Upgrading CPU

Discussion in 'PC' started by Mostwest, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. drizz22

    drizz22 Newbie

    Oct 17, 2014
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    You got a Micro-ATX board, the other Board you are showing is (Full) ATX format.
  2. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Thanks so, isn't compatible?? I'm asking it because i want to be sure before buying stuff. I also check info on the case wich is from a Pavilion P6710 but some components where changed by the shop like the mobo, cpu and so on.

    If i have understood in order to get a new mobo i'll need also a new case??
  3. chippy33

    chippy33 Kapellmeister

    Nov 4, 2011
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    Running an i7 4790k 4Ghz on a Gigabyte z97p-D3. I play multiple games, e.g. Team Fortress 2 and Elite. I also run Cubase 8 pro and several asio m-audio cards. It's rock solid and lots of fun. Good luck in your choice of upgrade.
  4. dipje

    dipje Ultrasonic

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Sorry if some things have been answered already, but I don't feel like reading the entire topic now (even if it's two pages).

    DDR3 1333 or DDR3 1600 will not affect performance on an Intel system. Memory bandwidth is simply plenty. But do have a good look at what is actually cheaper, sometimes DDR3 1600 might simply be cheaper because of supply / demand rules.

    I would _not_ go with any kind of old ram modules that are different (like your 3x2 + 1x8 idea). Keep it even. You _need_ (yes, _need_ this _will_ affect performance) to use the same modules and keep it even.

    So use 2x4gb in a kit, or 2x8gb in a kit, but don't go crazy in combining. You're sure to run into timing issues between the various types of modules.
    Heck, even if you buy what you think the same ram a year later, it might be a different revision and will not work with your older on (happens on Corsair ram a lot).

    Buy the ram you want now in a dual-kit (so if you want 8gb go with 2x4) and think about upgrading later down the line.
    I'm mostly recording and not working with samplers and VSTi's, but if you do a lot with loaded sample-kits and stuff I think more ram might be something to consider.

    Buying 1x8 gb now 'upgrading it later' is going to get you into problems. Slight timing mismatches in RAM modules happen quickly and are a b*tch to narrow down if your system is suddenly rebooting.

    Also, I believe the newer Core i7-6xxx Skylake stuff is DDR4 now, so you have to get different RAM for that anyway. If you now take a Core i7-4xxx it's more than fast enough, but DDR3 market may change in the years to come because we are moving ahead (DDR3 has served us now for... 8 years? Maybe even a bit more?). So in 5 years DDR3 may be dirt cheap since no one wants it... or it may be very expensive because it is more rare.. or nothing may change. I don't know.. you don't know. I kinda advise you to buy 16gb now in 2x8gb (DDR3 with a Core i7-4xxx) if you are even thinking about 'upgrading later', you never know what the RAM market is going to do. On the other hand, 2x4gb sits at a very nice price right now and 2x8gb is kinda a leap of more money.. you decide for yourself.

    Cheap motherboards are fine mostly. They get more expensive because of more features you might not need, and fore more overclocking control and stuff which you might not want to go into. So buying a simple motherboard is fine, as long as it has the connectivity you need. Doublecheck this.

    Also, when you have picked a motherboard, it might be a good idea to check their 'supported RAM' list and make sure you buy something of that list. Then you know for sure it has been certified on your board.
    On the flipside, those 'supported RAM lists' may contain only outdated RAM modules and there is a very good chance any ram you buy will work fine.. but I make a habit of playing it safe and try to go for something that is supported, or looks to be supported (or has been reported as working just fine on a forum or review site somewhere). The difference between cheap RAM and expensive brand RAM can be as little as 5 bucks so that is where I don't skimp out. On the certified-ram-list is more important than 'a good brand' btw.

    The only thing I have with motherboard choice: If you buy a very small motherboard, sometimes they don't support high-powered CPUs because they only have the power supply for low-wattage CPUs. To be honest, with Intel this is _seldomly_ so, since eve high powered I7's are low-wattage CPUs in Intel-land. But you never know, doesn't hurt to check.

    Also, do make sure what kind of motherboards fit in your current computer-case, and make sure your current power supply has the required connections for newer CPUs and motherboards (some older power supplies only have a 4-pin connector to go next to your CPU, some boards + CPUs require the newer 8-pin connectors. Once again, most of the time this is OK, since 8-pin connectors are mostly used for overclocking stuff, but _check_ before buying).

    With Skylake (Intel Core i7-6xxx) just being released, there might be good deals on the older 4xxx stuff. Or not because it's now more 'rare'. Check your prices, don't just assume. Core i7-3xxx stuff might be around in stock somewhere. You need a different kind of motherboard than i7-4xxx if my memory is correct, but performance wise they are all 'incredible fast' and a major step up from your i3-5xx. So if you find a good (very) cheap deal on Core i7-3xxx + matching motherboard, do consider it if you're tight on budget. Otherwise, any 4xxx or 6xxx i7 is going to serve you well for years to come (my i7-8xx at 3.3ghz is from your core i3-5xx generation, and is still showing no sign of being out of breath).
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  5. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    I think it will fit! Micro atx (uAtx) and Atx usually fits in the same mobo...
  6. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    I'm not so sure atx will fit. The case looks pretty snug and there doesn't seem to be much space left.

    @dipje: you don't care to read and yet you write as much text as all the other posters combined :rofl:
  7. dipje

    dipje Ultrasonic

    Jan 15, 2014
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    @fraifikmushi: Yeah I type fast so when my mind is on fire I don't hold back :P. He now has all the info he needs in one post though :).
  8. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    thanks @dipje lot of cool informations. I'll try if the ddr3 combo 2+2+2+8 gb and if something go wrong i'll remove all of them and just leave the 8 gb alone. (i think all of them are/will be corsair).

    I use a lot plugins (since i like mixing while producing) and sometimes Kontakt here and there. I think i'm gonna use max 4-5 gb for a project in Studio One, nothing more.

    I find some nice and cheap Mobo Micro-ATX with the 1150 socket support, those will be good for me. I think that ATX mobos will not fit on my HP case.


    i3 550 vs i7 4790k

    I should check the power supply about pin and stuff like that. Thanks for the long and informative thread, it will help me for sure.
  9. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Call me old fashioned, but I would go for the newest technology that is readily available.
  10. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    How do you rate Scan? Has your computer been optimized for music production and is it silent?
  11. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    When it comes to it hardware that's the best way to get the worst bang for the buck.
  12. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    It's not as if we are buying a new computer every other week. As the hardware improves, it's a given that the software will get more hungry. I've yet to own a computer that hasn't run out of horsepower.

    BTW if you were talking about the Xeon and Extreme Edition 8-core range I would agree with you, but Skylake 6700K is a consumer focused mass-market product, so they can't ramp up the price to stupid levels.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2015
  13. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    I was wondering, as you still seem to be getting good use from your current setup, why you are wanting to upgrade now?

    The sad fact is that you cant really upgrade your current setup a little bit as most of the newer generation components wont work with your current setup. You cant really upgrade your cpu cost effectively, you could look for an i7 that would fit on your board but the only new one i saw would cost almost as much as a i7-4790 and buying a second hand cpu is always a gamble.
    Your memory is limited to Max 8GB on 64-bit Operating Systems (from the M/B spec link you posted), so your best bet there is not to buy one 8 GB but a 2x4 GB matched pair and just use these.

    If you decide to upgrade to a new M/B and Cpu, looking at the pic you posted, i would suspect that you will need to replace your power supply for a newer, better one as well.

    I dont know how much space you have in that hp case but i'd also suggest that a larger better case, for improved airflow and fan size would be useful.

    i'm currently running a asus z97, i7-4790 with 16GB in a fractal design r4 case and it runs everything i throw at it, i'm not using 150 tracks with the stuff i do though.
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  14. dipje

    dipje Ultrasonic

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Sigh.. so I basically told you that a lot of stuff doesn't matter, but the few important points are not to mix RAM modules, and always run them in matched pairs. And you go with your 'whole bunch of ram modules' and if it doesn't work you will stick with a single one... Just to be clear: Do what you want, but I really recommend against it. It may seem to work fine but if after 6 months suddenly things start crashing, or with a certain driver upgrade you forget that you botched your RAM setup.
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  15. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    I thought about that, but atleast for now there is no reason to spend so much money on new stuff. I'll do that for sure but not now.
  16. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    I'm not really upgrade at all but just get that little extra power that could help me get most of my works done in the next 2-3 years. I know that could work for me since i did a project with a friends of mine with my i3 than he get a i7 4770k and of course he was able to load the project without problems. I could just buy the i7 and the mobo for 400 € wich seems (atleast for me) a reasonable price compared to the combo i3 + old mobo performance-wise.

    I could just wait to upgrade the ram, or buy 2x4 gb later on. No real need to do it now. For the mobo a M-ATX that should exactly fit in my case like the old mobo.
  17. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Ok guys tons of suggest and replays, thank you all.

    I'm thinking to upgrade in this way, correct me if i'm doing something wrong:

    CPU: i7-4790k for around 340 €

    MoBo: Gigabyte GA-H81M-HD3 M.ATX S.1150 for around 60 €

    RAM: For now sticking with 3x2 gb and then maybe add 8x1 or 2x4. We will see...

    Power supply: WIll my 300 w work?? I found a site that calculate the load wattage. WIch should be 195 W and reccomended 245 W. Of course this isn't 100% right but i wanna hear your opinion too:

  18. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    The motherboard you chose has only 2 ram slots and cannot overclock, its a waste putting the i7-4790k on it. That cpu is not just a little bit of an improvement, its cpu score is about 4 times your current cpu. Theres not much point in getting that and using it with a puny M/B, ram and power supply.

    Dont ever try and go cheap with your power supply either, get the best you can afford, its the heart of your machine, if you overstress it, it can fail or just give you loads of strange errors.
  19. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    You guys seems a little bit obsessed with the overclocking, at the end of the day is just a little bit of extra power. Instead of overclocking i would go with a powerful cpu like Xeon. I think only gamer will really take advantages from a good overclock.
    I don't think that there is too much difference performance-wise between my actuall mobo and this one i linked. If you think that the old one is really better than this one, i'll search for another one for sure. Just let me know.
    For the power supply part i'm aware that things could not work, that's why i asked if it could work or not. Let's say 300w isn't enough, 400w or 500w are enough?
  20. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    How am i obsessed with overclocking? Tell you what, you don't seem to want to take any notice of all the advice you have got from anyone, just do what the fuck you like, i'm out of this thread.
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