Am I the only one who thinks worst DAW's are the most used ones.

Discussion in 'DAW' started by ezbie, Jan 11, 2015.

  1. lluisxvi

    lluisxvi Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2015
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    You are wrong , Cubase and Atari Falcon 16 audio tracks to hard disk. 44.1,16bits
  2. xsze

    xsze Guest

    For resolving MIDI action is "Item:Explode MIDI note rows (pitch) to new items"

    Also insert Megababy before everything in parent channel
    recording MIDI from step sequencer, right click on record icon on channel and choose as shown

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2015
  3. miuro

    miuro Noisemaker

    Dec 15, 2014
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    I tested more daw. Reaper is far away the most efficient (no other daw can open the same number of tracks, vst, vsti with the same machine. min 1:2 => 1:4 max). Mixbus is the best for sound and mix but introduced midi and vsti now, with version 3. Pro tools is very good and it the standard but it is heavy: it needs a machine with 3 or 4 times more horse power than reaper, that sounds also very well because internal mixing is 64 bit like (and before) PT. Studio One also need 2x horse power than reaper, and also samplitude.
  4. jaymo99

    jaymo99 Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    QUOTE="ezbie, post: 107233, member: 16621"]When you want a VST, there's a long path to it.[/QUOTE]

    F11 /select instrument start recording, how much easier can it be?

    As far as GUI goes thats subjective i love the way Cubase looks and its very customisable on what you see and what you don't see. I for one lik e full screens and have a shortcut to go from Recording screen to Mixing screen with a push of a button . once you build your templates its a doddle.

    Last edited: Aug 13, 2015
  5. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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    as Sonar user dunno the other DAWs but in it u can configure(routing is created automagically) any sampler with 3 clicks then can create multi-mapping quite easily with its Drum Map Manager


    has dedicated step-sequencer and dedicated piano roll view for drums (they can work on the same clip)
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2015
  6. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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    Sonar Skylight also looks nice (for me)


    its piano roll working similar way as in FL and also has multi screen-set , and the auto-generated per VST based quick controls in its mixer view (ofc. they can be re-assigned) are quite comfortable

    versus quick controls in Cubase which was always PITA for me,

    the last weak point in Sonar is the
    will be added in the September release (it needs massive inner reworking), then it will be fully EDM compatible :)
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2015
  7. dzoff

    dzoff Newbie

    Dec 26, 2015
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    What kind of sound card do you have?
  8. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    every Daw has its plus and minus points ... I think Probably the Most used DAW's are the ones that have been around the longest and like some of said they have gotten into a rhythm of using them warts and all ... but the fact is we are spoilt for Daw's there are some many out there now in all different shapes and sizes suited to different genres and most importantly peoples pockets

    well a lot more than when I started a long time ago
  9. Einander

    Einander Noisemaker

    Dec 26, 2015
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    I don't think you are wrong. Everyone prefer different DAW and expect different things from it. But when talking full production - Pro Tools (and sometimes even Cubase) do the trick for me and I absolutely love it. Loading time on the other hand, is more a hardware kind of thing. I admit Pro Tools may be slower when loading, but at the end, it can handle ridiculous amount of plugins running at the same time, and the interface is without a doubt best out there.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2015
  10. HPF

    HPF Kapellmeister

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Block 4
    how the worst daw could be the most used ? :dunno: ... it just doesnt make sense. pt's mixer is most close to a classic console and excellent for mixing, tracking and editing, already for a long time - the channel treatment just makes sense, comes with everything essential. as im not into audio but heavily into midi, i personally prefer logic. whats best for you really depends on what you do and your approach to the art. as i started there were only three daws on the market - cubase, logic & protools (+mario paint). at that time the pt hd was mind blowing.
    as long you get what you want without a headache - any daw is great :like:
  11. sexyman

    sexyman Ultrasonic

    Apr 4, 2015
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    i wish protools had all cubase 8 features, chord track midi track resolve. cubase is a head of all daws in features pro tools a head in gui best looking daw
  12. tommyzai

    tommyzai Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2012
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    Ableton Live never clicked with me. I used to like ProTools, but the whole RTAS thing and price forced me to look elsewhere. MuLab, Tracktion, MixBus, and others are worth looking into.
  13. Christian Webster

    Christian Webster Noisemaker

    Aug 10, 2015
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    the most used DAW means more content available, tutorials, templates, etc.. Excellent for beginners and even experienced producers. Everyone loves to argue about which DAW is the best and which producers use what. What DAW you use doesn't matter, it is how you use it....Now there is truth to saying that abelton's stock plugins are better for mixing than fl's and such, but most producers use 3rd party plugins like waves, fabfilter, and izotope for mixing so in the end... DAW doesn't matter... Just more popularity = more helpful content....
  14. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    Industry Standard:
    Yes it is, not because it has something exceptional but because it was the then available DAW and also it gives you the same routing options as of a conventional mixing desk. Engineers find it easy to use/adopt in a studio set up because of their familiarity with the mixing console. That's all.

    the best audio quality ever: Hans Zimmer also said something similar about Cubase and there is a fierce disagreement There is no difference in sound quality. It's all about how You work with the sounds.

