Klanghelm releases: MJUC compressor plugin

Discussion in 'Software News' started by theDingus, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    After almost 2 years of excessive research and development the new Klanghelm compressors are finally released.

    In order to do the diversity of the variable-mu compression topology justice, three different models have been build. These are kind of a time travel though the history of tube compression to capture the essence of each generation. Unlike most original designs, MJUC’s models consist of up to 4 (interacting) variable-mu stages. Each model has its own dedicated signal path and dedicated control set.

    MJUC is the first Klanghelm plugin, that’s built with the help of a new framework. That’s brings a lot of new usability features such as GUI-resizing, AB-ing and a feature-rich platform independent preset browser with save/copy/paste/save-as-default functionality. Furthermore it’s possible to tweak the knob behavior, enable tooltips, show/hide value labels and more. All these features will find their way to the existing Klanghelm plugin as soon as possible.

    Audio Demos Available HERE

    MJUC features:


    Model Mk1 is based on the very early variable-mu* designs from the 50s. Due to its extremely high control voltage it doesn’t impart any audible “thumping”, most other variable-mu* designs suffer from at high GR and fast timing constants. Also it has a very simple signal path, where the compression happens directly in the audio path. The result is a very natural compression character with very little distortion. The arrangement of four(!) variable-mu* stages add to the incredibly dense and thick nature of Mk1. Mk1 is the most colored of MJUC’s models.


    Model Mk2 is built upon the more complex designs of the 175 and 176 from the early 1960s, the all-tube-predecessors of the classic 1176 FET compressor. It offers four ratios, a density switch, that enables a second variable-mu* stage and reduces the program dependence of the attack and recovery timings to a minimum. Furthermore, it lets you activate the interstage transformer to reduce overall noise and distortion and making the compression more accentuated. Compared to Mk1 the second model is less Jazz and more Rock’n’Roll with enhanced generated harmonics and a more forward sounding character.


    Model Mk3 is the least colored and most Hi-Fi-sounding model in MJUC. It is Klanghelm’s modern interpretation of this compression topology. The only design idea derived from another modern famous variable-mu* comp is, that it’s circuitry is done entirely differential, making the unit very quiet and almost distortion-free. But the real special thing about this model is, that the actual compression is done by two different variable-mu* stages, which kind of work against each other, one works feedforward, while the other in a feedback configuration. This results in a attack accentuating, punchy compression, surprisingly closer to a British G type bus comp than to a 670.


    Klanghelm has also released MJUC jr., a mix of Mk1 and Mk2 of its big brother MJUC:
    It’s a variable-mu design with lots of vibe. capable of smooth leveling but also heavy pumping effects. With its two gain stages and interstage transformer simulation it offers a very deep and lively soundstage.

    The three-position timing switch not only controls the attack and release times of the unit, but also the slew rate of the transformers and the timing of the other parts of the circuitry, that are directly influencing the generated harmonics (saturation).

    System Requirements:

    Windows PC
    • Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
    • 32bit or 64bit VST 2.4, VST3 host or RTAS-Host, Pro Tools® 11+ for AAX versions

    Mac OSX
    • OSX 10.6 or higher
    • 32bit or 64bit VST 2.4, VST3, AudioUnit host or RTAS host, Pro Tools® 11+ for AAX versions
    • Intel Mac


    MJUC jr:


    Mac OS

    MJUC for Windows and Mac (VST/AU/RTAS/AAX) is available for purchase for the introductory price of 24 EUR
    MJUC jr. is available for FREE

    More INFO: Klanghelm | MJUC
    | MJUC jr.
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  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Always excited to see what Klanghelm has in store. This is one of those no-brainers where you buy the full version plug-in because it's no doubt gonna be good and it's a steal at the price they'll be asking. Nice to get a freebie in the meantime.

    Dingus check your PMs here immediately. That coupon expires on the 15th (in about 6 hours) and you'll waste 3 months if it does. I've been leaving you breadcrumbs all over the forums so you'll finally check it. :rofl:
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  4. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    If their excessive work is like DC8C (love it)... I am a happy one. *yes*
  5. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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    And for that price is bargain
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  6. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    Got it! A laurel and hardy handshake for your kindness. I somehow missed the breadcrumbs. I will search for them now because I'm hungry.
    Thanks, thanks, thanks! :mates:
  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Really glad that you finally activated it. Would be a shame to miss out on 3 months of downloading mayhem and in my view you've earned it mate. Thanks again for keeping us up to date on the interesting news in the world of audio. :bow:

    Enjoy the coupon from all of us here that appreciate what you do every day. :mates:
  8. fuad

    fuad Producer

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Gotta love quality at these prices. These guys really do everyone such a huge service and much respect to them.
  9. davea

    davea Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2012
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    great review :

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  10. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Bought them yesterday. Worth a lot more than the price Tony asks for these gems.
    Everyone should get their copy.

  11. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Can you expand more on these, impression and all, of course, if you have time :mates:

    Guess I'm gonna work with that hip hop guys after all, was thinking about this bad boy, will MJUC jr. do me or should I pull the trigger on full?

    I would be mainly using it on vocals and probably bus-es, so yeah :bow:
  12. TsanMi

    TsanMi Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    Instant buy!!!Great job!!
  13. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Interested to hear your opinion about it, if you have time? :mates:
  14. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Hi Xsze,
    Yes, well.. MK2 is the most coloured/agressive to my taste, but even though it works wonders on drums and even vocals! MK3 on the mix bus. Once you throw your mix through it you can instantly hear a nice open-ness and it's really flexible tweaking-wise. You can use the extra knobs to brighten/drive your mix more and even the Punch stages makes it more snappy. I use it sparringly though, in conjunction with The Glue. Really love MJUC overall, glad i bought it.

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  15. Index

    Index Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    What an honest man. :thumbsup:

    And only 24€? Can't say no to that deal! Going to buy it during the next few days :wink:
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  16. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Yep got to agree with what written. :yes:

    Have bought all is plugins & got so much respect for this Guy.

    His attitude & way he goes about stuff amazing in my opinion. He also spends a lot of time making sure each product is top notch. Updates them whenever he needs to & always going forward.

    Also gives away some great free stuff. Personally I wish more people would adopt such an attitude.

    No stupid protections etc and not much at all comes close in that price bracket. Have used similar plugs that cost ten times this price that not nearly as useful.

    Like catalyst wrote absolute no-brainers at that price and he also a really helpful guy.

    Top notch guy all round imo that deserves total support in every way :bow:
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