Kontakt Starts in purge mode :| Help please ..

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Masoud, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. Masoud

    Masoud Newbie

    Aug 10, 2015
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    Hi guys ..

    I have a project on studio one 3.0.1 and I did a really hard job on it ...
    but recently kontakt starts in purge mode :| .. I don't really know why .. it's make the song run slowly and so annoying...

    This gets strange because some of channels works fine and some not ..

    I use the latest version of kontakt ...
  3. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Not sure if Kontakt 5 has auto purge option on load, don't think it does.
    You could achieve it via script but doubt that the reason it doing so.
    Kontakt 3 used to I think.
    However a few possibilities
    If you purge all samples in each Kontakt instance and resave your project. Then the next time you load Kontakt will load purged.

    Therefore best way check whether it doing it with just say that one project or ALL projects. Try a new project without samples purged, save it & see if it happening still.

    Another possibility is u somehow batch resaved with samples purged so check other libraries etc.

    If it does other things are Possibly DAW related somehow but not sure.
    See if it happens in another DAW if possible? Try it also with all midi controllers disconnected.