So, finally got me...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Remedial, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. Remedial

    Remedial Newbie

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Was searching through the lounge and saw that quite a few people have encountered errors when attempting to purchase UL accounts. Well, my purchase failed three times and, on the fourth try, I was informed that using the credit card option is no longer available for me.

    I've read that there is usually a 48 hour hold after this and I should be able to complete my purchase once that is up.

    Now, I don't remember this from previous purchases, but it appears that they now require that you input your birth date.

    So, I just went ahead and entered a random birth date as I don't think that's the kind of information a credit card company provides during their verification process.

    I've never had ANY other online retailer ask for my birth date during a purchase and I surely wasn't going to start providing that kind of information now. It's not like I'm purchasing something that truly requires that level of verification.

    Maybe that was the cause of the error, but, so be it. There's no way I'm giving someone my address, credit card number, phone number AND birth date in order to make a purchase of a subscription service. That's just WAY too much information.

    But, this leads me to another thing: Why are we using an upload service that you have to purchase subscriptions from in order to share, for the most part, illegal gains?

    Either way, has anyone else encountered this issue? And, if I'm wrong about not seeing the birth date before, and it was there, has anyone else entered false information for this section and been successful with their purchase?

    Lastly, I wonder how much longer before these guys on start asking for Social Security numbers. I've always found their business practices kind of sketchy at times. Many times the purchase amount is higher than what the current exchange rates dictate. I've seen purchases on my credit card bill for my subscription come in associated with some weird Chinese company. This birth date thing is the last straw.

    Either way, thanks guys.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2015
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  3. mewoingtons

    mewoingtons Producer

    Jul 24, 2015
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    Wish we could all just use Zippyshare.
    For now though, it's Rapidgator ftw.
  4. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    try real debrid m8, cheaper, reliable, supports , rg and many others ,

    if you want to sign up directly to the site, it accepted paysafe card the last time i subscribed
  5. Remedial

    Remedial Newbie

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Yeah, I've heard a few folks rave about them. What kind of information do they ask for? Hopefully not as much as UL.

    I was considering just getting the paysafe card BUT it appears that the card isn't even available at most of the stores that they claim it to be available at on the website. On the IOS app, most of the reviews are complaining of this issue. I was thinking that it would be something you could find in a major grocery chain, but most of the stores listed are like small, private owned gas stations and computer stores. That's just kind of weird to me.

    I know at one point they used to allow Google Wallet, but, that seems no more. Now they're offering some kind of bank transfer service and bitcoin, both of which are not great options either, with bitcoin's pricing being very volatile and providing your bank information in order to pay for a uploading site is just silly to me...
  6. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    No info I can recall with real-debrid, all they need is a valid email to sign up.

    True about paysafe card, not easy to find their locations
    where the pin is being sold over the counter , truckstops, gas stations, weird but that's where they are found.. :mad:

    about as anonymous as it gets these days, pay cash for it, then just plug in the pin at the site for payment

    they accept bitcoin too if you know how to do that, so far that seems to be more trouble than it's worth for me

    would like to hear if anyone knows the "easier" way to do bitcoin
  7. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    never had such issue with uploaded. I once bought an account with paysafecard and my email-adress and that was all.
    No name, no bithdate, nothing. With my little ammount of uploads I earned enough cents to extend the premium state
    over the last months for free and that's really nice for me.

    If you want to look out for another service, try
    It's way better than zippyshare in my opinion and you can create a free account to upload and download data
    with full speed. Also it's ssl secured - what more do you want?

    MNDSTRM Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2011
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    I wish uploaded still accepted Google Wallet. It gives me an error when trying to use two of my credit cards. So I'm forced to use rapidgator which sucks.
  9. Lyqnn

    Lyqnn Newbie

    Nov 25, 2013
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    don't know why AZ, doesn't support Mega, Supports full speed, no limitation, no waiting, they even have their application, that downloads directly to a chosen folder on your computer, as a free user sometimes, i chose not to download stuff, that i need or i want or i love to try, just to avoid the pain in the ass that comes with these websites, there is some few that i love, but not all uploaders uses them...
  10. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    umm because the uploaders don't get payback from them ?? :wink:
  11. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Been using UL for couple years & never asked for birth date. After your 48 hour error period is over, try using your credit card again using a different device's browser, like another laptop, smart phone, etc. I had that error problem once using same desktop as always & went to my laptop & UL took card no problem! Give it a shot!
  12. Gaiana

    Gaiana Member

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Yep i had the same issue, even with all correct info and birthdate entered, 3 attempts then locked out. I had some reservations as well to give all my info to this rather shifty online service, but well what can you do.

    I was thinking its because i'm currently in a foreign country, so my unusual or different then normal IP might've raised some flags..??
  13. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    4,449 again is giving problem with credit card payments, but is not using google wallet anymore. I wonder how many account we have to create to go on with this hosting...
  14. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    been UL, RG, etc free user, i can wait until my download is finished.
    if i need to download something bigger, i download via all those premium leech services.

    i am not signing up for a premium account.
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  15. d32r

    d32r Member

    Feb 25, 2014
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    You usually need to clear with your CC Issuer. everytime I use a different CC it bounces. I then need to allow the Payment either by admin panel or phone call to the CC Issuer. After this is done, wait 24 hrs and re purchase. works everytime. you only need to do it once per CC Issuer.
  16. thickchez

    thickchez Kapellmeister

    May 13, 2015
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    +1 for Real Debrid. Been using their service for the better half of the past two years and i've had no issues. Yeah they have certain limits for some hosters but it all makes sense. Hopefully soon we'll come across a high speed, completely free hoster but lets be honest, that only seems possible in a perfect world.
  17. Horsemen

    Horsemen Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    MEGA only gives you 50 GB storage

    After that you can not upload anything unless you paid for a premium MEGA account

    50 GB does not last me very long

    I have had uploads that were bigger to 50 GB
  18. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    @Horsemen in the last MEGA also has really bad upload speed, one would need to write a script to automate the account processing and you would lose really fast the overview and sometimes MEGA accounts can be taking down also really quickly.
    i remember as all those big Kontakt stuff how fast the MEGA accounts were melting lol :crazy::deep_facepalm:

    i am fine with uploaded links, but like always, people just cant wait, they want it now and not a bit later ...
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