AZ Is A Sinking Ship

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by superliquidsunshine, Aug 14, 2015.

  1. Zealious

    Zealious Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2015
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    Only logical and rational conclusion about the existence of anything is, that everything must be Eternal.

    I see what you mean though, but that is a quote that does not actually apply to the reality of things.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2015
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  2. Zealious

    Zealious Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2015
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    I Personally See a Pretty Awesome Future For Audioz.... and Audiosex... this is the first step we are taking as collaborating on all levels as musicians, and music programmers, and there must be mutual understanding of a goal that we all have in mind togerther... Bringing and experiencing awesomeness by Sound and Harmony together... That s what it s all about, and that s what Az and Asex are bringing about.

    So I m really excited,

    Though everytime there is something new someone is about to nag about something, so the naggers can be considered a good thing and proof of something awesome being in progress, because i see mostly people from all walks of music industry collaborating with respect and understanding, so the few naysayers really do only confirm the awesomeness of everything, lol.
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  3. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    AZ became a mirror-fest mess.
    Every day, there is another guy for posting another 300 uploaded links/mirrors, for that fantastic Deutch magazine ,that incredible #478th trap construction kit or that fabulous 1'356th silenth sound bank.
    The guys there don't even have time to eat or shit, because they could be late , and could only be the 2nd or 3rd mirror of the thread, which would be a real tragedy. Not even 10 starving/ill/rage dogs would fight for a piece of meat as strongly as those guys there fight for their mirrors.
    Guys like the FANTASTIC GOUDA@TEAM AIR would return to their grave, if they saw what the audio sharing community has become.
    As I already said, these dozens/hundreds thousands dollars/euros these mirror posters made/make, thanks to the dozens thousands of hours R2R spent on cracking these apps, without them making a single YEN of profit, was the reason #1 why they stopped their releases : they finally got fed up of feeding people for free, people made of 99% of beggars and other guys 'fuck r2r, their new app #645 crashes my cracked daw and the other 1248 vst plug-ins'.

    Mods and admins hate and ignore my comments , because they know it is the truth. When I say mods at AZ are too gentle, and should use the ban hammer 1000 times more often, to avoid all the crap comments, threats, offenses, beggars, etc, they know I'm a right. Yes, a public forum, everybody should be able to join and comment.
    But ARE the advertising displayed from 10 to +50 times, during an average visit on AZ, (1- +5 new threads/releases per hour) WORTH all the crap posted by all the mother fuckers who just want to start wars and insult people, but rarely get banned ? Is that a good price to pay, having more people visiting the site and create more ads revenues, but having those guys destroy the entire forum with their behaviour? Please tell me, I want to know.

    Many of those guys who start wars, are pissed devs, who join in to create havoc and chaos.

    I already offered this, is it hard to admit it could be useful :

    In 3 or 4 days, I could create a list of all IP addresses, from the main websites, download http/FTP addresses, sub forums, cdn, etc, for dozens or hundreds websites/devs of most apps people download and use. It could be useful for blocking /analysing/ following devs, IP address ranges, etc, that connect and post on AZ. Or as a big hosts file. Etc etc. But are some guys too proud for accepting other member's help, if that member doesn't like the same OS, the same apps, and doesn't agree with 100% of what residents say ( a new member says something different : facepalm, a resident says something different, he is a poet, artist, genius, a fantastic person)

    I believe in AZ.
    I want it to go private. I'm OK with paying 100$ for my membership, but
    - I want ONLY 3 officiak mirror posters
    - I want to know how much cash those mirrors are making
    - with the cash made with mirrors, I want people to vote for an app that will be purchased with that cash
    - paid members will get that paid app 2 weeks before a public release
    - some official mods will get some cash for moderate tasks
    - we could go as far as paying a dev to create a new plug-in
    -many other possibilities good for all members

    That way, no more beggars, crap comments, insults, etc.
    Because when its free, not only people take everything as it belongs to them, but they can shit, piss and vomit on other people work, and on people's face. They can do and say everything, because, hey, it's all free.
    When people start paying, even only 1 euro/dollar, there automatically is a sense of commitment. Respect. Pride. And people want to give their best, because it's also 'the bed they are laying in'.

    If nothing is done to make AZ private, it's a matter of months before it implodes. Mirror guys already know it, and they all try to gather as much 'food' as they can, because the ship WILL sink. New guys know about it, and they invade the ship, with their own mirrors, to make some buck, before it joins titanic.

    Tl;Dr go on guys, post your interesting and valuable 'zzZZzZz' comments as a reply, and try to reach the disagree top score. I would be so proud.
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  4. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    I reckon we all need to learn to appreciate the gifts that this sight brings. Yeah there are control freaks from neigh high who are gonna bring you down when all you want to do is get involved, ask newbie type questions, contribute with good intentions or whatever. We are all here for the same reasons. Some members think they are above the common noob because they are in the know and seem to portray an air of superiority and respond to questions in an offhand and brisk manor but these people are in the minority. Yeah things do have to change no doubt but this is still one of the best sights that I know of and I reckon that people have to express their dissatisfaction's and/or disagreements in a mature and civil way at least in order to be taken seriously. This sight seems to be run very efficiently and with the very best intentions as far as I can see from the moderators who run it. This is probably one of the best information/software site that you will find right now anywhere on the net.
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  5. Zealious

    Zealious Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2015
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    Hi there,

    Yeah i totally understand what you are saying, but personally the only thing i got from R2R recently ( honestly ) were the messages in their packets stating " we will stop sharing everything because no one gives us any money and we want to keep things internal "

    And that is the message that comes across to those, like me, who really do not know or understand what had happened with R2R - for whom i have the utmost respect, but the last messages i saw from them was that... " these releases are just a handout before we stop sharing for you all ungrateful bastards who download warez and don t amount to anything " and that was the approach that maybe 90% of people who ever download anything get, is those messages stating " we don t really want to give this stuff for ya ll because we highly mighty beings consider ya ll unworthy "
    Not knowing whom they are talking to or about, we a can only assume they are talking to the downloader themselves... Almost like putting themselves in to the shoes of the software developer whos software they are helping share and spread, being angry that they have cracked something so pure that people should buy instead
    So whatever happened, i understand there must be something, but majority of people really don t know, as not everyone downloads everything from a scene place, so it did come across pretty crazy you know

    But i agree it can be felt, but i still don t understand why take it out on those who compose awesome tracks with their Warez with the utmost respect for their work...