    FL Studio was sought as the most non-serious DAW in the circle of raised eyebrows pros in professional studios. But it is one of the most versatile DAW available today ahead in some capabilities as compared to others. Now even many professional composers using it until their work arrives in a studio for mastering (mostly done in PT) which means FL is coming to the stage of acceptance of it's existence. Denial is always easy --- just deny and you are free --- but acceptance is always difficult. That said, I don't use FL studio but I do admire some of it's features. And there is No sound difference but only if you compose a crappy thing which is same for any DAW.
  15. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    Industry Standard: state of the art automation capabilities, routing, surround features, stable decades long proven recording capabilities, own plugins standard to keep everything in control, professional clients in mixing.mastering, recording, production, scoring requiring rigorous testing before stacking up features=Industry Standard.

    the best audio quality ever: Own plugins standard prevents developers making workarounds and screwing things up, allows time stamped automation, ensures that real-time recording and offline bounce are the same. 64-bit floating-point processing, bullet proof PDC and clients in mastering, scoring require best quality ever...
    DAWs are not: you put an audio loop on one channel, export it and null it out...

    DAWs are: you put shit load of things, whole f***ing orchestras and you get what you expect, there should be no margin for error, you put multiple channels together with loads of processing, any small missed flaw in the engine becomes a cancer, that's why Pro Tools is Industry fucking Standard, it can do it, it delivers.
    Never trust null tests, only what you do hear, if you have a disposition to a certain DAW because you think it sounds better, maybe it's the true, follow your ears, not noobs with earbuds in their ears telling you that they null'ed out a loop...

    Comparing Fl Studio, former fruity loops, with Pro Tools which is standard in mastering, recording, huge venue rigs? Martin garrix and avicci typing in tetris melodies don't stand a chance against Professionals in the music production Industry, it was a toy DAW as fruity loops and it still is a complete joke to compare it to professional DAWs.

    Midi: ? James Horner and the f***ing Brian Tyler, so who are martin garix and avicci in the industry compared to these two using Pro Tools for scoring?...... we will need a magnifying glass to see who they are... oh they make millions... millions from millions of empty soulless people with no childhood raised in dysfunctional families, where parents didn't pay attention and let their children grow up in front of a computer... there should be a law prohibiting such a thing, lol, but then again you have a democracy which allows them to vote, lol...

    You have your opinions about super duper capable of "anything you can imagine" Fl Studio and I have my point blank real word observations. You all in general said loads of shit here about Pro Tools, so it's time for a change and some reality check about what is Pro Tools and why it's an industry Standard and not Fl Studio, btw I always hear the opposite, that's that Fl Studio is the most used DAW, and I believe it, we're talking about generations of kids who grow with a computer as their best friend.
    None of the people on facebook are your friends, friends are from whom you can borrow money or something else, lol, that's the real life friends. Have you any? Not asking a question, that's for you to decide...
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  16. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    You r not the only one but u r surely wrong thinking that.
  17. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Junkie XL works in his studio with a setup made of several computers able to run hundreds of instances of Diva. I won't give numbers as I can't find the tweet (was also a cool picture attached). That's when Pro Tools comes in handy, that's why it is industry standard. So yes, a DAW is the worst until is not.
  18. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Yea yeah,let s fight the system, let s use audacity or fruity loops to make great music to show that EVERY ACTUAL RECORD released in the world made with pro tools sucks and that all those people in recording studios are morons who don t understand a fuck and they r so inferior to us who spend our days dissing pro tools on a forum on the internet.And we can do this because we r smart and we use so much better software to achieve the same results that professionals achiev with expensive stuff with expensive outboard that we don t need, because we downloaded every tool we needed and we can choose ,among 200 compressors , the one with a gui that matches our shirllex t-shirt today.Lets show the world that we can dwell in our cars in a parking lot outsidde of a club with the volume all up so all the people who go there can listen to what we did , before they enter the club,and maybe some chick will suck our dick in the car because we r so cool and with our creativity we managed to steal a sample from a famous song,transposed it so we can add some stuff only using the white keys on the master keyboard, but only if we want ,because we don t need academic notes to make great music.All we need is a good sample that we can add a drum loop on,warp the time and add fx,and our software has to allow us to do it in four moves,otherwise it means that it sucks,just like pro tools,and if we need to use a virtual instrument ,we have to show everyone that no pencil tool will suffice to make pro tools user friendly.Fuck manuals, we dont have to need them,we don t have to read, we need something that even Gorky from "life goes on" can use without thinking ,so our mom,Patty Lupone,can sing over it while we create in our bedroom the best selling record ever bought by ourselves on bandcamp,because Majors are corrupted and snob us,and if they gave us a contract , we d have to go in an actual studio and use pro tools.Fuck Majors,Fuck pro tools, fuck the system,let s stay free and keep on making our great music using redarded proof sequencers stuffed with all we could loot from warez sites,so our friends will listen to it and will tell us how good we are and we ll be able to proudly say " I am a musician" when people ask us what our job is.
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  19. jaymo99

    jaymo99 Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Ive said it before and Ill say it again, The best Daw is the one you work with best and can get your head round to do what you want. me personally i can do anything I want in Cubase, Ive tried them all and some to me are idiotic on how the workflow goes. but i keep coming back to Cubase, Yes there are features in other DAW id like to see implemented in Cubase but im not willing to sacrifice all i get in cubase for the ability to side chain audio directly to what ever buss i want like in Logic. but in cubase with Macros and a little set up time in the begging all i need is Ctrl(what ever) and im right where i need to be with most things . Is it the best? it is for me but maybe not for the next guy. use what you feel most comfortable with THAT is the best DAW. there really isn't a worst. its all personal preference IMHO
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  20. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    That sums up a thread of reasonable pros and cons arguments, I guess :chilling: