AudioSex Music

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by svmiller, Jan 13, 2012.

  1. svmiller

    svmiller Newbie

    Oct 22, 2011
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    Hi there... I was thinking that we could make an album with some tracks of ourselves. I mean some sort of ' compilation'...
    Because we talk about sound&music, but we never did something that represents the forum.
    What do you think? Would it be nice to make some compilations?
    I mean, we could do some kind of contest and the best 16 tracks or so, take part in the compilation.
    Of course, contests by genre...
  3. redback

    redback Newbie

    Aug 12, 2011
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    Just my two cents (obviously) but I see this community as people united by a keen interest in audio software developments and the various efforts made both to protect these developments from unlicensed distribution and, conversely, to remove such protections for the sake of distributing the software to an audience of hobbyists and semi-professionals so that they may use professional-grade tools to learn on and hone their burgeoning craft.

    I like the idea of the 'Audiozine' which has been discussed as it seems relevant to the scene and the things that make this forum unique . . I do think, however, that there's a risk of trying to do much and diluting one's focus and that's what I think an ' compilation' would do. Essentially, I don't think it's music itself which is uniting people here but the unique discussions surrounding the 'scene' that this forum focuses on . . if anything I think an ' compilation' might actually alienate people if their particular music tastes aren't reflected on it . . . and let's be honest; it's not really possible to reflect everyone's musical tastes . . or if it is, it's not easy! If this were a 'Dubstep' forum or another genre forum I'd be like "Hells yeah!", but it's not . . .

    I also think it's important to maintain a degree of separation between one's identity on here and one's potential professional identity . . . I do get surprised and confused when people post links to their soundcloud and facebook sites on here and dox themselves! Maybe it's just my thinking but I do hope to build relationships in the future with developers I admire and who's audio software I buy and use regularly . . . I don't want this potential to be affected negatively by an association with a 'scene' that the developer may strongly dislike or simply misunderstand . . . although, this may not be a concern in Romania like it is here in the west!??

    But yeah, just my initial thoughts . . . I am a grumpy fucker though so don't listen to me too much :thumbsup:
  4. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    I suppose that would only matter if your 'Professional Identity' is Redback.

  5. redback

    redback Newbie

    Aug 12, 2011
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    I guess what I was talking about was someone publicly connecting their Audiosex identity to an aspiring professional identity through the posting of soundcloud and/or facebook links that openly display their real names and/or locations . . .

    Not really worried about legal concerns as I'm pretty much completely legit now (finally) but I do think that some people in the industry would think negatively of me if they knew I frequented this site . . whether it's a fair judgement or not. To be honest I find this community compelling to be a part of regardless of the fact that I think I now own all the software I need to get on with honing my developing craft . . . I guess I just find it interesting here! That may be a hard thing to explain to someone who has a negative attitude towards a site like this . . . especially if that person is an audio software developer! For that reason I'd just prefer to avoid that conversation if possible . . . that's my only thought, and as I said it may not be relevant to a lot of people on here anyway :thumbsup:
  6. redback

    redback Newbie

    Aug 12, 2011
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    On a slightly different topic, S. von Miller made a post the other day about developing a VST filter effect for themselves . . . I thought that was great and in retrospect I would strongly encourage S. von Miller to share their creation with this community once they are finished if they would consider it! I think this kind of idea is much more representative of this community than a musical collection and would show that the community is about more than simply hoarding sample and loop packs and other audioz :thumbsup:

    But I'll shut up now and stop hogging S. von Miller's thread :bow:
  7. redback

    redback Newbie

    Aug 12, 2011
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    I know I said I'd shut up but I just went and had a listen to S.von Miller's stuff on soundcloud and also saw Rolma's stuff there . . . both really cool guys! Nice and phat sounding thanks to those audioz too no doubt :wink: I figure if you guys don't care about those potential issues I mentioned earlier then you should go for it!

    If you're gonna do it though my only suggestion would be to ask Saint if they would start a soundcloud 'group' for it and make maybe S. von Miller and Rolma moderators on that group . . . then anyone can submit tracks to the group from their soundcloud account and the moderators can make sure it doesn't get spammed! A soundcloud widget featuring the tracks could be placed as a sticky on the Audiosex forum and/or elsewhere . . this would allow any 'professional audio lovers' to submit tracks to a collective pool from which you guys could then choose tracks for compilations! These compilations (in different genres as you mentioned) could then be chucked up at the main site I imagine?

    Just another two cents from me . . I promise I'll shut up now :bow:
  8. svmiller

    svmiller Newbie

    Oct 22, 2011
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    @Redback: Yeah, no problem. The thing about the names is understandable, I don't know about other people here, but I don't have an artist name yet, and still I'm not developing a professional career, when time comes I'd pick a name. I'm also proud for (legally) own the tools I use :)
    I will upload the VSTs I make once they're finished...
    Oh, and BTW, thanks for listening my tracks :)
  9. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    I did once post the results of an experimental 10 minute jam session on here through a Soundcloud link. It was only a rough proof of concept idea exploring a new genre, and not an actual composition. I also decided beforehand that the link would only exist for 48 hours.

    However, I would like to think that if I ever released any material commercially, then I would legally purchase all the software involved in making that music. I would then claim that expenditure against income received for tax purposes. People sometimes forget that accounting principles also apply to making music. In fact, if you are successful you will be forced to buy new equipment and software every year or lose the tax benefit :).
  10. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    I think Redback is right on many levels...

    If people want to do a compilation tho i'm certainly not against it...each to there own...but its not for me lol

    also he's right about identities...i have a few releases on a few labels and have started making a name for myself, id never risk that by putting who i really am on here...

  11. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    just like with Audiozine, the idea is great, but guys, seriously... i can't do everything at once :( :sad:
  12. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Yes, Audiozine could be the perfect place for it.
    In fact, whatever we have talked so far it included an artists section.

    Personally I don't mind about identities...I'm very proud of being part of the forum, Audioz etc...
    I don't think it might represent any harm for my career ...
    The one I've got, doesn't care about what I do in my spare time.
    I recommend the site to my friends and they seem to be very happy with it.
    Furthermore the whole thing has a beneficial effect on my creativity so why hide,
    not to mention (video-editing wise), the quantity of professionals an studios using non legal software, a bit hypocritical altogether.