    Many DJ s out there could probably wear R2R shirts only out of respect, but because of having to be politically correct they don t.... and people watch these DJs tutorials over the internet, that helps the Sales of the Software Companies...

    So basically R2R maybe got a bad slice of people to communicate with, because many of those who really respect them, like me personally did not have any kind of contact with them. And i hope they see this, because there are plenty of recording artists out there who owe them a great deal and who also have much respect for what R2R has enabled them to do.. Only they do not say that, on the FutureMusic Interviews out loud, because that would start another discussion about stuff they do not want to get in to.
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  6. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    God! you don't ask for much do you!
  7. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    see what you started superliquid... did you think we would end up here ?? :lmao:

    wow... :wow:

    @wouala woualouf .. gotta hand it to you man, you sir have a way with words, a bard

    If the site starts overtly dabbling in money, doesn't that just invite unwanted scrutiny?
    Maybe a dumb question... :dunno:

    @Zealious good points, the only indications I had were some cryptic comments from
    copylefter, and then in the NFO's , makes me wonder did R2R even give an opportunity
    to resolve things to their satisfaction? there are many people who appreciated their work
    and would have been happy to give something back, but there was no roadmap for it,
    sounds like quite a big misunderstanding to me, with the testosterone laden millenials
    begging and whining for their entitlement plugs, it was only a segment of the usership
    here partcipating in the nonsense.. with most just going along, happy for whatever great
    things showed up ... or so it seemed
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2015
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  8. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    I suppose the cynic in me would say... Supply and demand.

    That said... before there was R2R there was Assign.. before Assign.. well, u get the idea..

    Lets see.

    Meanwhile.. :drummer::guitarhero::headbang:
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  9. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1
    Everything has its pinnacles and its lulls or dips. I think AZ and the scene distribution network is just in a dip. We dont have team or scene releases happening as often, we dont hear from them, and many many many newbies have come in a good portion with high expectations and little regard for others beyond the self. Like they deserve it or like its just a free service that people do because they NEED to. Which is not the case.

    In recent years weve seen some crazy things happen with sites similar (many torrent related). They go down, they go up, they stand still, they make OS's, they close doors, change owners, etc. But you see some of the successful trackers and sites keep things tight. Some things come to mind like and similar closed door sites keep things top notch. They have private access, member referral, proving you have something to offer the community, and then open access to pre-release or just released goods.

    There should be a more direct line between the user and the teams, i think it would open gates for teams to get products easier and for them to get some feedback/info on how their crack works.

    I vote privatize. Close door system, member invites possibly. Just my beliefs.
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  10. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    how would that happen moonbeef? (did you have a previous incarnation?, been a couple years now)

    a donation portal of some kind, and then a wishlist somewhere for the teams to tackle at their discretion?

    I get the feeling no one in those teams really wants to talk to us mere mortals....
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2015
  11. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    AS is becoming great, AZ is dying.
    R2R was the brand of glue that held together AZ and was the same that captured even the flies, just come away from their daily dose of shit.
    To avoid the flies just close the windows (I somehow doubt that somewhere a private site that manages internal sw already exists), but where we find new glue? discuss the quality of releases is a great idea, as rightly says Catalyst, but what we discuss without the releases? of those of the past?
    It 'a petty: the truth is that the real wealth of Audioz were not the releases, but the community that had arisen over time, the camaraderie and the spirit of mutual help among the members most qualified. And please, if somehow will be made a selection, let's find the way to keep away even those who always respond with useless sarcasm and bleak cynicism, believing they demonstrate towards their superior intelligence
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  12. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I think that would wipe out half the site m8... :wink:
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  13. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    Read this suggestion of a member from presonus studio google community:
    "I don't recommend anyone sign up for the following place...members there tend to be harsh and un-supportive...I had to cut them off: hxxxx://"
    We could make some sarcastic or cynical joke, or think about it.
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  14. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    presonus studio google community? are you kidding me?

    those guys are fags.... :chilling:

    ( i keed, i keed )
  15. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    Great, you think they deserve to live? Or do you have some special criteria to valuate who can have an opinion or not?
    The last line of my comment was clearly transparent..........
    If it comes to making selections, it will probably be better for me to be the first to be excluded
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  16. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    It seems that not just R2R it seems that Hex Wars stopped to
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2015
  17. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    They said they wouldn't stop, but working only for internals for us is more or less the same; don't know about HexWars
  18. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    so we really are the biggest jerks in the digital sound recording world? :blues:
  19. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    I would have to disagree with you when you say that AZ is dying!
    Yeah AS is up and running and inventing new ways to communicate with us mortals.
    Cool...that's the way to go. Communication is foremost in keeping this thing alive of course.
    Where would we be without it? However, AZ is nowhere near dying.

    I'll tell you now that Audioz is very much alive and going through the paces, struggles and Reformational changes as is present circumstances. Things will ballance out eventually but as far as saying that AZ is dead!!!!
    No chance! AZ is very much alive.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2015
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  20. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    huh? there are places in the web, where people are that way, here everything is fine, almost MLP atmosphere.

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