Windows 10 May Share Your Wi-Fi Password with Facebook

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MrAnonymous, Aug 2, 2015.

  1. Revirau

    Revirau Kapellmeister

    Feb 7, 2014
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    It seems to me that the only person you can think about is yourself.
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  2. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    there are some weird stories, about how people were told they did download childporn, the problem is, even you can proof (your proof wont hold, there are strict laws in every country about it) it, you are still on that child porn watch list( this can lead to job problems, to not getting an apartment, etc).

    i just wouldnt use any windows apps and turn off as much as i can.

    but as said, the normal user dont has the knowledge to do so and thats what MS knows. i asked myself, why win10 is free and this was so clear, they planned something like this.
    they dont even need the NSA, the user just hands everything out to MS, even their secrets. information is everything about the people, who are consumers. (apple knew that for a while and also other companies!)
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  3. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    anyway... with all that bullshit, I`d say that this should be the end of Windows as a network platform... what do You guys think?
  4. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Looks like MS is planning a "no - online" OS..... been a lot issiues through the years since they made their very first OS. Win10 looks indeed like a looser!
  5. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    Why i must change name to _optout, make the user who want this shit to _optin.

    This is hard to imagine? Out In Out In, MassiveShit is going to rape everyone in future.
  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    hmm when ubuntu wouldnt have such a stupid GUI aka Unity One and more windows plugins would work over there, i would switch, windows software i can also reverse in a vm (what i already do anyway.).

    i dont feel good about windows on the other hand i consider myself as an advanced user and know how to turn off the stuff MS implemented and avoid windows services.

    anyway i guess the most people will stay with win7. i only switched because i thought my audio performance with ableton and the plugin is maybe better? i am wondering are there any confirmations about that?

    talking BS: just found this here:
  7. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    I'm as relaxed about this as Rhodes, but it's good to know about wifi sense - we'll just be disabling that, right? In any case I think this sort of thing will become redundant when we have free internet and free wifi everywhere - sooner or later 'they' will need us to be connected to 'their' network, if you get my drift.
  8. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    what i did today on my main win8 system, because i don't want win 10 installed on my music pc:

    -gpedit.msc > administration models > windows components > windows store
    and i have activated(not the exact text) "disable all offers to update windows to a new windows version"
    we can check it using the registry, HKLM\software\policies\microsoft\windowsStore --> there should be a key "disableOSUpgrade" set to 1. this windows store key only appears AFTER we change the gpo's.

    - uninstall the windows update KB3035583 , that puts the windows8 machine in "win 10 install-ready"
    -check if the folder exists, if yes, delete it : c:\Windows\System32\GWX

    this should be enough to not even get messages "hey, update for free, blah blah". the system will never check if there are some updates available.

    Regarding the wifi share thing, i have some questions :
    - why the hell would is use facebook ? fuck this huge private-data hoover ! ?

    which makes me think about the next question:
    - why the hell, with today's prices, of external usb drives, usb pens, etc, why the hell would i SAVE FILE AS, on sites like dropbox, and have all my documents, sensitive or not, scanned, analysed, etc (just like gmail scans all the email content), and stored FOREVER on internet, waiting for one big data breach on amazon s3 servers(most big storage websites use amazon infrastructure) ?
    oh wait, the arguments are "keep your data safe, from fire, flood, etc, on our online servers"... because, it's well known, every 3 minutes, 1000 houses are destroyed by fire, in the world...

    and the next question is...
    if i want to share my internet connection, at home, or go somewhere and have his-their internet access,
    well, there is something called WPS. one only need to press a fucking button on the network router, for 2 seconds, and choose "wps" on our laptop, smartphone, tablet, and in a few seconds, internet is OK. don't even need to type those 20+ characters.

    that's why their theory, "to make people lives easier", it's totally absurd. WPS works great, and once connected, the device will remember the wifi network password, for the next time.
    NEVER, would i allow random unknown people, to be able to access my network. even in my imagination, i wouldn't allow that.

