Kontakt Drum Kits into Ableton Drum Racks

Discussion in 'Software' started by Pete, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. Pete

    Pete Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    'ello everyone, hope you've had a good week!

    Right, I REALLY could use your help, I'm sure there's going to be a way of getting this to work, it's just a faff!

    So, I want to put my Kontakt drum kits into Ableton Live drum racks, so I can have named cells and when I'm using the piano roll it'll make writing drum patterns a LOT eaasier, here is my routing plan.

    Drum Rack
    a Cell with an "Instrument Rack" containing Kontakt.
    Then drum racks on each cell as "busses" so for example "Snare Bus" which contains all of the articulations for snare hits
    and within those busses, "External Instruments" routed to respond to the correct MIDI key.

    I've done with with BFD2 and it works perfectly, however with Kontakt (GRRRRR) the issue is that the external instrument only recognises 8 outputs, so if I'm running kontakt with 8 mono outputs and 2 stereo, I can't get the stereo outputs to work to allow panning of overheads/room mics etc.

    Can ANYONE think of a way to get the kontakt drum kits, into a drum rack nicely named and with mostly mono but some stereo outs for panning O/Hs etc.

    Thanks everyone in advance, appreciate any input or suggestions :D

  3. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    It'd be time consuming, but you could just take Kontakt out of the equation. Each pad on the drum rack would contain a Sampler (or group it to Instrument rack if you want macros), program the chain selector to play back different samples at different velocities. I'm not sure if Sampler has a round robin function, but if you want to randomize multiple samples within a velocity range you can probably make a workaround by assigning a random LFO to the selector.

    There isn't much that Ableton's native devices can't do with enough effort and a little creativity. I guess it depends how important this venture is to you. It's a commitment for sure. I personally see library organization as the most crucial preparatory workflow activity
  4. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    it will take ages and i dont see a point in doing it, the drum rack is fantastic to work with.
    and together with impulse ableton delivered a really fast way to create a tool to manipulate drum sample/audio samples.

    i dont think there is a way to do that fast. ableton itself supports nki import, so that you can get the drum samples into a sampler, which works good too i think.

    so you have one sampler with multizones and you are able to manipulate each drum sample individual.

    maybe this helps. it could be that ableton has not updated to K5 nki format. i am not entirely sure on that, they wanted to adress that i read in the beta forum.
  5. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I'm quite sure they won't.
    NI has introduced a new "encrypted" format in K4.2 just for one reason (imho):
    Denying access to .nki files for anything else than Kontakt.
    Remember the little "unnks" utility?
    It allowed owners of a library to extract all samples from an .nks container.
    Even times before K4.2, NI forced the dev to take the utility offline. He posted the letter he received from NI representatives on his site so everybody could see why he stopped development.

    Many other sample manufacturers like Synthogy, Aria, East West, UVI etc do the same.

    They want you to pay good money for their sounds, pay extra for inconvenient dongles, but they also force you to use their stuff exactly in the way they want you to.
    How musically inspiring is that? :snuffy:
  6. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I'm using Kontakt for drums a lot, and I would rather do the mixing and F/X in Kontakt.
    See NI Studio Drummer, AbbeyRoad Drums, Shreddage Drums, Drumdrops etc. - they all include more or less sophisticated drum mixing desks that really work well. And Kontakt has its own mixer you could use too.
    This has another advantage: You keep the drums separate from Ableton Live, so anytime you want to use them standalone or in another DAW, you're free to use Kontakt over there.

    You could still create a drum rack template with "dummy samples" named like the Kontakt mappings and route the MIDI OUT from the drum rack to Kontakt, so you have your names in the piano roll and still use Kontakt as a sound source.
    Name the template exactly like the Kontakt drum lib and later on just select it in the rack.
  7. Pete

    Pete Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    Hey everyone,

    Thanks for all the replies and thoughts, you are all very awesome!

    I can't get the hang of the multi-quote thing but:

    Cav Emp - I completely agree, a well sorted library really helps when you have a good idea, the time spent helps so much when you're getting ideas down :)

    Arctic - That might be something I look into in the future with using the sampler instrument... The NI lock down on .nki files is so stupid though, grr at them.

    Fiction - thanks so much for the dummy sample idea! I'm currently building something now, I don't think it's the most efficient method but it definitely works. I owe you a beer or two mate :)

    Cheers everyone, really appreciate all your help
  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    You hit +Quote on every comment that you want to respond to and then in the lower left corner under the comment text box there will appear an Insert Quote button. When you click it, it will present you with a screen of the quotes that you added. Click the Quote These Messages button and you're off. Then just respond to each one. :wink:
  9. Pete

    Pete Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    Thanks mate! I see it now! :D
  10. Pete

    Pete Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    Best Answer
    Hi everyone, just wanted to update you on this.

    It's going to depend on your Kontakt instrument but I managed to get it working.

    So what you do is:

    Set Kontakt up, you'll probably want 16 mono outs,but it depends on your kit
    Route your drums to outputs as logically as you can

    1) Drum Rack
    2) Kontakt Instrument in any cell, and then group it into an instrument rack
    3) Set the MIDI in note to "All"
    3) Add drum racks for articulations, eg "Snare Bus", "Kick Bus"
    4) Add external instruments for main articulation, eg "Snare Hit" and set the external instrument to send midi and recieve audio from the plug in
    5) For OTHER articulations in the same group, eg. "Snare Roll" set the external instrument the same but turn the gain down to -inf.
    6) Set the midi in and midi out note for each external instrument in the drum rack to it's correct articulation.

    I've attached some screen snaps, hope you can make sense of it. It takes fucking AGES, but it's SOOOO good when it's done.

    Any questions let me know :)

    Pete routing.png