyist and make no money, I just create music for myself. For that I am grateful these teams...
  13. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    well grasshopper ..that is some intriguing cultural speculation there...
    never worried about asian guys so much, apparently Japanese guys prefer to stay
    in their room with their various toys and games these days and have virtual girlfriends on their nintendo DS's

    now asian girls, that's quite a different matter
    i think this little image is worth a 1000 fortune cookies.. western girl.jpg
  14. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    what some call speculation, i call truth.
    like when i say mirror posters at audioz make shitloads of cash with their mirrors, and they don't even give back 0.001% of what they make... many will pretend it's not right, and would go as far as swearing by the almighty with a torah on their hands, that NO, it's not true, there aren't mirror posters on audioz, they don't post millions of links, and they don't make truckloads of cash. NO, it's false. it's all speculation.

    i love this kind of speculation. because people think they are smart, and the rest of the world is stupid. so, silently, they hear and read the truth they don't like to hear.

    by the way, with the new wave of extra ads, on audioz, the site is officially impossible to display on a mobile phone, with 4 different web browsers. the ads shrink all the comment divs, that get stuck in the middle of the page, and the page is now 3 km long.
    fortunately, a nice ads proxy will filter and destroy all the ads crap before the page loads. efficient, perfect.
    i'm ok with some well placed ads. but when a website tries to install malware apk's, opens several porn&casino external links, and uses 3 full pages to display huge vertical ads, i call that an awful fucked up ugly job. again, speculation. there are no ads on audioz, no external links, no apk installers.
    i should rename my username, and use Speculator. my 2016 mitzvah will be "i shall worship the holy gods, like a good sheep, lick their ass like a dumbass, and praise their genuine infinite knowledge.

    time of the month ? where is my midol fix ?
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  15. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Of course there are lots of mirror posters on audioz, they are doing it for the good of the community right? ... right ? :snuffy:
  16. Hoggsfeller1

    Hoggsfeller1 Ultrasonic

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Planet Earth
    Woulala, Just saw your post about AZ. I have exactly the same problems with my Samsung Galaxy Tab 3, although my Galaxy 4 phone doesn't! Which proxy ad filter did you find works? I also get a pop up right over the login area asking me to "like" the site on facebook, twitter and Google+. That I do not "like". Lol
    Thanks :)
  17. Hoggsfeller1

    Hoggsfeller1 Ultrasonic

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Planet Earth
    Has anyone tried an R2R patch with v30 yet? If so did it work? Don't want to mess up my 27 as it took a while to get working. W10 pro 64bit local admin.
    Thanx in advance.
  18. Hoggsfeller1

    Hoggsfeller1 Ultrasonic

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Planet Earth
    Did not work for me windows 10 pro 64 bit. Tried everything suggested on AZ. Back to 27 for now:)
    Edit, just reread what you said; "uncheck the license thing". I have not seen that suggestion before. I will try that!
    Thanks for the instruction:)
    update: When I install Waves the licensing app installs automatically, even if the check mark is off. Any idea how stop it from installing in the first place?
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2015
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