    10-15 years ago, people were aware that one should protect all the private data, specially phone numbers, address, etc.
    with facebook, people went wild-mode, by publishing the slightest detail of their life, thinking it's just a wall, for friends to access and read.
    DAMN, every post that is made, it's stored FOREVER. and people have absolutely no problems with publishing their phone data, codes, family names, family photos, private photos, etc.
    one day, 1 billion people will wake up, and realize what they have been publishing, for xx years. but it will be too late.

    even the fucking google-gmail, FORCES US to use our real phone number, for our own "security". having our emails read wasn't enough, they can have billions of phone numbers. what's next ? "ohhh, for your security, to validate your account, you need to send your id card, passport, and water bill, with your real address". what if someone finds my password, and changes all the phone numbers ? anyone has tried it, to see if having a private phone number, can really help us to retrieve our stolen account ?

    and because all these companies REALIZED and KNOW 95% of people will click YES, and leave all the default settings, without reading, they know they can go muuuch further, to grab even more private info from people. people will accept ANYTHING.

    it's just a matter of 2-4 years, before most big apps, like ms office, simply remove the local drives, from the save-as window, and users are forced to store ALL documents on skydrive (of course, ms don't want people to store their photos, videos and docs, on local drives or external drives. no. if they can, they will send users to skydrive, and of course, another little 30euros-year subscription, for having more space, more options, etc. companies, like video games companies, they all dream of a 100% digital world, with tens of subcriptions to access different providers. i think im gonna hate the future.

    just read there were already 68 million win 10 upgrades. i imagine 65 millions have left all the options turned on, like the wifi share.

    of course, people will downvote, and claim facebook is fantastic, and dropbox has saved their lives.

    like the Faraday guy above, who seems to live in a cage.. and thinks all windows users, even 80yo grandmothers, use powershell at breakfast, regedit at 12am, and gpedit, at 7pm.
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  9. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    dude, TL;DR

    1x vote - boring
    1x vote - useless
    1x vote - fukiou
  10. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Have You tried "Mint" ? It is actually the same as Ubuntu, just with a more Windows like GUI.
    (Mate is the old school one... similar to WinXP, and Cinnamon is more modern, Win7 like)
    ...concerning plugins; yes, we are on the same boat :(

    @wouala woualouf:

    You made some good points there, exactly how I feel, except that I gave up Windows after Windows7 and stopped using it for networking after Win95

    Linux has been my choice for the net since around the year 2005... it was hard at the beginning, but now I see no reason why would I use Windows.
  11. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    @Rhodes yes i tried mint, but apart from better working with LaTeX, better python programming, i am pretty much lost there.

    if somebody just find a way to port vst plugin format for linux better, we could use all on linux ... meanwhile i will stay with windows, it served me well over 16 years.
  12. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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  13. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    I remember when windows xp came out there was a comparable fuzz about privacy. It was legitimate, as it is now. Then, xpantispy came and everything was peachy again. Just wait until 10antispy comes out or something like that. You wouldn't want to change right away anyhow.
  14. eskimoz

    eskimoz Member

    Nov 21, 2012
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    I have firewall. <---- :rofl:

    just stop bruv... i'm not a coder dude or some hitec savy.. and i can break a firewall.. so.... :dont:

    sharing pass with faces**t or any other thing is serius.. so i can go with you r pass enter in your network... brute force some things and done... :bleh:
  15. Graf

    Graf Platinum Record

    Jul 6, 2015
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    sweet.. thanks to this thread (and a few sharp thinkers), I spent the day researching latest Linux distros, picked up a 39$ duo core2 at a pawn, downloaded Ubuntu studio with ardour
    so far so good, lol. no Microsoft anywhere on it lol
  16. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    The Nazi would have love to have so much information on ppl, very powerful tool if in wrong hands.
  17. Graf

    Graf Platinum Record

    Jul 6, 2015
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    was looking for a pawn amd though, I know ardour runs almost no latency on amd
  18. OBKenobi

    OBKenobi Producer

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Let me take a wild guess, Mic
    For business, yes, this is unacceptable. I think the backlash will build slowly and MS will be forced to compromise. Hopefully there aren't more than a few million clueless or reckless people updating early. Maybe it will get the same kind of response as Windows 8, which was never able to beat 7 in marketshare. For a company that's having so much trouble selling Windows they sure treat their customers like crap. I think they're being pressured by the government on top of that, to comply with the spying program.
  19. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    To be honest, with the money they have, I think that they are the ones that make pressure on the government(s).
    (of course, no proof, ...just a feeling)
  20. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Every bloody thing i do on my Mac Pro is sent to apple if i dont stop it..
    I installed a firewall and it really suprised me that even if i just MOVE a file say a samplefile from one folder to another folder i immidiatly got a question if i want to send information about that file move to Apple..

    Why does apple wants to know if i move a file from one folder to another?

    So if i havent installed that internet outgoing blocking app (which they call a dangerous app on many Mac sites like Mac World "they are so sold to that shitty company and sectlike movement") i would have never known it was sending info to apple about that filemove like 97% of all apple users dont as they think they safe with apple OSX well there whole life is being watched if they dont block OSX from sending info to apple.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2015